She regretted it. Back then, if she hadn't given the poison to Luo Shi, wouldn't there have been so many troubles?
Li Huang left the Shenxing Department with a livid face, Ling Yuan followed closely behind her, and asked with concern: "Your Highness, what did the witch say?"

Li Huang didn't answer her directly, but went to Tai Hospital instead.

The emperor's poison has been cured, so there is no need for so many imperial physicians guarding the palace, so, except for Yizheng and two other experienced imperial physicians who stayed there on duty, the rest returned to the imperial hospital.

Therefore, when Li Huang arrived, the people from Tai Hospital knelt down on the ground.

"Bring out all the books of imperial physicians in the imperial hospital and his pulse case to Ben Gong."

As soon as this remark came out, the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital were a little confused, and the imperial physician Qi who was kneeling in front asked aloud: "Do you want to see all of them, Your Highness?"

Then this number can be large.

Li Huang frowned, she didn't want to spend a long time here, so she said: "I heard that there was an imperial physician named Feng 20 years ago."

When everyone heard that it was Imperial Physician Feng, the older ones immediately got the impression.

"Your Highness is talking about the Imperial Physician Feng who entered the Imperial Hospital at the young age of 20. I have an impression, so I will go and bring it to Your Highness."

Saying that, the old doctor trotted into the reference room, and came out holding a stack of thick booklets after a short while.

"Your Highness, the above book contains detailed information about Imperial Physician Feng, and the book below is all about his pulse."

Li Huang raised his eyebrows: "Why are there so many? I heard that he didn't stay in the palace for long."

The old imperial physician nodded: "Your Highness, this imperial physician Feng has very good medical skills, and he always likes to study some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, so, in addition to the pulse cases he gave to the ladies in various palaces, here are some summaries of his own experience. We old guys also read it from time to time, which is very useful."

"It's a pity that he said that being an imperial physician in the palace can't give full play to his strengths. He still likes to go to the people to treat more difficult and miscellaneous diseases. He is a rare good doctor who cares for the people."

If these words were placed before listening to Concubine Xu's words, Li Huang might feel a little admiration for this Imperial Physician Feng.

However, she now only finds it ironic.

This is too much a hospital, a place where so many doctors can't squeeze in all their lives, and if someone gets it, will they think that there are not as many cases here as there are private cases?

Since I dislike it, why did I get admitted in the first place?
Li Huang found a place to sit down and read through the booklets one by one.

"Your Highness, take a look slowly, and the officials will not disturb His Highness."

Saying that, those imperial physicians retreated and went to their own business.

Although there are no concubines in the palace, they still need to improve their medical skills and study the solutions to some diseases.

Ling Yuan quietly watched by the side until Li Huang pointed to the pulse case and showed her: "Look here, what can you see?"

When Ling Yuan was called out like this, she couldn't help but bend down, and carefully looked at the record at that place, which was the pulse case Luo Shi suspected.

From the beginning to the delivery, it was only six months.

And the concubines in the harem will ask for the peace pulse regularly, so they won't be given the happy pulse after three months of pregnancy, right?
Thinking of this, Ling Yuan's eyes widened: "Your Highness thinks..."

There is a problem with Luo's pregnancy cycle. If Li Chuchu gave birth in less than a month, why has no one heard of it for so many years?
Moreover, it was such a coincidence that neither the midwife who delivered Luo's birth nor the imperial physician were in the palace anymore.

Li Huang squinted her eyes, she thought of what Concubine Xu said in the Department of Shenxing, and then thought of Li Chuchu's appearance, which was indeed far from their siblings.

As the daughter of the concubine of the Luo family, Luo's appearance is not bad, and when the emperor was young, he was even famous for being a handsome emperor.

How could the appearance of their daughter be so bad?

But thinking about it carefully, Li Chuchu's appearance is indeed not outstanding among the entire family of the Li family.

"Go and confirm whether the Rock's birth was full-term."

Ling Yuan nodded in response, and silently backed out.

If you want to inquire about this kind of matter, you naturally have to ask the servants serving in Zhaoren Palace.

When Ling Yuan came back, Li Huang had basically finished reading.

When leaving the palace, the sky was a little dark.

Thinking that the Luo family was hiding in some corner waiting for an opportunity, Li Huang turned a corner and went to the East Palace again.

At this moment, several courtiers were crowded in the East Palace, on the one hand to inquire about the emperor's dragon body, and on the other hand to report on government affairs.

When Li Huang arrived, the political affairs that the courtiers wanted to discuss were almost finished, and they were stunned when they saw her.

"See the eldest princess."

Li Huang waved his hand, indicating that they don't need to be polite.

These people could also see that she came to the East Palace to discuss something with Li Yuze. Thinking of the emperor who was still lying on the dragon couch, they all said goodbye tactfully.

Li Yuze saw the tiredness in her eyes, and suggested: "Why don't you have dinner in the East Palace? Talk while eating?"

After thinking about it, Li Huang agreed to save trouble.

Soon, the meal was put on the table, and the brother and sister sat down facing each other.

The meals on the table are extremely light, retaining the freshness of the original ingredients to the greatest extent.

Li Huang just glanced at it lightly, then stuffed a mouthful of rice into his mouth, ready to talk about business.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuze suddenly and enthusiastically picked up a chopstick to steam fish for her: "Repay this, I remember you loved this dish the most when you were young."

The expression on Li Huang's face suddenly faded.

She looked at him and corrected: "Li Chuchu likes it, not me."

In the past, as long as there was a dinner with Li Chuchu, which dish was not served according to her taste?

As an elder sister, she just didn't make any proposals, so she likes it too?

Li Yuze froze in the air with his chopsticks holding the fish. He raised his eyes and met her cold and distant eyes, and his heart suddenly throbbed.

He made a mistake?
So he turned his chopsticks and grabbed another plate of steamed short ribs: "Then eat this, the meat is fresh but not greasy, you must like this."

Li Huang was a little annoyed at his behavior of forcing himself to be courteous even though he was clearly not good at it.

"His Royal Highness, I'm here today to discuss business with you, let's make a long story short."

The reason why she agreed to stay here for dinner today was just to save some time, to finish what she had to say, to fill her stomach by the way, and to rest directly after returning home.

Unexpectedly, it was just the beginning, and she couldn't eat anymore.

She put down the bowls and chopsticks: "I've examined Concubine Xu."

She briefly told him what she knew, and told him to strengthen the defense of the palace wall before leaving.

Li Yuze looked at the table full of dishes, hiding his disappointment: "You..."

Li Huang glanced at the bland and uninteresting dishes on the table: "It's getting late, my sister will take my leave."

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