The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 236 You Learn the Original Chapter 1

It's true that he didn't even get a daughter-in-law, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand women's minds.

Mo Jingzhan ignored him and continued to stare at the dagger in his hand. This dagger was one size smaller than ordinary daggers, and a rare pink gemstone was embedded in the handle.

Xiao Yunlan also stared at the dagger strangely, where did the young master get such a pinky little dagger?
However, none of this matters.

The important thing is that he is almost out of breath by the air pressure now, should he find a reason to escape?
Just as his mind was running fast, the master finally spoke.

He turned to look at Xiao Yunlan: "After a girl had a nightmare, she suddenly distanced herself from you. Why?"

Xiao Yunlan was taken aback by his question, and then asked: "His Royal Highness the Princess, did you ignore you because of a dream?"

This is too outrageous, right?

Look at that person, it doesn't look like this kind of person.

Xiao Yunlan's eyes of gossip fixed on Mo Jingzhan.

Mo Jingzhan's cold eyes sank, and he couldn't hear the slightest displeasure in his tone: "What's the matter? See the joke of my son?"

Xiao Yunlan shuddered, shaking his head and waving his hands again and again: "No, no, no, my subordinates dare not."

He almost forgot that not everyone can read the gossip of the person in front of him.

In order to save his own life, he quickly corrected his attitude, and said solemnly: "This is probably because His Highness the Eldest Princess dreamed that the Young Master did something unforgivable to her."

"However, young master, it's just a dream. Don't you have a good relationship? You won't be left out because of a dream, right?"

After finishing the latter sentence, he immediately regretted it, because Mo Jingzhan's face immediately sank.

For a moment, Xiao Yunlan seemed to see murderous intent in his eyes.

"Next time, if you dare to say a bad word about her, just make yourself dumb."

"Also, within two hours, hurry up and let me find out that scourge of Li Chuchu, otherwise, you don't have to stay in the capital."

With that said, he got up and walked out.

Xiao Yunlan's eyes widened. Is this to drive him back to Sanzhou?
How does this work!
Moreover, the court searched for so many days and failed to find the person, and asked him to find him within two hours, isn't it a mess?
Seeing the direction in which Mo Jingzhan disappeared, he slapped himself without hesitation, making you talk too much!
On the other side, Li Huang brought Ling Yuan to Zuo's racecourse, and the March breeze blew on her face, which relieved her depressed mood for many days.

"Miss Zuo, I didn't expect there to be such a big horse farm in your house."

After Li Huang rode his horse and galloped around, he and Zuo Qing drove side by side, looking at the green grass, he could only feel the fresh smell of green grass in the air.

"Your Highness laughed. Although Zuo's family is a civil servant, my elder brother likes riding and shooting. This racecourse was only obtained from a big family last year. He has brought his classmates to visit several times, my daughter-in-law. I haven't been here once, just want to invite a few acquaintances to come and play."

"Did your Highness see that hill? I heard that the former owner of the racecourse raised a few deer and planted a lot of precious herbs and flowers. If your Highness likes something, just ask."

After the words fell, she swung her horse and whipped her whip, and ran towards the foot of the mountain quickly.

At this moment, the noble lady who engraved etiquette and etiquette in her bones at that moment actually had a bit of chivalrous demeanor.

Li Huang had never seen Zuo Qing like this before, so he immediately chased after him.

Some noble ladies don't know how to ride a horse, so they came a little late, so they just caught up with the lunch time.

Seven or eight girls got together, and they were reserved at first, but soon they let themselves go.

"I heard that the Zuo family has deer. Is there venison for lunch?"

"Not only venison, but also the pheasant that His Highness personally killed. In addition, the wine brewed with mountain spring water is also indispensable."

Zuo Qing waved his hand, and said without hesitation: "There are, there are, there are, and people have already prepared them."

Several people were laughing and walking around the house.

Li Huang was not familiar with these girls on weekdays, walking by alone seemed a bit lonely.

She has a noble status, and others dare not approach her casually, for fear of being said to be flattering.

However, those who can get into Zuo Qingyan's character and behavior can't be bad, seeing that she didn't speak, someone took the initiative to speak and drag Li Huang into the chat team.

"Your Highness, why did you give the dagger inlaid with pink gemstones that you got when you were seven years old? Could it be that you have ordered Mo Shizi since then?"

Following this question, the other people were also aroused, and they all looked at Li Huang curiously.

Li Huang blinked, looking confused, what dagger?
Why can't she remember?

Seeing her appearance, the noble lady knew that she had no impression, so she couldn't help reminding: "It was when the Persian country came to pay tribute at the palace banquet on New Year's Eve, they brought their eight-year-old little prince with them. One year, Wang An's family was also in the capital."

"The little prince saw that Mo Shizi was good-looking, so he wanted to pester him, but in the end, your Highness whipped him all over the floor, and even snatched the dagger he was carrying..."

Li Huang: "..."

Her eyes widened, as if... as if... there was something vaguely going on.

The other noble daughters didn't seem to have witnessed this scene with their own eyes, so someone asked: "And then?"

The noble girl glanced at Li Huang, and continued: "Then, His Highness gave the dagger to Mo Shizi, and also threatened to want Dayuan's treasure, but not to those who bully you..."

Everyone: "..."

Seven or eight noble ladies, with more than a dozen eyes, all looked at Li Huang in unison, with stars shining in their eyes.

I didn't expect Her Royal Highness to be so domineering since she was a child.

Li Huang: "!!!"

She had no memory of it at all!
She turned her eyes to look at Ling Yuan in confusion, Ling Yuan thought about it carefully, scratched her head and said: "Your Highness, it was Ah Yuan who served at the palace banquet that year."

Although both she and A Yuan are personal maids beside the princess, her duty is to protect the safety of the princess, while A Yuan is in charge of her food and daily life.

At that time, she was still not proficient in martial arts, and she was not as good at learning the rules as Ah Yuan, so His Majesty refused to let her follow.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that since the marriage was bestowed by the imperial decree, Ah Yuan has never had any doubts about this marriage. I dare say that she thinks it should be so.

Ling Yuan: "..."

Li Huang looked skeptical: "I really said that? You learn the original words."

The noble girl was sure that Li Huang really didn't remember, so she learned about the situation back then.

She has a very good memory, not only learned the demeanor vividly, but even the dialogue at that time was verbatim.

"At that time, Your Highness, you led all our young masters and ladies to visit the Imperial Garden, and Prince Mo was sitting by the edge of Taihu Lake..."

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