Following the noble lady's description, Li Huang vaguely recalled some pictures in his mind.

In order to entertain the guests who came from afar, Li Huang led a group of aristocratic princes and ladies who were about the same age, and took the little Persian prince to visit the imperial garden, and met Mo Jingzhan who was squatting on the edge of Taihu Lake to watch fish.

Because Mo Jingzhan is so good-looking, and the little Persian prince obviously mistook him for a girl, so he ran over.

He reached out his hand towards Mo Jingzhan speaking in Dayuan dialect which was not fluent, "This little cutie, which family do you belong to? I want to make friends with you."

However, Mo Jingzhan gave him a cool look, got up and left.

The little Persian prince was stunned for a moment, obviously he had never encountered such a situation before, so he immediately chased after him.

He stretched out his hand to pull Mo Jingzhan's hand, but Mo Jingzhan dodged it. How has the dignified little Persian prince ever been so angry?

He immediately pointed at him and shouted at Li Huang: "Princess Dayuan, your servants of Dayuan are so rude."

Although he was only eight years old, before coming to Dayuan, his father had told him a lot about Dayuan's dressing rules, and what Mo Jingzhan was wearing was obviously not the prince's clothes.

The New Year's Eve palace banquet, those who can be in this palace are either the prince or the minister's children who were invited to the banquet.

How could a mere courtier dare to be so rude?

Li Huang frowned, she also didn't like the unreasonable pestering of the little Persian prince, but the emperor said that he was a guest from afar, so he couldn't lose Da Yuan's face.

So she asked, "Prince of Persia, isn't it enough for so many of us to accompany you to visit the garden?"

But the little Persian prince pointed at Mo Jingzhan persistently: "But this prince likes her, she looks so good-looking, I will tell His Majesty Dayuan in a while, and I want to bring him back to Persia, you guys As much money as Yuan wants, we in Persia have it.”

Li Huang's temper tantrum, Dang even couldn't bear it anymore.

She pulled out the small whip around her waist, and approached the little prince of Persia step by step: "It seems that the little prince of Persia doesn't understand the rules of our Dayuan. Send them to another country!"

After saying that, she whipped her whip towards the little prince of Persia.

The little Persian prince was terrified, he obviously didn't expect Li Huang to do it right away, he was a guest.

And he is a distinguished guest!

However, Li Huang, who was young at that time, didn't think about these things at all, she only knew that this little Persian prince actually wanted to bully the people of Dayuan in their palace of Dayuan, it was simply abhorrent.

So, the whip hit the little Persian prince firmly on the foot, causing him to scream in pain.

"You are too fierce a woman, I will fight with you."

He pulled out his small dagger, and rushed towards Li Huang fiercely.

The princes and ladies around were all terrified, and the accompanying palace servants hurried back to report to the emperor.

The eldest princess beat the little prince of Persia in public.

The mad little Persian prince raised his dagger and before he rushed to Li Huang, he was whipped back by her again, and the little dagger was thrown far away.

Li Huang saw a pink gem embedded in the dagger at a glance, she immediately picked it up, put it in her hand and played with it carefully.

Seeing that his dagger was snatched away, the little Persian prince immediately said anxiously, "Give it back to me quickly, it's mine."

Li Huang looked at him with raised eyebrows: "You are a defeated general, what qualifications do you have to ask for the spoils that I have seized with my own ability?"

The Little Prince of Persia: "!!!"

He widened his eyes, is the eldest princess of the abyss a robber?
A group of ladies and gentlemen looked at Li Huang with astonishment on their faces, good guy, what you said is more domineering than those generals who seized the enemy's weapons on the battlefield.

Just... I kind of like it.

Mo Jingzhan obviously did not expect that Li Huang would beat the little prince of Persia for him.

At that moment, the little girl seemed to be standing in the light, holding in her hand the first booty she had seized in her life, and looked at the little prince of Persia with a look of disdain for the world.

However, just as he was in a daze, the small dagger was stuffed into his hand.

She raised her chin and said proudly, "Here you are."

Mo Jingzhan stared blankly at the small dagger in his hand, and after a while he said, "Why did you give it to me?"

Li Huang frowned: "He bullied you, this dagger is all compensation."

As she said that, she turned to look at the little prince of Persia, and said in a majestic voice: "Remember, no matter whether it is my Dayuan people or my Dayuan's things, you can take it upon yourself, otherwise, you Not even a blade of grass can be taken away!"

Following her words, the emperor rushed over with a group of courtiers and Persian envoys.

As soon as the Prince of Persia saw the rescuers coming, he immediately got up from the ground, crying and complaining: "The national teacher save me, I am about to be beaten to death by this barbaric princess, the people of Dayuan rely on their numbers, they are too bullying Yes, woo woo..."

Li Huang resisted the urge to roll her eyes, she just felt that this little Persian prince was simply too shameful.

A majestic man, crying, what does he look like.

The Persian national teacher looked at the whip wounds on the little prince's body, and asked angrily: "Your Majesty Dayuan, you must give us an explanation for this matter!"

Although they are a small country, they are still unbearable to be beaten and scolded in public.

However, Li Huang briefly explained the matter before the emperor asked.

"Father, my daughter had already tried to persuade her with good words before this, but he kept talking too much. So many people have seen it. If Father doesn't believe it, you can ask them."

She pointed at the group of princes and ladies, and they all nodded in unison.

Seeing this, the emperor looked sharply at the little Persian prince: "Is there such a thing?"

The little prince of Persia was a little terrified by his eyes, but he insisted that he was not wrong: "In our Persia, it is etiquette to meet, hug and hold hands. Your eldest princess is clearly bullying others."

He insisted that he did nothing but was beaten and his dagger was taken from him.

But Li Huang straightened her back: "Father ordered my ministers to entertain foreign distinguished guests. As masters, if you see your own being bullied, you can't just sit back and ignore them. Father often teaches your ministers that if something outside of your body , others will give it if they want to, but people can't do it!"

"Today, in my palace in Dayuan, the Persian envoy dared to bully and humiliate the people of Dayuan, and even threatened to buy it back with money. If the minister can bear it, wouldn't he have lost his father? Face?"

The emperor was furious, and although the Persian envoys were a little guilty, they still didn't feel that the little Persian prince had made any serious mistakes.

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