He doesn't look like the son of an important official in the court, as long as he is given enough money, he doesn't believe it, and there is no one who can't be bought or sold.

The emperor saw the thoughts of these envoys at a glance, immediately sneered, pointed at Mo Jingzhan and asked, "Your envoy, do you know who he is?"

The Persian envoy was stunned by his question, but he followed his words and asked, "Who is he?"

The emperor didn't answer the words, but a loud voice sounded behind him: "He is the king's eldest son, what? Persia thinks that its territory is too big to manage, and wants us to take over the whole ?"

As the voice fell, Wang An's tall and straight figure suddenly stood out.

The face of the Persian envoy changed, he may not recognize the prince of Dayuan, but he cannot but recognize this ruthless man on the battlefield.

This is the character who will take away a country immediately if he is in a hurry.

Persia can't afford it.

In just a few breaths, the Persian envoy immediately changed his face and laughed with him: "It turns out that he is the son of Prince An. He has offended, disrespected, and disrespected."

King An snorted: "Since you are so rich in Persia, let's talk about how much is this king's son worth?"

The Persian envoy turned pale, and almost knelt down for him.

They are rich, but they are not good at fighting. If Da Yuan really wants to serve as soldiers to attack them, then they will only be beaten?
Therefore, if today's matter cannot satisfy the other party, I am afraid that Persia will suffer from the war.

This storm in the Royal Garden brought in millions of taels from the Dayuan treasury.

But Mo Jingzhan's eyes never moved away from Li Huang.

In a corner where no one could see, Li Chuchu looked at Li Huang with jealous eyes, and she found that as long as Li Huang was around, everyone's eyes would be on her.

But when Li Huang's eyes turned, she immediately changed her face again, and said with a smile: "Sister Elder Princess is really amazing."

As the long-standing memory fragments slowly gathered, Li Huang's expression changed again and again.

The noble lady looked at her and asked: "Your Highness, do you remember? It is said that the little Persian prince went to the gate of Prince An's Mansion to guard Prince Mo to get his dagger back, but... ...seemed to have been beaten badly."

"After this incident, the Persian envoy returned to the country in a hurry. Before the little Persian prince left, he cried out that the Dayuan people were too cruel, and he would never come if he was killed."

Li Huang: "..."

Now that it is mentioned again, it seems a little funny, what's the matter?

Also, she wasn't protecting Mo Jingzhan at that time, she just stood up to protect the people of Dayuan purely out of the duty of the eldest princess.

Besides, at that time, she didn't know that it was Prince An.

"Your Highness, I didn't expect you to fall in love with Mo Shizi at that time." Zuo Qing was obviously taken astray, and followed suit, "Presumably Mo Shizi at that time was very moved by His Highness's heroic rescue."

As she said that, she kept winking, she didn't look like a dignified lady in the capital at all.

Li Huang was surrounded by several people gossiping, it was a bit embarrassing: "If it was anyone else at that time, I would have protected him to the end."

She really didn't think about it that much.

However, the ladies who were caught up in gossip and unable to extricate themselves obviously did not believe it, and their eyes were full of ambiguity when they looked at her.

Since she couldn't explain it clearly, she simply didn't explain it.

However, after the memories came back, she seemed to have a different feeling for Mo Jingzhan.

She had been thinking before that Mo Jingzhan was willing to stay by her side, and even treat her with no bottom line, whether there was another purpose.

Looking back now, everything seems to have a source.

After I figured it out, the stagnation of the past few days suddenly disappeared.

Mo Jingzhan will not hurt her, even if he is thinking of the "kindness" he had when he was a child, he will definitely not meet her with swords.

"Your Highness, the deer is ready, do you want to roast it or stew it?"

The steward of the racecourse came over to inquire, Li Huang then pulled back his wandering thoughts, and replied: "You can do whatever you want, I can do whatever you want."

She has never been a picky person, what's more, she is here as a guest today, so she doesn't have to put on the airs of a princess.

After reminiscing about the past just now, the girls present relaxed unknowingly, and proposed ways to make meat in one go.

Some say to stir-fry, some say to stew, and some say to bake...

However, Li Huang didn't care about anything, she just wanted to go back to the city as soon as possible, and she still had a lot of questions to ask.

However, when she returned to the princess mansion, the housekeeper told her that Mo Jingzhan had not returned.

"It's getting dark, why haven't you come back yet?"

After asking this question, she froze.

Ever since she took in Mo Jingzhan, he has been living in the princess mansion. Even after his identity was revealed, he did not move out.

She is used to going in and out of her bedroom from time to time every day.

This made her almost forget that Mo Jingzhan also has a mansion in the capital, and he doesn't have to live in her eldest princess mansion.

In particular, their wedding date is approaching, and according to the law, they should live separately.

However, thinking of the defense and alienation towards him these past few days, she felt a little annoyed.

"Your Highness, should I send someone to look for it?" Ling Yuan asked tentatively.

Li Huang thought for a while, then shook her head: "That's all."

Anyway, the wedding date is approaching, and people can't run away.

Soon, they will be able to live in a palace in a legitimate way.

At this time, A Yuan came in with a newly made wedding dress: "Your Highness, you are back? This is a wedding dress newly made by the Clothing Bureau. Please try it on to see if it fits you well."

Li Huang looked at her strangely: "Haven't Xifu been tried before? Why try again?"

Ah Yuan sighed helplessly, and said: "Your Majesty respectfully respects His Highness, and requested that the wedding dress must be the best ever, so I changed it again."

Li Huang was thinking about Mo Jingzhan, but without thinking too much, she reached out and asked Ah Yuan to wait for her to change clothes.

Ah Yuan helped her put on the wedding dress, her eyes were full of joy: "Your Highness, this is so beautiful, I don't know how much gold thread was used."

She stroked the sleeves of Xiangyun embroidered with gold thread, her eyes flickered slightly.

"Well, it fits perfectly, tell them they don't have to change it."

Li Huang is actually not a master who likes to make troubles. Now that the Xifu has been made, she thinks there is no need to make any further changes.

After all, the Clothes Bureau is also quite busy.

In addition to rushing to make her and Mo Jingzhan's wedding dresses, they had to be responsible for the promotion of officials and the replacement of large and small clothes in the palace.

"Your Highness, Mo Shizi came back just now and said that Yi Cheng could not meet half a month before the marriage, so he went back to live in Prince An's mansion and asked the servant to tell you."

Li Huang paused when he undressed, and looked at A Yuan in surprise: "When did he come here?"

Didn't the housekeeper say that the person didn't come back?

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