After a brief moment of stupefaction, Ah Yuan hurriedly said, "It was just a quarter of an hour ago. However, Prince Mo never walked through the main entrance. The housekeeper and guard probably didn't notice him."

It is true that Mo Jingzhan often likes to come in over the wall, so Li Huang didn't think much about it, but he was somewhat disappointed.

Since when did that guy take the rules seriously?

Thinking of this, Li Huang became even more depressed.

On the other side, Mo Jingzhan went back to Prince An's mansion. It stands to reason that the court would take back this house, but the old emperor gave him this house.

Because no one has lived in it for many years, the interior of the house is inevitably a little dilapidated, and it was only repaired some time ago.

At this time, Mo Jingzhan was reclining on the soft couch with his eyes closed, and Xiao Yunlan's voice came over leisurely: "The young master is leisurely."

He thought that he had gone back to the Princess's Mansion, which caused him to make a wasted trip.

When Mo Jingzhan saw him coming, he knew that the matter he was asked to investigate had some clues, so he asked directly, "Where is the person?"

The corner of Xiao Yunlan's mouth twitched: "The young master is really ruthless."

He ran half to death, and he didn't care about a word, he just knew to ask the important person.

Mo Jingzhan glanced over, he immediately straightened his body, and said seriously: "I didn't find him, but I accidentally saved the maid next to the eldest princess."

Mo Jingzhan frowned: "Maid? That maid of hers can cut you in half with a single sword. Do you want to save me?"

Besides, that's her personal bodyguard, he should have gone out of the city with her, why does he need someone to save him?
Could it be that she was in danger?

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still.

Seeing his reaction, Xiao Yunlan knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "It's not the maid named Ling Yuan, but the one named A Yuan."

Ah Yuan?

Mo Jingzhan thought about it carefully, it seems that there is indeed such a maid beside Li Huang.

She is different from Ling Yuan, she stays in the mansion most of the time, responsible for all the daily life of Li Huang, and helps the housekeeper to take care of some common affairs, although she doesn't talk much, but she does things very thoughtfully.

Mo Jingzhan asked, "Where are people?"

Xiao Yunlan glanced at him strangely: "Young master, of course I brought him back to Yunwai Tower, and I didn't know you were here."

Besides, even if he knew, he couldn't bring people here.

The eldest princess is still quarreling, so he sent her maid to his house, isn't that good?

Xiao Yunlan is still very aware of the relationship between men and women.

When Mo Jingzhan heard that the person was in Yunwailou, he didn't care, he just asked: "Where did you save the person? Did you startle the snake?"

Xiao Yunlan moved a chair and sat down, and said: "No, he was imprisoned in a ruined temple in the west of the city. I went there to check Li Chuchu's whereabouts. I happened to see it, so I lit a fire. Take people away."

Even if the other party finds out that the person is missing, the other party probably thinks that the person has already been buried in a sea of ​​flames.

Mo Jingzhan squinted his eyes. The eldest princess's personal maid was gone, and it was impossible for the eldest princess' mansion to have no reaction.

Then, the only possibility is that someone sneaked into the eldest princess's mansion under Ah Yuan's face.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still.

"Princess Eldest, let people keep an eye on you. Concubine Xu died just like that. Princess Eldest will not do nothing."

After speaking, he left directly with light work.

Xiao Yunlan sighed, he was such a hard worker, he couldn't stop for a moment.

After Mo Jingzhan climbed over the wall and entered the hospital, he didn't go directly to Li Huang's bedroom, but went to the courtyard where the maid lived.

From a distance, he heard a high-spirited female voice: "Cheer up, Your Highness's wedding is only half a month away. Although the Department of Clothing Bureau is responsible for wedding clothes, shoes and socks, the clothes and robes of Your Highness after marriage And accessories are indispensable."

"If your highness's good deeds are delayed because of your ink stains, you will have good fruits to eat."

Ruo Da's servant's room was brightly lit, and dozens of maids and women in the mansion were all sitting in front of the embroidery frame, flying needles and threading non-stop.

And that fake Ah Yuan patrolled all the way with his hands behind his back, looking like a big shot in the family.

A maid seemed to be so sleepy that her eyelids were drooping, but the fake turned around and gave her a ruler on her back.

The sound was particularly harsh in the quiet night, and everyone couldn't help but look over here.

Fake Ah Yuan raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes: "If you are really sleepy, get the hell out of the mansion. The Princess's mansion doesn't need such a waste like you."

Immediately, she pointed at the other one: "And you, the colors are all wrong. If there is another time, you don't have to stay in the mansion anymore."

When everyone heard what she said, they immediately tensed up and cheered up again.

They all muttered in their hearts, Sister Afang is really fierce today.

Mo Jingzhan, who had a panoramic view of all this, couldn't help but sneered, jumped up, and left.

At night, the tree shadow outside the window swayed, Li Huang subconsciously opened the window, looked into the dark night, but found nothing.

She couldn't help but lowered her eyes in a little disappointment, turned around and went back to her bed.

In the past few days, she has been wanting to have another dream about her previous life, but she has never been able to do so.

She repeatedly recalled the scene in the previous dream, and always felt that the Mo Jingzhan in the dream was not the same person she saw in normal times.

The next day, the ruined temple in the west of the city caught fire, and the news that Li Chuchu was probably buried in the flames quickly spread throughout the capital.

"Li Chuchu is dead?"

Li Huang expressed doubts.

That woman was like that cockroach that couldn't be killed. She couldn't believe that she died so easily.

Besides, the person behind her will definitely protect her.

"It must be dead. It is said that the woman is hiding in the ruined temple in the west of the city. There was such a big fire last night. No one discovered the fire until midnight. It was not extinguished until this morning. There was nothing left inside. .”

When Ah Yuan came in early in the morning to serve Li Huang to wash up, she specifically reported the news to her.

Li Huang yawned, and said indifferently: "As long as she doesn't come to trouble me, it doesn't matter whether she lives or dies."

Having said that, she paused for a moment, and suddenly glanced at Yuan.

Ah Yuan was flustered by her look: "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Li Huang: "Usually you don't care about these things, what kind of wind is blowing today?"

On weekdays, Ah Yuan is only responsible for taking care of the general affairs of the mansion for her, things like inquiring about news are generally something Ling Yuan likes to do.

Ah Yuan was choked up by her question, and then said with a normal expression: "Your servant heard it, so I said it casually, so that His Highness can feel at ease."

Li Huang turned her head, and through the bronze mirror, she saw Ah Yuan's panic for a moment.

There was an alarm bell in her heart, something was wrong, something was wrong with her maid.

However, she didn't show any abnormalities, and let the other party put her hair in a bun.

Fake Ah Yuan was afraid of arousing suspicion, so he didn't dare to say any more unnecessary words, and only devoted himself to doing what a maid should do.

Seeing that the wedding date is getting closer, but the princess' mansion is in chaos.

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