After Xiao Yunlan nodded at Li Huang, he carried Nan Zhao out.

On the other side, Mo Jingzhan carried Li Chuchu on his shoulders, walked around the noisy street, and went directly into Pingyang Hou's Mansion.

In the study of Pingyang Hou's mansion, apart from Pingyang Hou and his son, there was also a middle-aged man with a face somewhat similar to Li Chuchu's.

The middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with his hands crossed in front of his chest, his eyes closed, and he looked like he was doing his best.

Pingyang Hou and his son stared at him nervously.

The door was kicked open vigorously from the outside.

Then, a figure filled with bloody smell was thrown in like a sack, and landed right in front of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man spat out a mouthful of blood when he was interrupted like this.

But when he saw clearly that the person thrown in front of him was Li Chuchu, his face changed drastically.

He looked at the figure striding in in disbelief, his eyes wide open: " are you?"

Looking at the young man in front of him who moved freely and had clear eyes, how could he look like he was being manipulated by someone?

Mo Jingzhan sneered: "If I don't follow the plan, how can I catch you, a big mouse hiding behind the wind and rain?"

When the words fell, he didn't talk nonsense with him, and just waved a palm at the other party.

With this palm, he didn't spare any strength.

After all, without knowing the basics, he can't be sure about the depth of the opponent's martial arts. If he misses a single blow, there may be endless troubles.

The middle-aged man didn't expect Mo Jingzhan to have such great attack power. After being shocked, he could only raise his hand to catch the palm.

Between the palms of the two, a strong wind blew up all around, Pingyang Hou and his son couldn't help but backed away, for fear of being affected.

After meeting palms for a short while, the middle-aged man was shocked and retreated a little, clutching his chest again, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But Mo Jingzhan acted like a normal person, after slandering the middle-aged man, he caught sight of Pingyang Hou and his son who were hiding in the corner.

He hooked his lips, and his smile was a bit evil: "It seems that I haven't dealt with you father and son for a long time, but it has made your life more carefree."

Regarding Mo Jingzhan, Gu Chenzhou felt a sense of fear from the depths of his soul, and the bones he had broken before began to ache again.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Chenzhou said calmly, "Your Majesty didn't even kill the Pingyang Hou Mansion, how dare you?"

Mo Jingzhan stared at him coldly, and said in a flat tone, "Your Majesty didn't kill you, but he didn't say he couldn't hit you."

As soon as the words fell, the fist wrapped in a strong wind had already come to Gu Chenzhou.

Gu Chenzhou originally wanted to resist, but his strength was far behind. The moment the fist hit his arm, there was a clear sound of bones breaking in the whole study.

That familiar memory struck again, making Gu Chenzhou tremble with fear.

Seeing this, Pingyang Hou wanted to attack from behind, but was kicked far away by Mo Jingzhan's kick.

In just a few strokes, the three people in the study lost their combat power.

The middle-aged man looked at him in disbelief: "You have obviously hit my cup, how could nothing happen!"

Moreover, with Li Chuchu's appearance, shouldn't he also be half dead?
Mo Jingzhan turned his head to look at him, and curled his lips: "Are you referring to this bug?"

After saying that, he stretched out a hand, holding a black and greasy worm in his hand.

The moment he spoke, he pinched it lightly, and the bug died instantly.

Following his movements, the middle-aged man spat out another mouthful of blood.

He pointed at Mo Jingzhan, but didn't say a word for a while.

Mo Jingzhan flung the dead bug onto the man's face lightly, and said mockingly: "You bug did indeed have some effect, controlling me for a few days, but..."

"It's only a few days."

At first, he really thought it was some kind of giant worm, and just before receiving the marriage, he was once controlled by the worm.

However, after using internal force to suppress it forcibly several times, he found that the worm seemed to be a little weakly cultivated, and he couldn't bear the chaotic surge of true energy in his body, so he ran out by himself.

Middle-aged man: "!!!"

"Impossible!" He pointed at Mo Jingzhan and shouted hysterically, "This is a worm from Miaojiang. It is absolutely impossible to be forced out of the body artificially. How did you do it?"

He felt that the boy in front of him was simply a monster.

Mo Jingzhan stood with his hands behind his back, with a cold and confident expression: "My son has heard that there is indeed a kind of concentric cup in Miaojiang. The man and woman who are caught in the cup share one life. People are free to control."

"However, you seem to have overlooked one point, that is, the man and woman who are caught in the cup must be in love. If not, the effect of the cup worm will be very weak."

"Physician Feng, you don't understand such a simple truth, do you?"

The middle-aged man was not too surprised when he was called to reveal his identity. After all, his portrait is here, and the other party must have already guessed the relationship between him and Li Chuchu.

However, he really didn't know about the disadvantages of the concentric cup that Mo Jingzhan said.

"What? Didn't the person who sold you the cup worm tell you that even if two people who don't love each other are hit by the same heart cup, it won't last for a few days?"

Nan Zhao didn't even know about this, and he found it from an ancient book by accident.

If he hadn't clearly felt the strangeness of the cup worm on the bed just now, he would not have found this place by following the clues.


I don't know if he was angry or hurt, Feng Zhulin didn't bring it up in one breath, and passed out directly.

Mo Jingzhan gave a "tsk", picked up the man by the back of the neck and walked out.

Marquis Pingyang originally wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Gu Chenzhou.

With the fighting strength of their father and son, even if they joined hands, they would not be able to defeat them. Wouldn't it be death if they went up?
Although the emperor did not convict them, Mo Jingzhan has always been arrogant, what if he beat them to the point of paralysis?
It's not them who are suffering.

For Gu Chenzhou, who has been beaten more than once, he is very aware of this.

Mo Jingzhan didn't even look at them, and dragged them outside.

None of the guards in the mansion dared to step forward to stop them without the master's order.

In comparison, Mo Jingzhan was much more high-profile when he went back.

He dragged Feng Zhulin all the way through the streets and through the city, without paying any attention to the eyes of his surroundings.

"Isn't that Mo Shizi? Isn't he in danger? How come it's over so soon?"

"Who is the person in his hand? It looks a bit unfamiliar, it doesn't look like a person from the capital."

"It's exciting, let's go and follow."

Soon, a group of tails followed behind Mo Jingzhan.

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