When Mo Jingzhan returned to the palace, everyone was shocked.

"Shi... Shizi, what are you?"

Everyone looked at the person in his hand, not sure if he was awake at the moment.

Someone quickly reported to Li Huang, Li Huang was also very surprised.

She also sent people all over the street to look for him, but he came back by himself.

He looked at Li Huang, threw the person in his hand away, and raised the corner of his lips: "Your Highness, I brought back Imperial Doctor Feng."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the courtyard was stunned.

Everyone couldn't help looking at the half-dead man, and found that his face was somewhat similar to Li Chuchu's.

"This..." Ling Yuan subconsciously covered her mouth.

Yaoshou, with such a face, no matter who looks at it, they will have doubts about Li Chuchu's identity.

It can't be said to be very similar, but at least there are five or six points.

The rest, of course, are like Rockwell.

Therefore, the fact that Huoshi had an affair with Imperial Physician Feng and cuckolded the emperor was undoubtedly a solid one.

"Lock people up first, don't let people die." Mo Jingzhan gave an order, and then went straight to Li Huang, "I have already crushed that concentric cup to death."

Li Huang looked at him in surprise, didn't he say that if he wanted to take out the Tongxin cup, he would have to die half his life?
Looking at him now, doesn't he look a little bit damaged?

Not only she was puzzled, but other people in the mansion were also puzzled.

After Xiao Yunlan got the news, he ran over non-stop, and bumped into the husband and wife hugging each other as soon as he came, he was so scared that he almost poked his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't see anything, you go on."

He closed the door and backed out.

Mo Jingzhan's face darkened, why did he keep such a blank person by his side?
Li Huang knew that Xiao Yunlan must have come to check Mo Jingzhan's body, so he immediately said, "Come in."

Only then did Xiao Yunlan push the door open again and come in. After seeing the ceremony, he looked at Mo Jingzhan's face without fear of death: "Young master, why are you getting better all of a sudden?"

He thought that the worm in Mo Jingzhan's body would take a lot of thought, but unexpectedly, he was still alive and well.

Mo Jingzhan understated: "I crushed him to death."

He briefly told what happened, and then gave him a "you can get out" look.

Xiao Yunlan bit the bullet and said, "Can I ask my subordinates to take a pulse?"

Before Mo Jingzhan could respond, Li Huang automatically handed out his wrist.

Mo Jingzhan: "..."

His Royal Highness seems to care about him very much.

When he was in a coma before, he seemed to hear her say that she was willing to take blood for him.

Thinking of it this way, the smile on Mo Jingzhan's lips became even stronger, and the whole person was filled with a halo of happiness, which made Xiao Yunlan's hair stand on end.

Could it be that the young master of his family had his brain ruined by the bug?
What's the matter with laughing a little silly?

However, he didn't dare to think too much, and took his pulse carefully.

After a while, he was surprised: "Young master, you must have learned some kind of suction method?"

This pulse is strong and the internal energy is strong, not only a little bit stronger than before.

So, it's no wonder Xiao Yunlan would ask such a question.

The corner of Mo Jingzhan's mouth twitched, and he pulled his wrist back angrily.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, so he started to chase people away: "You've got your pulse too, you can get out."

Xiao Yunlan was not very happy: "How about I call Nan Zhao over to have a look?"

If there is a cup worm in his body, he can't tell it.

However, Mo Jingzhan's patience with him had reached its limit, and he had no expression on his face: "If you don't mention her, I will forget about it. You have three days to get her away, otherwise, you don't have to stay in the capital. "

Xiao Yunlan choked for a moment, but he still felt a little guilty when he thought of the incident outside the princess's mansion.

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

He jumped out almost as if he was running away, afraid that if he was a step too late, Mo Jingzhan even packed him and kicked him out of the capital.

However, he did not expect that when he returned to his residence, Nan Zhao had disappeared.

Xiao Yunlan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. If he couldn't find this woman, he didn't know what would happen to her. If he angered the young master again, there was no guarantee that the young master would not directly kill her in a fit of anger.

However, both he and Nan Zhao came from Sanzhou, and Nan Zhao could think of any place he could think of.

Therefore, he almost searched the entire capital, but he didn't find a single person.

As a last resort, he could only report the truth.

Mo Jingzhan's handsome face was completely dark, and his whole body was releasing low air pressure.

He looked at Xiao Yunlan, his tone was obviously very flat, but Xiao Yunlan somehow heard a bit of coldness from it.

"So, with so many of you, you can't even find anyone?"

Such a waste, what do you want to do?
Xiao Yunlan was also very wronged: "Young master, that Nan Zhao is really too cunning."

The main reason is that she is very familiar with the means of their gang, and can perfectly avoid their searches.

Moreover, she was able to cut off Mo Yu's confuse and came to the capital first. It was obvious that she came prepared, so how could she be willing to be packed away so easily?
However, what happened next made them ignore Nan Zhao.

Because, after Li Chuchu was thrown back to Pingyang Hou Mansion by Mo Jingzhan, news of his death came the next day.

After getting up early in the morning, Li Huang, who hadn't had time to wash up, was a little dazed.

She couldn't believe it: "The person is really dead?"

This woman has narrowly escaped death several times. She thought she belonged to a cat and had nine lives.

Unexpectedly, he died like this?
Ling Yuan nodded heavily: "The servant touched it and saw it with her own eyes, so there is no doubt that it is Li Shuren herself."

Because, the wound on that face couldn't be more obvious.

A piece of flesh was torn off when Mo Jingzhan tore off the human skin mask.

This woman is really dead this time.

Mo Jingzhan was combing Li Huang's hair, when she turned her head, two strands of hair were pulled off.

Mo Jingzhan frowned dissatisfied: "Be careful."

If it wasn't necessary to catch the murderer behind the scenes, that woman would have died long ago.

He carefully wrapped up the two strands of hair, and carefully put them into his purse.

Ling Yuan, who watched his series of operations, was numb.

Could it be that this possessed horse is a demonic disease.

However, Mo Jingzhan continued to comb Li Huang's hair as if he didn't see her eyes at all.

"The Marquis of Pingyang didn't hire a doctor for her?" Li Huang asked, "Miss Nan stabbed her in the heart, but she won't die so quickly, right?"

With Mo Jingzhan's lightness kung fu, she could barely shed a drop of blood when she was brought back to the Marquis of Pingyang, not to mention, he even gave her acupoints to stop the bleeding halfway.

Ling Yuan shook her head: "I don't know about this servant girl, anyway, people are dead."

Before, the Pingyang Hou Mansion had to protect her life and death, but now it doesn't care about her life or death. Could it be that Li Chuchu is useless?

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