Feng Zhulin thought about it carefully after hearing the words, and shook his head: "The mask is the same mask, but the person, I don't think it is the same person."

Mo Jingzhan: "..."

I heard that the position is passed on, but I have never heard that even the mask is passed on.

How special is that mask?
Feng Zhulin: "I can be sure that the man who brought us to a place to teach various techniques when we were young was a bit old. Later, he changed to a young man. Hearing his voice, he should not be a few years older than Mo Shizi."

Mo Jingzhan was really speechless: "Then you have never known who that masked man is after all these years? He has meticulously raised such a group of capable people and strangers, what exactly is he trying to do?"

Even Mo Jingzhan couldn't help admiring him for provoking conflicts between Dayuan and dozens of surrounding countries with his own power.

"Isn't it obvious that he did these things? Of course it's to bring down Dayuan, and he's in charge himself."

Feng Zhulin snorted without thinking.

"However, since the young masked man took over, I haven't seen the older one again. I guess, he should be dead."

"As for how they plan to rise to power after overthrowing Dayuan, I don't know."

Over the years in that organization, each of them is well aware that sometimes knowing too much doesn't do them any good.

Left and right, they can't escape except obey.

Over the years, it's not like no one has challenged the majesty of the organization and wanted to get out.

However, the organization spent so much effort in cultivating them, can they be released so easily?
Therefore, they have been taking poison since they were young, and anyone who wants to run will die in the end.

"That's all I know. Don't ask me how many people there are in the organization. I don't know anything."

"Each of us is a mastermind acting alone. We all have our own tasks, and we don't reveal what we are going to do to each other."

Therefore, even if Mo Jingzhan tortured him to death, he could only say so much.

For a while, the dungeon fell into silence again.

At this moment, the servant of the palace came.

"My lord, Your Majesty asked this old slave to bring this man to the palace, he has something to ask."

Mo Jingzhan asked what he should have asked, so he didn't make things difficult for him, and let him take him away.

That night, there was almost a bloodbath in the palace, and those who were bribed by the Luo family were all cleaned up.

As for Feng Zhulin, who was brought into the palace, after getting the news that Marquis Pingyang did not treat Li Chuchu, but allowed him to bleed to death, his defenses completely collapsed.

To him, the relationship with the Luo family may not be a big deal, but he is extremely concerned about the daughter born to the Luo family.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to help her several times, and even knowing that she was married to Gu Chenzhou, he would help her to intervene between Li Huang and Mo Jingzhan.

He has done so many things for the Pingyang Houfu, but in the end, they saw his daughter as useless, so they treated her like this.

How can he bear this?

Therefore, he fully edicted what happened more than ten years ago.

Including how Rockwell used his body to seduce him.

The old emperor's face turned green with anger.

His servant did not dare to vent his anger.

Knowing such secrets of the royal family, if the emperor is more suspicious, he can be silenced.

Fortunately, the old emperor was a cruel monarch, so he just ordered him to take Feng Zhulin under arrest.

However, Feng Zhulin obviously lost his desire to live, and he broke his veins and died that night.

When the news reached Prince An's Mansion, Mo Jingzhan was not too surprised.

After all, a person who has no use value, even if he is released, the forces behind him will not allow him to live on.

Affected by the blood on Mo Jingzhan's wedding day, the teahouse jointly opened by Li Huang and Mrs. Xu also suffered a lot.

Many people are reluctant to go to the store under her name to buy things, for fear of being tainted with bad luck by the couple.

Both civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were discussing the disaster relief in Pengcheng.

Fortunately, some food and supplies have been raised before, so it depends on who is suitable to send.

The courtiers had different ideas, and they all scrambled to win the job.

Li Yuze knew that if there was any problem with the disaster relief supplies at this time, it would arouse even greater anger from the people.

By then, those rumors will no longer be able to hold back.

He wanted to go in person, but the old emperor hadn't recovered yet, and he was still needed to supervise the country in the court.

Just as everyone was blushing, Li Yuxiao stood up.

"Stop arguing, my king, go!"

In any case, he is also Li Huang's real brother, and he will never allow anyone to do anything in the name of disaster relief.

What's more, with his wealth as the King of Lin'an, it's not uncommon for him to tamper with the disaster relief funds.

It can be said that no one is more suitable than him.

There were also some courtiers who wanted to struggle, but Li Yuze made a final decision: "Then there will be Lao Sanhuang."

The matter has been settled, even if there are still people who are unwilling, they can only shut up.

Three days later, Li Yuxiao took a large amount of supplies, counted a group of people, and left the city in a mighty manner.

However, the rumors in the capital, instead of weakening, became more and more outrageous.

"Your Highness, do you really intend to let those people in the capital spread rumors?"

Ling Yuan rubbed her sword, as if she was sharpening her sword.

However, Li Huang looked calm: "What's the rush? I always feel that it is a bit unusual for the earth dragon to turn around. King Lin'an successfully sent the supplies to Pengcheng, and these rumors have subsided since then."

Common people are always easy to forget things, wait a few days, and then dig out some new stories about the rich and powerful and spread them, and naturally no one will mention these things again.

Compared with those rumors, she cared more about Dilong's turnaround itself.

So coincidentally, as soon as something happened there, various rumors about her began to spread in the capital.

What's more, if there is a ground dragon turning around, Qin Tianjian should have reported it in advance.

However, they hadn't calculated any vision of an earth dragon turning over before, even after the disaster was reported to the capital, their entire Qin Tianjian had counted many times, and they couldn't figure out that there would be an earth dragon turning over in Pengcheng. natural disaster.

Qin Tianjian never makes mistakes.

Then, what was wrong was this inexplicable turnaround of the earth dragon itself.

Therefore, before Li Yuxiao left, she specially told him to bring a few more people who can survey the terrain with him, so that he can tell if the earth dragon has turned around.

If there are human factors, we must also beware of someone playing tricks on them and their party.

Li Yuxiao has no other strengths, but he is better at listening to advice.

He made several routes and transported the supplies to Pengcheng in batches, but he didn't know which team he was in except his cronies.

In this way, they will have a high probability of safely delivering the supplies to Pengcheng.

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