Just when Li Huang felt that she would let it go for a few days, when everything in the capital was peaceful and nothing happened, those people would naturally stop staring at her.

However, she didn't expect that someone would attack someone she cared about.

On this day, Li Huang heard that Mrs. Xu's husband had come to her, and they kept pestering her endlessly.

Mrs. Xu sent someone to send her a letter asking for help, and she planned to meet her husband.

Unexpectedly, before she even walked out of the mansion, she saw Luo Mingchuan's servant rushing in in a panic and said: "Your Highness, my young master got into trouble, and Uncle Guo said he was going to kill him, so go and rescue him!" Him."

Li Huang frowned: "What trouble did he get into again?"

Isn't this kid quite calm recently?Come to practice every day, and read books consciously after returning home, very well-behaved.

His cronies and friends also know that he has made a lot of progress recently, so they dare not take the initiative to play with him, for fear of being thrown out of the capital by her.

How could this cause trouble?

Seeing her eyes sweeping over, the boy was startled, and stammered, "Just...just because I was too tired from studying all day, the young master at Chang Zhu's house proposed to go out and listen to the music. Unexpectedly, I heard that Cheng The Eldest Young Master spoke ill of you next door, but the Young Master couldn't hold back for a while, so he rushed in and beat him up..."

Li Huang: "!!!"

How could this be the eldest son of Cheng Yuan's envoy family?
"What is it like?"

If someone was beaten to death, the Cheng surname might not be so easy to deal with.

The boy wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "That's right, one arm was broken."

When Li Huang heard it, it was good that he was not dead.

However, the servant immediately added another sentence: "The arm that he wrote was broken. If it doesn't heal later, it will be worse than killing him."

Li Huang: "..."

How could she have forgotten that the eldest son of Cheng Yuan's envoy family will inherit his mantle in the future and will be tested for fame.

According to the laws and regulations of Dayuan, people with physical disabilities are not allowed to be officials.

If this cut off his official career, the envoy of the hospital might kill someone.

No wonder my uncle was so angry.

Thinking of this, she called someone over and ordered: "Go to the teahouse and tell Mrs. Xu, and tell me that I will go later in the palace."

After finishing speaking, she sat in the carriage and rushed to the uncle's mansion in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard Luo Mingchuan howling like a pig from afar.

Li Huang's heart skipped a beat, uncle was really ruthless.

"Father, if you beat your son again, you will be crippled."

Luo Mingchuan screamed, feeling aggrieved in his heart, who made the surname Cheng act like a woman, talking about others behind his back all day long.

Fortunately, he read sage books when he was young, bah!

"I still have the strength to shout, it seems that the punishment was light." Luo Jiyuan glanced coldly at the guards who were executing the execution, "You haven't eaten? I want you to use some strength."

He was also about to be pissed off.

Since being taken over by Li Huang, this kid has become much more honest.

Unexpectedly, he would cause trouble as soon as he left the city.

If he beat him lightly today, and the court envoy came to him later, would he be able to justify it?

The Fu Wei gritted his teeth, lifted the board, and was about to hit, when he heard a soft shout from the courtyard door: "Stop!"

Everyone searched for the reputation, and saw Li Huang entering gracefully in a red dress, the hearts that everyone was hanging on suddenly let go.

If the eldest princess is here, then their young master will be saved.

Luo Jiyuan was obviously still angry, and when he saw Li Huang, he only softened the expression on his face slightly.

"Huang'er, you don't have to protect him. He has caused such a catastrophe today, so you have to let him suffer."

Today, he made up his mind to beat Luo Mingchuan until he couldn't get out of bed, so as not to be caught up in the conversation and say that he has no way to teach his son.

Li Huang knew his temper, and did not intend to intercede for Luo Mingchuan, after all, he was educating his son, and she really couldn't interfere.

However, she always felt that Luo Mingchuan was being calculated by someone today.

So, he opened his mouth and said, "Uncle, don't you think that what happened today is too much of a coincidence? I asked about it on the way here, and Mr. Cheng doesn't like to go to that teahouse on weekdays."

So, why did he go here today, and just in time for Luo Mingchuan to hear him arrange her.

This is someone who has guessed Luo Mingchuan's temperament.

Luo Jiyuan was obviously confused by anger before, but hearing what she said now, his face suddenly became dark.

He turned his head to look at the traitor lying on the bench: "Who told you to go out today? Who was he with when you beat him up like a big prince?"

Having been an official for so many years, when he calmed down and thought about the whole thing, he understood the key to it.

Luo Mingchuan felt wronged: "It's the third child of the Zhu family."

They often play together on weekdays, and he came to ask him to go out to breathe, so he went.

Could it be that Zhu San was harming him?

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Li Huang, pursed his lips: "Cousin, you must help me."

Who didn't know that the envoy had high hopes for this eldest son, if he was really disabled, he wouldn't come to disable one of his legs?

Li Huang glared at him: "You deserve it, I told you to stay away from those cronies, but you just didn't listen."

Besides, did you let him go out and go crazy?
Luo Mingchuan didn't even dare to fart, his face was full of pain... and distortion.

Although the guards didn't dare to hit him hard, they still received dozens of hits, which really hurt.

"Uncle, I suspect that someone is playing tricks, trying to provoke Ming Chuan to take action against Young Master Cheng. After all, the envoy of Cheng Yuan even came forward to protect the Pingyang Hou Mansion before."

From this point of view, the Chengyuan envoy and them are enemies rather than friends.

Who knows if this is a bitter trick they directed and acted on their own?

However, just when the uncle and nephew were halfway through their conversation, a servant came to report in a hurry: "Uncle Guo, the envoy of Chengyuan has arrived."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "It came quickly enough."

Luo Jiyuan rubbed the center of his brows, and ordered: "Please invite people to the main hall."

Li Huang: "Uncle, I will go with you."

Luo Mingchuan lay on the bench, looking at them eagerly: "Then what about me?"

You can't let him lie here all the time, can you?
Luo Jiyuan snorted coldly, and ordered the left and right: "Give him a few more blows on the butt, it's better to look miserable, and carry him back to the house after the beating."

The Fu Wei responded, and said to Luo Mingchuan: "Young Master, just bear with it a little longer."

They all understood what Luo Jiyuan meant, that the beating should look heavy, but in fact it should not hurt the muscles and bones.

As the guards in the mansion, they are absolutely accurate in their strikes.

Luo Mingchuan didn't expect that when his cousin came, he would be beaten again, and there was another burst of wailing.

However, no one paid any attention to him.

Luo Jiyuan and Li Huang strode towards the main hall.

Just as Cheng Hua found a chair to sit down, a servant came to offer tea, but he didn't drink it, just sat there and waited, as if he was not to be trifled with.

As soon as Li Huang entered the door, he saw him with a serious face, like a Buddha, waiting for others to worship him, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

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