She glared at Ling Yuan fiercely: "What are you doing?"

Ling Yuan took it for granted: "Teach your unruly junior sister well for Mo Shizi, so as not to be disrespectful."

What the hell, she's just a junior sister, she still thinks she's a dish.

Mo Yu's maid, Hong Zhu, was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized that she was about to cut Ling Yuan with the sword in Mo Yu's hand.

Ling Yuan avoided it easily, turned around and gave her a kick.

Hongzhu's three-legged feline kung fu was not enough for someone like Ling Yuan who practiced martial arts since childhood, so she was kicked out of the cubicle directly, and stared blankly at the guests in the next cubicle.

Seeing this, Mo Yu jumped up from the ground with a bang, and swung his palm across.

It's a pity that if her martial arts were superior to Nan Zhao's, Ling Yuan really couldn't do anything about her.

However, with just one swipe of the palm, Ling Yuan has a lot of roots.

She dodged a few moves unhurriedly, then found the neutral position, and slapped the opponent's chest with her palm.

Mo Yu was beaten back a few steps, blushing with anger.


Hong Zhu yelled, rushed in from the outside, and hugged Ling Yuan's leg. Seeing this, Mo Yu's eyes flashed a murderous intent.

Pulling out the dagger at his waist, he stabbed fiercely at Lingyuan's neck.

As the dagger flashed coldly, Ling Yuan saw with sharp eyes that a poisonous scorpion was lying on the dagger.

What a vicious mind!
This is because she is afraid that she will not be able to stab her with a knife, so can she be poisoned by the way?
Ling Yuan's eyes were slightly cold, she drew her sword and slashed towards her wrist.

Mo Yu was taken aback, seeing that the sword was about to break her wrist, she could only withdraw her hand resentfully, and put the dagger behind her back.

She glared at Li Huang: "Sister-in-law, you maidservant is so vicious."

Seeing that she wanted the villain to file a complaint first, Ling Yuan sneered and retorted: "Stop pretending here, what is hiding on your dagger? Don't pretend I didn't see it."

Mo Yu shook the dagger, and the scorpion got back into her sleeve immediately.

She stretched out the dagger and showed it to everyone: "What's on it? You said it."

Ling Yuan stepped forward to hold her wrist and shook her sleeves.

A green early bird fell out of it, and before everyone could see it clearly, Mo Yu stepped on it.

The worm was instantly crushed into a puddle of minced meat, and a few drops of green juice were splashed.

Zuo Qing and Ye Jiuning subconsciously covered their mouths and noses, only feeling their stomachs churning.

The girl who grew up pampered in a wealthy family, where has she seen such disgusting things?
Li Huang's face darkened. It seemed that Mo Jingzhan's junior sister really didn't deserve her face.

It's just a matter of meeting and saying hello, but she draws a sword to kill people and releases poisonous scorpions. If she is allowed to wander around the capital, maybe something will happen.

So, she called out: "Mu Feng!"

Mu Feng, who was guarding outside, flashed in immediately: "Your Highness."

Li Huang winked at him, and Mu Feng immediately stepped forward and clasped Mo Yu's shoulder: "Girl, follow me for a while."

Mo Yu's face changed: "What are you going to do? My senior brother will not let you go."

Li Huang sneered: "Your senior brother has already returned to Sanzhou, you wait for him to come back to save you, you will have died [-] times already."

Mo Yu's eyes widened: "What did you say? Brother went back? When did you go back? Why didn't I know? Did you lie to me?"

However, Li Huang is too lazy to talk nonsense with her, for a spoiled girl, she should suffer a little.

Mu Feng twisted her two arms, and dragged her directly.

Hong Zhu still wanted a savior, but Ling Yuan put her sword on her neck: "You masters and servants are really brave. You know the identity of my highness, but you dare to openly go to the capital to provoke me. How capable are you guys!"

"That's it, why didn't bandits take you to the mountain along the way?"

Hongzhu dared not speak out, and was finally taken away by the hidden guards.

A turmoil ended in such a devastating way, and those who watched the excitement still had something to say.

Li Huang got up and prepared to say goodbye: "I still have to go back to prepare the posts, so I'll go back home first."

The two quickly got up and saw each other off.

After getting into the carriage, Ling Yuan asked: "Your Highness, this servant is not a good friend to look at Miss Mo. Do you really want to keep her in the mansion?"

This meeting, she wanted to kill and release poisonous insects, this girl had a lot of tricks at first glance, she was really worried about keeping her in the mansion.

Thinking of what Nan Zhao said, Li Huang didn't have a good impression of Mo Yu at all.

"The prince has returned to Sanzhou. If she is let go, she will definitely chase him to Sanzhou."

Regardless of what this woman thinks about Mo Jingzhan, she can't let him go just because of her vicious thoughts.

If Sanzhou really messed up, who knows if this woman will not help?

She will nip any factors that affect the overall situation in the bud.

The carriage drove back to the mansion quickly.

As soon as Li Huang got off the carriage, Mu Feng came to report: "Your Highness, my subordinates have acupointed the master and servant and threw them in the side courtyard."

Ling Yuan immediately rolled up her sleeves when she heard the words: "Your Highness, just to be on the safe side, the servants should go and search the body of the master and servant, in case there is something else hidden on their bodies."

Li Huang nodded and reminded: "Before the prince left, it seems that he left some poison for me that can't kill people. You feed each of them one."

In case you still have the strength to act like a monster after you untie the acupoint.

Ling Yuan responded with a sound, used her lightness kung fu, and flew towards the side courtyard.

Li Huang returned to the main courtyard, A Yuan came in holding a letter: "Your Highness, the prince has sent you a letter."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "You have only been out of the city for a few days, and you have a letter?"

That's what she said, but her hands moved faster than her mouth, and she quickly opened and read the letter after receiving it.

A Yuan covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "The prince really misses His Highness, I'm afraid he hasn't walked two hundred miles, so that's all he wants?"

Li Huang glared at her and said angrily, "Go out if you have nothing to do."

Ah Yuan joked: "Okay, servant girl go out."

But just as she turned around, she was stopped by Li Huang again: "Wait."

She turned around: "What other orders does Your Highness have?"

Li Huang handed her the waist badge: "You go to the imperial hospital and ask the imperial physicians for some anti-virus and insect-proof prescriptions. I will hold a banquet in the mansion tomorrow, and you will prepare the invitation cards for the various mansions in Beijing later."

Ah Yuan was curious, but she didn't ask any further questions, and took the order to back out.

Soon, Ling Yuan came back.

"Your Highness, the girl surnamed Mo is indeed not a simple girl. Look, what did the slaves find on her?"

She put the messy bottles and jars in her arms on the table.

"What kind of poisonous poisonous insects, she has always brought them. Isn't Shizi's master a serious martial arts practitioner? Where did his daughter learn these things?"

Besides, how old was the girl when the old man died?
At such a young age, and staying in a place like Sanzhou, how did he learn this poisonous art?
Could it be that Nan Zhao taught it?

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