Li Huang waved his hand: "It doesn't matter where she learned it from, in short, keep an eye on her and don't let her run away."

Ling Yuan nodded: "Your Highness, don't worry, this servant has fed her two packs of cartilage powder, and she doesn't even have the strength to be a demon."

Not long after, Ah Yuan came back.

"Your Highness, Madam Yu heard that you are going to hold a banquet tomorrow, so she specially called two dim sum chefs from Jiangnan over here, and the slaves arranged for them."

Those dim sum chefs under Mrs. Yu's hands are all with unique skills. The dim sum fruits they make are beautiful and delicious, and there are many kinds of them.

Otherwise, Yu's Teahouse charges so high, but it is still full every day.

"Madam Yu really has a heart. After the banquet tomorrow, you go to the warehouse to get 20 taels of silver and reward them."

Li Huang has always been generous to his own people, so when the two masters came, they were very happy.

The next day.

Zuo Qing and Ye Jiuning came over early, after seeing the ceremony, Li Huang handed them the prescription prescribed by the imperial physicians.

"There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers at the northwest border. I'm afraid these ladies and ladies in the capital can't do so much. Why don't you mobilize the people in the capital so that you can send things out as soon as possible."

Li Huang gave them a serious opinion.

Zuo Qing glanced at Ye Jiuning, and then said: "That's what we planned from the beginning, but how to mobilize so many people is a problem."

It is obviously unrealistic for ordinary people to earn enough money for food and clothing throughout the year. It is obviously unrealistic for them to work for free.

However, such a large amount of salary is definitely not something they can afford on a regular basis like inner house ladies.

Therefore, they came to hold this banquet today to mobilize the young ladies in various mansions to see if they have the heart.

Li Huang understood that they wanted to mobilize the young ladies from all the prefectures, those who could contribute money would contribute money, and those who could contribute would contribute.

This matter is probably difficult.

However, since Ye Jiuning wanted to do something, she would not interfere in this matter.

While the few people were talking, ladies from various prefectures arrived one after another.

Ah Yuan came in and said, "Your Highness, everyone is almost here, shall we start?"

Li Huang stood up and said to Zuo Qing and Ye Jiuning, "Let's go."

In the yard, a hundred flowers are blooming.

There are many rare flower varieties that Mo Jingzhan bought from all over the place, and the eyes of the ladies who know the goods are straightened.

If this is not Prince An's Mansion, they really want to attack.

The servants in the mansion brought out the snacks one after another, and those who knew the goods immediately called out.

"This seems to be a unique snack in Yu's Teahouse."

"Yes, that's the taste. I've eaten there twice, and the dim sum there is very expensive. It cost me two or three months of silver."

"I didn't expect the eldest princess to be so generous that she invited the dim sum chef from Yu's teahouse to the mansion."

In the past, Li Huang had a bad reputation, and none of the noble ladies in Beijing wanted to make friends with her.

Therefore, she did not hold any banquets.

This is the first time today.

Unexpectedly, the price was so generous. They felt that today's trip was worth it just by seeing these refreshments being served on the table, which are sold in limited quantities in teahouses on weekdays.

As soon as Li Huang entered, everyone stood up and saluted: "See the eldest princess."

Li Huang said indifferently: "Excuse me, today I am the one who takes the lead, and the host is Ms. Ye."

After saying that, she flicked her sleeves and sat in the first place. After that, she acted as if she had nothing to do with herself.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what Ye Jiuning wanted to do when he invited them here.

Seeing that Li Huang really didn't intend to stand up for her, Ye Jiuning could only bite the bullet and explain her thoughts.

In the end, don't forget to put some gold on everyone's faces.

"This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. In the future, the soldiers at the border will definitely remember you."

"Now that the war is breaking out, if the soldiers at the border know that there are people behind them supporting them, they will definitely work harder to defend the border."

"Your righteousness must be seen by all the people in the world, and everyone will be grateful for your righteous deeds."

After the words fell, there was silence in the garden.

Those who eat tea eat tea, and those who eat snacks eat snacks, but they just don't look at Ye Jiuning.

Seeing this, Ye Jiuning's heart suddenly turned cold.

She finally wanted to do something, so as to earn back some face in front of Li Huang, but the current situation was obviously unexpected to her.

She asked unwillingly: "What do you mean by this? Don't you want to participate?"

When everyone saw her asking, some people couldn't help but said: "Miss Ye, it's not that we are unwilling to contribute. In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of border guards, and we alone may not be enough."

The other also echoed: "That's right, Miss Ye opened her mouth very lightly, even mobilizing the people in the whole city, it would take a long time, and besides, we girls who have not left the cabinet can't make up so much money." Give them wages."

It's not stupid at all, if this kind of thing is done well, Ye Jiuning's reputation is all hers, and they are nothing more than helpers.

But if it goes bad, all their money will be lost.

It is not easy for them to save some private money over the years.

Girls who have not left the court do not have any private property in their hands, and their monthly silver is only a few taels of silver, and those with higher family status have 20 taels.

But they also need to spend on weekdays. Occasionally, they go to the street with their little sisters to buy some clothes and jewelry, which is almost enough. If they are asked to pay, where can they get it?
Ye Jiuning became anxious when she heard this: "But it won't take long, there are so many idle women in the capital, just tell them that they are medicine bags for border guards, and give them a proper amount every day." For ration money, they must be willing to do it."

"Everyone put together 100 taels, I think it's almost the same, it's impossible, you don't even have 100 taels, do you?"

There are at least a hundred or so people here, 100 taels per person, which is 1 taels, which is not enough for her to go back and ask her father and aunt to order.

In short, her father will not object to such a good thing that is beneficial to the soldiers.

However, the crowd remained silent for a while.

Apparently, no one was interested in the pancake she drew for everyone.

Because, in addition to the issue of wages, those medicinal materials also cost money, and they didn't think that Ye Jiuning, a concubine, could afford such a large capital.

Ye Jiuning really didn't expect that these people could be so indifferent.

"Forget about the family members of civil servants, but there are many girls from military generals' families among you, don't you have any empathy?"

Ye Jiuning simply couldn't understand.

At this time, someone finally couldn't help standing up, ready to leave.

"His Royal Highness, the minister has something else to do, so I will take my leave first."

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