With the first, there will be the second.

Soon, most of the people left.

Li Huang did a visual inspection and found that most of the girls who left were from civilian officials' families, and occasionally from military generals' families, and those who left were also those who had no one in the army in the northwest.

Therefore, it is their usual style to have nothing to do with themselves and hang on high.

Ye Jiuning's face was very ugly.

She didn't expect that the first time she wanted to do something, she hit such a big wall.

The rest of those who didn't leave were just sitting there because they didn't dare to offend Li Huang. After all, if they all left, it would be really embarrassing.

On the other hand, they also wanted to see if Li Huang would come forward to help Yuanyuan in the end.

If the eldest princess came forward in person, let alone 100 taels per person, even 200 taels, they also have it.

After all, staying with the eldest princess is good, and the eldest princess will remember them when there are good things in the future.

But Ye Jiuning is different, she is a concubine from the general's mansion, what will they get if they sell her favors?
Everyone has to weigh the pros and cons.

At this time, a clear and beautiful voice suddenly sounded from among the ladies sitting: "Ms. Ye may wish to ask the ladies who are willing to participate to register first, and then share the tasks later. Each person is responsible for a street and sees who can mobilize more people." People, in this way, not only will everyone have a sense of participation, but at the same time, everyone will gain a good reputation."

Otherwise, let them pay in the rear, who will know who they are, and how much money will they pay?

In this capital city, who doesn't want to gain a good reputation so that they can talk about a good marriage in the future?

Just now Ye Jiuning talked for a long time, obviously he didn't get to the point, that's why so many people left.

Therefore, when the voice fell, it immediately won the approval of the ladies present.

After hearing this, Li Huang, who had nothing to do with himself, couldn't help but looked towards the source of the sound.

The girl who spoke was sitting at the end of the seat, eating snacks seriously, as if it wasn't her who spoke just now.

Li Huang felt that she looked very strange, so she couldn't help asking: "Which family are you from, why have you never seen her before?"

This girl was born with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and just by looking at her frame, she was bigger than ordinary ladies, especially when she stood up to answer, she was taller than ordinary girls by a large margin, which was really eye-catching.

Not only Li Huang was puzzled, but even the other girls present couldn't help being curious.

When did such a sudden girl come to the capital?
The girl stood up, bowed to Li Huang Yingying, who was at the top, and said: "His Royal Highness, Dali Temple Qingwei is the uncle of my daughter, and my daughter has only returned to the capital a few days ago."

Wylie's niece?
Li Huang raised her eyebrows and looked at Zuo Qing who was beside her.

Zuo Qing leaned towards her, and explained in a low voice: "The eldest son of the Wei family has been doing business in his hometown, and this time he sent his daughter to Beijing because he wanted Lord Wei to help him choose a good marriage in Beijing."

Li Huang understood.

She's just here, and she came here to get married in the capital, so she won't let go of such a good opportunity to show her face.

"It seems that Ms. Wei has a lot of ideas. According to Ms. Wei, if you divide your street, how will you arrange these people? You know, some medicines look very similar. If you pretend to be wrong, the consequences will be very serious. serious."

When Ms. Wei heard this, she laughed immediately: "Your Highness, this is simple. The ministers will select a few people who know the medicine, and let them be responsible for picking up the medicine and weighing it, and distribute it one by one."

"In addition, select a few more people who understand medicine. After the medicine package is ready, they will inspect it. Those who pass the test will be included in the quantity, and the salary will be paid according to the number later."

"In this way, it can not only improve everyone's enthusiasm, but also ensure the quality of the medicine package."

When everyone heard this, they nodded repeatedly, thinking that this method is good.

She really deserves to be a girl from a merchant family, she does things in a set way.

Li Huang couldn't help but look at her more, and she didn't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that this Miss Wei looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she met her.

"It seems that Miss Wei has been influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child, but with these people sitting in the big seat, I'm afraid she can't make up the wages of so many people. I don't know what Miss Wei thinks?"

Ms. Wei smiled slightly: "I don't dare to take it as a high opinion, but it's just that I have seen a lot and gained some experience."

"Miss Ye wants all the people in the capital to help with such a thing. If you don't have enough money, you can exchange it with other things."

"For example, in the name of the Ye family, a school is set up, so that those families who contribute can send their children to the school to learn and read for free."

"You don't need to teach them to a certain level. You can teach them to read some characters, and they will be able to calculate accounts. I think everyone is happy."

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up immediately.

That's a good idea.

You know, if you send it to the school, you will have to pay at least a few taels of silver for a year, not counting the money for the books, pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

If you don't have a foundation at home, it is almost impossible to learn to read.

If you can use this as a condition to encourage everyone to contribute, then there must be many people who are willing.

"Miss Wei has a lot of ideas. I think this method is feasible." Li Huang looked at Ye Jiuning, "Miss Ye might as well discuss the details with Miss Wei. I have other things to do, so I won't bother you."

With that said, she got up and was about to leave.

Ye Jiuning didn't dare to ask any more questions, she quickly responded, and Fushen sent her away respectfully.

Afterwards, the garden became lively.

Compared with the previous thoughts, everyone's enthusiasm is obviously much stronger now.

Some people said that if they opened a school, they would be willing to ask a teacher for help, some said that they could borrow the place where the school is opened, and some said that they could provide paper and pens...

In short, no one wants to miss this kind of good opportunity that can be remembered for a lifetime.

Thinking of those who left early, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Let those people regret it.

Li Huang returned to her main courtyard and told Ling Yuan: "Go and check, I always feel that Miss Wei looks familiar."

Especially those eyes.

Since Zuo Qing knew about the fact that the Wei family sent their daughter to Beijing, it meant that there was no doubt about the details of the Wei family.

However, she always felt that the feeling that Miss Wei gave her was a bit indescribable.

"Does Your Highness suspect that there is something wrong with Miss Wei?"

Ling Yuan asked.

Li Huang lightly tapped the table with his index finger a few times, thoughtfully: "A girl who was raised by an ordinary merchant's family is well versed in the art of winning people's hearts."

She always felt that this Miss Wei was a little different.

Ling Yuan: "The servant girl will be investigated."

But before she could go out, she was stopped by Li Huang: "You ask the people from Yunwailou to investigate."

After all, it is a professional intelligence agency, let them investigate without being noticed.

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