Ling Yuan took the order to do it.

After the banquet was over, the noble ladies who were willing to contribute began to get busy.

With all kinds of detailed suggestions provided by Ms. Wei, their mobilization meeting was very successful.

Because Ye Jiuning couldn't figure it out some time ago, she always helped Li Chuchu do some disgusting things for Li Huang, which made Li Huang draw a clear line with her.

She is a concubine, if Li Huang didn't take care of her from Ye Changge's face, how could she have a good life?

Therefore, after reliving the old days of being bullied, she wanted to regain Li Huang's favor.

This time at the mobilization meeting, it took her a lot of effort to win General Ye's support.

As long as she does well, regardless of whether Li Huang will ease the relationship with her again, at least, her life in the mansion will be much easier.

Therefore, she worked very hard and worked until late at night for several days in a row.

But I have to say that although that Miss Wei has just arrived in the capital, she is really much more proficient in handling things than those noble women who grew up in the capital.

After clarifying the division of labor, she helped to write the job listings, contact major bookstores and find suitable school addresses.

Although many noble ladies said they could provide it, they also had to see if it was suitable.

After all, once the school is opened, it is inevitable that there will be hundreds of thousands of people. If there is no guarantee of a wide enough space and the supply of paper and pens, various problems will arise later.

Only when things are done first, those people will be moved.

There is a saying that everyone gathers firewood with high flames, and when a job recruitment list is posted, there will be an endless stream of people who go to sign up.

A few days later, Prince An's Mansion.

Ling Yuan hurried into the room: "Your Highness, there is news from Yunwailou."

Hearing this, Li Huang put down the pen in his hand and looked at her.

Ling Yuan recounted the detailed report from Yunwailou: "They went to the Wei family's old house to find out. It is true that the Wei family's house sent a daughter to Beijing to choose a husband. The young lady who came to Beijing with her are all old people who have served her for many years, this can't be faked."

"But, although that Miss Wei has learned some business skills, these abilities are also cultivated for the purpose of marrying into a wealthy family as a mistress in the future. They are not much better than those girls who are born in Beijing."

"The most important point is, that Miss Wei is petite and lovely, and the one in front of me..."

The tall and bright Miss Wei is really a little inconsistent.

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "There are differences in height and appearance? Isn't it so?"

Moreover, the people who followed her to Beijing were all old people who had served her for many years. Wouldn't this sudden difference in height and temperament arouse their suspicion?

"Since you have doubts, then keep an eye on her." Li Huang narrowed his eyes and said, "Also, let's see where she has been helping Ye Jiuning these days."

This Miss Wei, from the moment she appeared, gave her a very unusual feeling.

On the other hand, the activities supported by the elders of various prefectures are in full swing.

The imperial court specially opened up an idle mansion in central Beijing for them to use as temporary workers.

For the purchase of medicinal materials, several reputable pharmacies in central Beijing were selected to purchase in bulk, and even the husband who was going to teach the children how to read has already been hired.

It's already retired, Mr. Fan, a former bachelor of the Imperial Academy.

As soon as the news was released, the people in the entire capital were all excited.

Such great Confucians can teach their children to read and write, what else do they have to worry about?
Then you have to work hard.

As a result, the efficiency was astonishing, within half a month, they were able to send the first batch of medicine sachets out of the city.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Mo Jingzhan hastened his horse and arrived in the territory of Sanzhou.

Compared with the capital city, which has already bloomed in spring, the three continents are still cold and windy.

However, wherever he went, there were all shops run by the Turkic people next door, and even the street stalls on the street doing small businesses were all Turkic people.

He immediately frowned.

"Young master, how long have we been away, why is this place full of Turkic dogs?"

Xiao Yunlan didn't suppress his voice when he said this, so the passing Turkic people heard it immediately.

"What did you say boy?"

Three or five Turkic people immediately surrounded them, looking fierce and vicious, as if they would be beaten if they didn't speak clearly.

The corner of Xiao Yunlan's mouth twitched, with just a few of them, they couldn't sweat enough.

"What? In the territory of Dayuan, we can't talk anymore?"

Xiao Yunlan raised his voice, the folding fan in his hand contemptuously pushed away the fingers stretched out in front of him.

The Turkic man felt contemptuous, and immediately punched him with a fist.

With a slight flash, Xiao Yunlan raised his foot and kicked the opponent's lower abdomen.

This kick looked light, but in fact he used at least [-]% of his internal strength to kick the Turkic man upside down.

Seeing this, several other Turkic people rushed up together, no matter what they bullied, if they beat them, they had to let the other party go to see the King of Hades.

Mo Jingzhan frowned so much that he could kill a fly.

What's up with Dillon?Didn't you tell him to take a good look at Sanzhou?

Why are these Turkic people so rampant?

Over there, Xiao Yunlan dealt with those strong men with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions.

However, the whole street is full of Turkic people.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of other people. Seeing their compatriots being bullied, all those people rushed forward in an instant.

Seeing this, Xiao Yunlan shrank his pupils and yelled: "No, I have stabbed a hornet's nest, young master, let's run first as a respect."

As soon as the words fell, his whole body had been swept away ten feet away.

Mo Jingzhan: "..."

This is his loyalty!
Fengcheng is the largest city in Sanzhou. After entering the city, Mo Jingzhan found that the Turkic people they saw just now were nothing more than small fish and small shrimps.

In the whole city, not to mention the shopkeepers, even the people who walk in the streets are mostly Turkic people.

Those people were very arrogant, and when they saw it, they dropped the money and carried it away.

It's the same even if you fancy someone.

Therefore, occasionally the people of Dayuan need to go to the street to buy things, they avoid them and dare not provoke them at all.

The more Mo Jingzhan watched, the more angry he became.

"Go and call Dillon. Is this Dayuan's territory or Turkic's territory?"

He doesn't object to free trade, but when they come to Dayuan's territory, they have to abide by Dayuan's rules. How can they be allowed to be so rampant?
It seems that Dillon's title of God of War can also be picked.

Xiao Yunlan didn't dare to delay, and immediately went to the City Lord's Mansion.

However, two quarters of an hour later, he returned empty-handed with a very ugly expression on his face.

"Young Master, Dillon is gone."

Mo Jingzhan frowned, what do you mean by missing?
A good living person, can he still run away?

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