Xi Niang was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and said: "Lord, a letter like this was burned on the spot after reading it, and it was not left behind."

Xiao Yunlan: "..."

In other words, someone hijacked Yun Wai Lou's letter and returned a false message.

Anyone who has the ability to rob the letter outside the cloud has not seen anyone in the entire abyss.

It seemed that the man behind the scenes had already spread his tentacles all over the abyss.

"Lord, is there a problem?" Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and his face was still changing, Xi Niang couldn't help feeling a little upset.

Xiao Yunlan stared at her sharply: "Check carefully to see if there is a traitor in Yunwailou. Before the matter is cleared up, don't rush to spread the news to the capital."

Xi Niang nodded and said, "Yes."

Thinking of Mo Jingzhan's order, he asked, "Did you investigate Dillon's matter?"

Xi Niang dug out the information she had found and handed it to him: "After Di Long disappeared, Di Yun replaced all his personal attendants, and before that, the two brothers had a quarrel. "

As for why it is noisy, I don't know.

After all, all the people have been exchanged, and now all the servants in Fengcheng are Di Yun's confidantes.

It was so obvious, what else did Xiao Yunlan not understand?
However, since he is so bold, isn't he afraid that the young master will come back to settle accounts with him?

Or is he confident that the young master will not come back?Or in other words, when they come back, this place is completely under his control?

"This is all the things Di Yun has done since he took control of Fengcheng."

Qian Niang handed over another stack of materials, and Xiao Yunlan frowned more and more.

According to the data, since Di Yun came to power, the money in the hands of the common people is indeed more than before.

However, the customs and influence brought about by the Turkic entry were also enormous.

After they entered Fengcheng, they would find local girls to marry, and the children they gave birth to would naturally become Dayuan people.

After the lease of the shop expires, they will naturally not return to Turkic.

Taking Fengcheng as an example, other cities will follow suit in the future.

Xiao Yunlan took the pile of documents, turned around and walked out.

Qian Niang was a little confused, she followed his back and asked, "Master, where can the subordinates find you?"

Xiao Yunlan threw a sentence: "Yunlai Inn."


Yunlai Inn.

The fighting downstairs was over, and the Turks left after beating Di Yun half to death.

The store clerk lifted him up and asked, "Young Master, is this still safe?"

Mo Jingzhan stared at the bloody man paralyzed on the ground with cold eyes, a faint smile appeared from the corner of his lips, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Go get a basin of water and wake up."

The man responded and immediately went to fetch water.

At this time of year, the water was still a little icy, so Di Yun, who wanted to pretend to be dead, immediately sat up when he splashed it down.

He wiped the ice water off his face, and when he saw that Mo Jingzhan was sitting in front of him, he felt numb.

"Young master, those Turkic people really won't cause any deaths, but they will bring considerable income to the people of Fengcheng. The subordinates feel that it doesn't matter."

"Besides, many of them married local girls, or married local men. To some extent, this is also an increase in poll tax for our Dayuan. Why not do it?"

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what he was doing.

Since he took over Fengcheng, the pockets of the people in Fengcheng have obviously bulged. Even if Mo Jingzhan goes out and grabs a random person to ask questions, they are willing to use temporary grievances in exchange for a prosperous life in the future.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Mo Jingzhan was about to laugh angrily at his theory: "According to what you said, you are still working for the well-being of the people of Fengcheng?"

Di Yun clutched his chest and coughed twice, the pain from broken ribs made him tremble uncontrollably.

"Young master, there are also many people in Dayuan who went to live in Turks. I think this is a matter of mutual benefit. Besides, it can really bring benefits to the people. I don't understand what the problem is."

In his opinion, as long as no one is killed in Fengcheng, those are not big problems.

Seeing that he was unrepentant, Mo Jingzhan lost his patience, and waved his hands to signal for others to drag him down.

At this time, Xiao Yunlan came back.

He handed over the information given by Xi Niang, and whispered: "Your Highness, most of the people in this city are now Di Yun's people. If we kill him at this time, I'm afraid we will startle the snake."

Mo Jingzhan sneered: "I just want to startle the snake, and see who is the one who is doing tricks behind the scenes."

On the other side, Beijing.

After more than half a month of getting along, the newly arrived Miss Wei quickly became friends with all the ladies.

Then, Li Huang discovered that the dresses of the noble ladies in Beijing gradually began to develop in a strange direction.

The clothes that were originally good had to be embroidered with some strange patterns, and the makeup on the face was also very weird. I had to smear around the eye circles, making the eyes look very dark, and the face was even more white with powder.

The bun is not well combed, and there is a trace of hair hanging around the ear, which looks weird no matter how you look at it.

If I ran into it at night, I thought I saw a ghost.

The point is, those noble sons in Beijing seem to be very fresh, and they go to the streets to see beauties every day.

All of a sudden, the capital is almost turning into a large-scale clown performance arena.

Ling Yuan clicked her tongue: "Your Highness, that Miss Wei is really powerful. With her own strength, she successfully led away all the noble ladies in the capital."

Now that the capital is full, who else doesn't know Lord Wei's niece Wei Rong?

"That's right, in the entire capital, men don't think about making progress, and women don't think about cultivating virtue. The atmosphere in the entire capital is hard to describe."

Ah Yuan carried the clothes into the door, and while tidying them up in the closet, he talked about what he saw outside.

"Miss Wei's hometown is a bit remote, but the folk customs are not so evil, right?"

"Besides, she also has her own theory, saying that a man can have three wives and four concubines, but why should a woman keep morals?"

"What is the use of a man who refuses to spend money for himself?"

"If a man can't earn money for a woman to spend, he might as well stay in the married family for the rest of his life."

These words sound really shocking.

I heard that those officials in the court impeached Mr. Wei every day, saying that he was not good at restraining his nephews, ruined the atmosphere of the whole Dayuan, and was not worthy of being an official.

The old emperor was so angry that he walked away and punished Wei Li to think about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Master Wei is also worried.

But as long as he doesn't let Wei Rong go out, those little sisters who are good friends with her will come to visit her one after another, which makes Mrs. Wei's head feel dizzy.

Moreover, she was the one who came up with the idea of ​​giving common people's children a chance to learn how to read, and the common people in Beijing naturally read well.

As long as Wei Li dared to restrain her feet, those people would gather in front of the door and call the door, strongly demanding to let her go free.

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