It's hard to imagine that a lady from a merchant's family can make such a huge wave in less than a month.

Li Huang didn't doubt it at all, and if he allowed it to continue, he might not even be able to use the emperor's imperial decree.

At this moment, the concierge came to report: "Your Highness, Mrs. Wei is asking to see you."

Mrs. Wei?
Li Huang raised his eyebrows, Cao Cao had just arrived when he mentioned Cao Cao.

"Your Highness, Mrs. Wei is here at this time, presumably because of the girl from the eldest family of the Wei family."

Ah Yuan guessed.

Li Huang put down the book in his hand and stood up: "Take me to the front living room."

The servant responded and withdrew.

Ling Yuan: "Then Your Highness, this servant is going to the martial arts arena to see Young Master Biao."

Li Huang nodded, after being beaten half to death by Luo Jiyuan last time, Luo Mingchuan lay on the bed and screamed for more than a month, he didn't have to do his homework, and his martial arts training stopped, not to mention how pleasant that day was.

Li Huang really didn't notice, so he dragged him over.

If you want to be lazy, don't even think about it!

A Yuan waited on her and helped Li Huang change into clothes that could meet guests, and followed her to the front hall.

Mrs. Wei is here to ask for something, so before she came, she was not sure whether Li Huang would see her or not.

It wasn't until she saw Li Huang appeared that she got up with joy and said, "His Royal Highness."

Li Huangxu gave a helping hand, and asked straightforwardly: "Mrs. Wei came here because of Wei Rong's business?"

Mrs. Wei saw that she was so straightforward, so she didn't want to be around the corner. She came here today to ask for advice.

So, she nodded generously: "The eldest princess is really kind-hearted, and she can see the intention of the minister's wife at a glance."

After the servants offered tea and snacks, they withdrew.

Li Huang signaled Mrs. Wei to take a sip of tea to put down the fire first, and then said calmly: "I have also heard about the impeachment of Lord Wei by all the officials. It is helpless for the father to let him think about his mistakes behind closed doors."

"It's just that Miss Wei is so famous right now, if you want to send her back to her hometown, I'm afraid those people in Beijing will protest."

She could hardly imagine what it would be like for countless people to gather at the gate of the city to block the way.

It is really not easy for this Wei Rong to make everyone in Beijing so fascinated by her.

Xu Shiwei's Madam was indeed very anxious and angry, she drank a cup of tea completely, and she almost ignored the noble lady's demeanor that she usually holds.

It can be seen how urgent the situation is for her now.

"Your Highness, are we really helpless?"

After taking care of the inner house for so many years, everyone knows the common methods. It's not like she didn't think about letting Wei Rong's "illness" quietly stay in the mansion, and send her back to her hometown after her fever subsides.

However, that Wei Rong didn't know what tricks she used to make the servants in the mansion fall in love with her, and imitate her various dresses when they have nothing to do.

Speaking of this matter, she was also to blame for her negligence, that girl had many tricks, and she didn't know where to get those strange clothes and shoes, and she gave them away one by one, which made the servants in the mansion feel flustered.

She just said that she was going to touch her, but the news got out somehow, and people squatted outside the gate of the house every day, clamoring for them to let them out.

The Wei Mansion is an official, but they can't arrest all the people in the capital, can they?
The entire Wei Mansion was so worried that its head was going bald.

At this time, they really regretted allowing Dafang to send the girl to the capital.

Speaking of which, this matter started from the mobilization banquet held by Li Huang, so Mrs. Wei could only bite the bullet and come to Li Huang for an idea.

Li Huang picked up the teacup, gently scraped the foam on the tea soup, and suddenly asked: "Madam Wei, have you ever asked, what kind of temperament is this Miss Wei in her hometown?"

"Also, she always said that those clothes are fashionable in her hometown, but Master Wei doesn't know if there are such things in fashion in his hometown, right?"

Mrs. Wei wrung the handkerchief in her hand, sighed and said: "To be honest, we only met the girl in the long room once when she was very young, but those servants who came to Beijing with her, we I do recognize it."

Otherwise, they would not rashly let people live in the mansion.

As for whether these dresses are fashionable in their hometown, they really don't know much about it after living in the capital for many years.

If it was not there before, who can guarantee that it is not now?

Seeing that Li Huang has already talked about this part, she doesn't mind adding a few more words: "Mrs. Wei, in fact, half a month ago, this palace had doubts about her identity, and even sent someone to Wei's hometown to check. However, those dress styles that Miss Wei mentioned are purely non-existent."

"Besides, according to the reports from those who inquired about the news, Miss Wei was brought up as the mistress of a wealthy family in the future. She would never do such outrageous words and deeds."

So, it's not that there is something wrong with Wei Rong right now, but that all the maids she brought into Beijing have problems.

Mrs. Wei stood up from her chair in shock, the panic on her face could hardly be concealed.

As the wife of Dali Temple Minister, it is impossible for her not to know about the things His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been investigating some time ago.

If there is really a problem with the group of people living in the Wei Mansion right now, then...

She could hardly imagine the consequences.

"Thank you, Eldest Princess, for your suggestions today, and my wife will leave now."

After speaking, she hurriedly saluted and prepared to leave.

Li Huang didn't keep her either, and asked Ah Yuan to send her outside the gate of the mansion, and only turned back when he watched the carriage drive away.

"Your Highness, that woman is so good at winning people's hearts, are you not afraid that Mrs. Wei is not her opponent?"

It must be that Mrs. Wei did not think of doing something to this woman before, but she leaked the news several times.

Now even if I know that this woman is a fake, I still can't help but feel a little confused.

Li Huang shook his head: "Master Wei has been able to hold the position of Minister of Dali Temple for so many years, and he is not at the mercy of others."

After sending off Mrs. Wei, Mrs. Zuo came again.

A Yuan looked at Li Huang in surprise: "Your Highness, what day is it today? Why do these ladies come to visit one by two?"

Li Huang had no choice but to order his servants to lead him to the living room again.

Mrs. Zuo did not come alone, she was accompanied by Zuo Qing.

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "I wonder what Mrs. Zuo and Ms. Zuo are talking about today?"

Mrs. Zuo was very embarrassed: "I came here uninvited, and I hope Her Royal Highness the Princess will not be offended."

Li Huang motioned for someone to serve tea, and then waited for the other party's next words.

Mrs. Zuo was holding the teacup, she seemed to be deliberating for a while, but she didn't know how to speak, and finally Zuo Qing couldn't help but tell the story.

"Your Highness, Wei Rong's proposal to open a school was led by the Zuo family, and the place is also in an old house of the Zuo family, but we did not invite those gentlemen who teach literacy."

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