Luo Mingchuan was about to explode with anger.

However, he didn't know how to refute.

The faces of Li Huang outside the door couldn't help but sink when they saw this.

This is only half a month, and these children who can't tell right from wrong have been indoctrinated with such thoughts. Even if they are lucky enough to pass the imperial examination in the future, I am afraid that they will only be used by the imperial court.

Seeing that Luo Mingchuan couldn't hold it anymore, Li Huang had no choice but to go inside.

"This gentleman opened his mouth with interest. I don't know your name? What aspects do you know?"

Mr. Jiao looked her up and down, and found that even though she was dressed in ordinary clothes and had a simple hairstyle, the aura emanating from her was unstoppable no matter what.

His intuition told him that this woman was not easy to mess with.

He cupped his fists at Lihuang, and replied loudly: "Here, the way of the scholar, Linyi people, the gentleman's six arts can be considered a little bit, teaching these children is enough, as for knowledge..."

"I'm not a Confucianist, so I haven't participated in the scientific examination."

Li Huang raised his eyebrows, and asked with great interest: "Oh? I don't know which school Mr. Fang belongs to?"

Fang Shidao lifted his chin, and said proudly: "The Legalist school, the most despised you are the sons of the rich and powerful, the way officials and officials guard each other."

Li Huang was almost amused when he heard this: "Sir, what you said is very interesting. Could it be that you have been treated unfairly?"

"As a teacher, you should correctly guide the students upwards, instead of just keeping your mouth shut like you and picking the relationship between the common people and the court."

"What? Do you want them to help you overthrow the current court in the future?"

A hat of rebellion was buttoned down, even those ignorant children were frightened and their expressions changed.

Fang Shidao frowned: "Madam, don't talk nonsense here. When did you have such a meaning? I just want to encourage them to work hard and make progress."

"I know that these people are the children of poor families, they just want to learn how to read, but who can know that there will be no pillars of the court among them in the future?"

"If you are talented, it's not that I can't take them as closed disciples at my own expense, and teach them well. I'm willing to make up for what your court can't do. What's your opinion?"

Hearing his words, the faces of the children were filled with grateful and yearning smiles. Their husband is indeed a good man.

There is nothing wrong with what he said.

But these people in front of them seem to be deliberately finding fault!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Li Huang and the others with anger.

A kind and simple child is so easy to be provoked and bought.

Li Huang sighed, she knew that it would not be wise to confront each other head-on today, or they might be entangled and unable to get out.

Thinking of this, she gave Luo Mingchuan a hand, and said, "Mr. Fang's righteousness, I admire it. I just passed by today, but I feel that Mr. Fang's slogan seems to provoke the relationship between the people and the court. If Mr. Fang wants to continue If you stay here to teach, you'd better pay attention, otherwise..."

She didn't go on to say the following words, but everyone who understands understands.

However, it was obvious that the other party had become wary, and he looked at a few with calm eyes.

"Who are they? If you don't make it clear today, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave this house."

After saying that, countless big men rushed out from the yard, and surrounded Li Huang and the others in a circle in the blink of an eye.

When did Zuo Qing's mother and daughter see such a battle?

Both of them turned pale with fright, and subconsciously leaned towards Li Huang.

Luo Mingchuan did not expect that these people would be so bold, within the imperial city, at the foot of the emperor, they would dare to do such an arrogant act.

He stood in front of Li Huang and said in a low voice: "Cousin, I'll block you for a while, you take the opportunity to run out."

Even if he died today, he still wanted to protect his cousin!
Li Huang's heart warmed slightly, he stretched out his hand to pull his arm, and said in a rare soft tone: "Stand away a bit, I'd like to see, they have grown some guts, dare to touch me."

Fang Shidao saw that she was in such a situation, but she was not in a hurry, and immediately had some guesses about her identity.

"I heard that the eldest princess of the current dynasty has a beautiful appearance and an extraordinary bearing. Moreover, she has just married Mo Shizi, and her age is consistent with his wife."

He almost didn't point out her identity directly.

Li Huang chuckled: "Since Mr. Fang has made some guesses, he dared to send so many people around. Are you really impatient?"

Fang Shidao sneered: "I just wanted to invite Madam to sit in the house and have a cup of tea. I didn't do anything to Madam. Even if people from the government came, they can't say anything to me."

He has studied the laws of Dayuan better than anyone else, but there is no rule that prohibits people from the Legalist school from passing on karma and teaching.

He is just preaching here, and by the way, he invites a few passing guests into the house for a cup of tea. What's wrong?

Luo Mingchuan was about to explode, who wouldn't see that these people had ulterior motives?

Are there so many people around while drinking tea?
"Cousin, they just want to imprison us, have you brought secret guards?"

Fang Shidao frowned: "Guys, I really want to treat you all to a cup of tea, why are you making such a fuss?"

Zuo Qing held Li Huang's arm tightly, but he still tried his best to maintain his composure.

"Your Highness, this person has obviously guessed your identity, but he still dares to do so. Thinking about it, this house is already full of people. With the few of us, it may be difficult to fly."

"Let's see what they want to do first, and then wait for an opportunity to escape."

Li Huang nodded, she also had the same intention.

So, she took two steps forward, looked at Fang Shi and said, "I'm the only one you want to invite, it has nothing to do with others, let them out."

Mrs. Zuo was shocked when she heard the words: "No!"

The mother and daughter brought the eldest princess out, but went back by themselves. How will the Zuo family gain a foothold in Beijing in the future?
Although Zuo Qing was afraid, she would not be greedy for life and afraid of death, and asked Li Huang to stand in front of her.

She gave Li Huang a hand and said: "Your Highness, if you want to stay together, stay together, if you want to go together, go together."

A few people here were arguing quietly, but Fang Shidao laughed over there: "None of you can leave today, so don't be modest."

Let the others go back so that the troops can be dispatched to catch him. Do you think he is stupid?

"It's just to invite a few of you to have a cup of tea, why do you have to act like an enemy? At the feet of the emperor, what else can we do to you?"

Zuo Qing almost laughed angrily when he heard his words, so many people were mobilized, and he was ashamed to say that they were on the verge of a big enemy.

However, in the current situation, they really couldn't leave.

After thinking about this, Li Huang was relieved.

"Okay, today we will repay you for the good tea brought from my hometown."

After the words fell, several people followed Fang Shidao into the house.

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