Under Fang Shidao's signal, those students went to the next yard one after another.

As soon as Li Huang and others entered the room, they found someone sitting inside.

The man was sitting sideways facing them, his bony hands were skillfully making tea, when he saw them coming in, he turned his face with a warm smile on his face.

"His Royal Highness, please stay safe."

Although the voice was a man's voice, Li Huang recognized that face immediately.

She opened her mouth, but didn't say a complete sentence for a while: "You...you are not..."

Not only her, even the rest of the people behind her opened their mouths in shock.

This person is none other than Wei Rong.

"His Royal Highness, there is no need to be so surprised. Haven't you already doubted my identity?"

The man got up and made a "please" gesture to her.

After a short period of shock, Li Huang came back to his senses.

This Wei Rong is not only fake, but also a man.

Recalling the wind and rain that he had stirred up since he entered Beijing, Li Huang also had some guesses about his identity.

She sat down and asked straight to the point: "Tell me, what exactly do you want to come to Beijing pretending to be Miss Wei?"

Luo Mingchuan asked: "Who the hell are you? Why did you pretend to be Miss Wei? Where did the real Miss Wei go?"

The man glanced at the two cousins, and said rather speechlessly: "Why do you have so many questions? This is my territory. If you make me anxious, none of you can leave alive."

Zuo Qing was furious when she heard the words. She slapped the table and said, "Since you know the eldest princess is coming, you dare to do it. Do you really think that this capital city is under your control?"

It's a good thing that this evil spirit was discovered early, otherwise, wouldn't the entire people in the capital become a knife in this guy's hand?

It was obvious what the man wanted to do.

The man seemed to realize she was there at this time, and said in surprise: "It turns out that Zuo Yushi's daughter is also there."

Zuo Qing: "..."

She said with a dark face, "You don't have to pretend to be crazy here, just let the fart go!"

It seems that Zuo Qing is really disgusted with this person, she is a dignified lady, she even burst out with foul language.

Li Huang had never seen such a tough Miss Zuo.

After all, the Zuo family is an aristocratic family, and the girl from the Zuo family is a role model for all the noble girls in Beijing.

Whether it is words and deeds or character, it is second to none.

It's like this now, it's really... so cute.

"Miss Zuo is really not afraid of death." The man chuckled, "Everyone here is mine, even if I don't kill you, there are many ways to humiliate you."

Madam Zuo's complexion changed, but she quickly calmed down again.

She looked at the man: "If you dare, you don't have to talk nonsense with us here."

Even she can see that these people are just bluffing, so how can others not see it?
Besides, it is impossible for the eldest princess to bring only a maid with her when she travels. As long as the hidden guards bring reinforcements, they will not be enough to patrol the city.

She couldn't believe that someone could be so stupid.

"Mrs. Zuo is in danger of protecting herself, and she still has time to show off her quick tongue here. If I frighten you a little and don't hurt you, even if the rescuers come, you can't convict me, right?"

"Besides, if I risk everything and all of you are dead, can you still manage what happens after that?"

While talking, he poured a cup of tea for Li Huang.

Luo Mingchuan frowned: "Cousin, be careful that he poisons the tea!"

What does it mean when so many people sit together and only pour tea for his cousin?
Could it be that the king must be captured first to capture the thief?

Luo Mingchuan who was underestimated instantly became unhappy.

"If you really dare to touch my cousin, my cousin's husband will definitely not let you go."

Yes, it is to bring out the god of plague, Mo Jingzhan, to frighten people.

The man didn't even bother to give him an extra look, he just looked at Li Huang and spoke solemnly.

"It seems that I need to re-introduce myself. According to my seniority, Her Royal Highness should call me cousin."

"Your Majesty, Li Mohan, I have no other purpose in coming to the capital this time. I just want to see if the uncle on the dragon chair is willing to give me a clear and proper identity."

As soon as this remark came out, several people sitting here couldn't help but gasped.


This is the blood left by one of His Majesty's elder brothers, why haven't they heard of it?

Luo Mingchuan's eyes were wide open, and his first reaction was that this person is so courageous that he dared to pretend to be of royal blood.

He was about to stand up against the crime, but was held down by Li Huang.

Compared to everyone's shock, she seemed much calmer.

"If you want to enter the royal family's genealogy, you have to see what you have to prove your identity."

Li Huang said lightly.

She couldn't believe that this man had worked so hard and done so many things just to get back his status as a royal family.

Li Mojing took out a jade token from his arms: "This is my father's identity jade token. When I sent my mother away, it was given to my mother. It cannot be faked."

"In addition, Lord Zuo also recognized my father's confidant before he was alive. He is still alive and can prove my identity."

"Since the eldest princess is here today, I might as well say hello to the eldest princess first, lest I turn around and reveal my identity, and you are too surprised."

Li Huang: "..."

Madam Zuo stared at the jade tablet in his hand, she was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a long time.

He was actually the posthumous son of the late First Prince!

At the beginning, the eldest prince was raped and beheaded by all the families, and he is still guilty of the crime. It is too arrogant for this orphan of the eldest prince to openly come to the capital and say that he wants to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan!
Zuo Qing glanced at his mother's face and knew that the jade plaque was not similar, but with this status, shouldn't he find a place to hide and live a good life?

He actually dared to come to the capital, saying that he wanted to join the royal family, maybe there is something wrong with his brain!

Everyone just thought so, but Luo Mingchuan asked.

He tugged at Li Huang's sleeve, and asked in a low voice: "Cousin, the case of the first eldest prince has not been overturned, has it? This person so blatantly claims to be the orphan of the first eldest prince, is he really not afraid of death?"

If there is no rehabilitated case, it is still after the guilty minister.

Where did this man get the confidence to think that His Majesty would let him go?

However, Li Mohan is really confident: "When my father's clan was destroyed, I was just a fetus. The emperor just wanted to show his benevolence, and he would not kill an unborn fetus. Otherwise, it won't be so easy to pass the long talk."

"Besides, Uncle Emperor must know better than anyone else whether my father was guilty or not."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the tea in Li Huang's hand poured over his face.

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