Li Mohan was caught off guard by having tea splashed all over his face, and he was stunned.

The cup slammed heavily on the table, and Li Huang's voice sounded solemnly: "How did Uncle Huang get the crime back then, then I have to ask those brothers in the underground, what have I got to do with my father?"

"Don't you think that everything is my father's means, that's why you dare to come to the capital to stir up wind and rain so blatantly?"

"Don't say that I am here today and cannot agree to your unreasonable request. Even if my father is here, there is no reason to hesitate to refuse you."

"Don't just use the emperor's reputation as an issue. That crime was set by the first emperor. It has nothing to do with my father. You have the ability to send people to the streets and alleys to spread rumors just like before."

Li Huang hated being threatened the most, let alone something unwarranted.

If she was really controlled by someone today, wouldn't it mean that their entire royal family was afraid of him, a posthumous child with no name or title?

"I tell you, get the people with you out of the capital as soon as possible. If you can keep yourself safe, I guarantee that no one will trouble you."

"But if you insist on causing trouble, then I'm not afraid of you."

After saying that, she got up and said "let's go" to a few people, and strode out.

A few people froze for a moment, the outside has been surrounded, where to go?
However, they still pursued.

Li Mohan never expected that Li Huang's temper would be so tough, and at this time, he would dare to be tough with him.

However, she was right about one thing, he really didn't dare to do anything to her.

Therefore, after Li Huang left the house, the thugs guarding outside seemed to be on guard, but they didn't dare to really step forward to do anything.

Luo Mingchuan tightly guarded Li Huang, for fear that the other party would make any moves.

It wasn't until they went out and got into the carriage that they finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Cousin, what does that person mean? Hastily exposed his identity in front of us, and dare to let us go?"

Li Huang sneered: "So what if we don't let go? He didn't dare to do anything to us."

The battle at the beginning was nothing more than a bluff, but when she guessed the identity of that person, she was no longer afraid.

After all, unless he can make all the guards in the capital obey his orders, otherwise, he dare not force himself.

However, since he dared to blatantly confess his identity, it shows that he still has a plan.

Sure enough, the next morning, before Li Huang got up, Ling Yuan hurried in to report.

"Your Highness, it's not good, Miss Wei is dead."

Li Huang: "!!!"

Her eyebrows twitched, and she suddenly had a bad feeling: "Which Miss Wei? How did she die?"

Ling Yuan: "It's the niece of Mrs. Wei's family. When the maid called her up this morning to greet Mrs. Wei, she found that she was already dead, and her body was hard. She must have passed away last night."

"Right now, the gate of Wei's mansion is full of people. Everyone says that Mrs. Wei couldn't tolerate people and killed them."

Li Huang: "..."

She had been restless since she came back from the mansion in the west of the city yesterday, she never thought that Li Mohan would play this game with her.

"The one who must have died is the real Miss Wei." Li Huang said firmly.

She had doubted whether the real Miss Wei was still alive before, but now it seems that Li Mohan was the one who caught her and killed her when necessary.

"Your Highness, right now the common people are asking the Wei family to give an explanation. There was a murder case in the dignified Dali Temple Qing's family. They refused to believe him no matter what, and kept clamoring for the Ministry of Criminal Justice to investigate the matter thoroughly."

Li Huang was silent.

She really didn't expect that Li Mohan would act so cruelly.

At this moment, in the alley opposite Wei Mansion, two well-dressed men in black clothes and plain crowns stood quietly, admiring the chaos at the gate of Wei Mansion, with joyful smiles on the corners of their mouths.

"Master, it seems that the Minister of Dali Temple needs to be replaced by someone else."

The short man on the side flattered the subordinate.

If Li Huang was here, she would be able to recognize at a glance that the master and servant are Li Mohan and Fang Shidao.

Li Mohan pursed his lips, looked at it for a while, and said: "Let's go, let's go meet the Crown Prince."

Li Yuze didn't know that the hand behind the scenes that he hadn't caught until now was quietly reaching out to him.

Compared with the treacherous situation in the capital, Mo Jingzhan's situation in Fengcheng is no different.

After he regained control of Fengcheng, he wanted to drive those Turks out.

However, those who are married to Turkic people and have children are not acceptable.

Because, their husband or wife was sent back to Turkic, so what should they do?
Whose children are they?
All of a sudden, the crowd gathered in the City Lord's Mansion.

As soon as Xiao Yunlan entered the door, he saw Mo Jingzhan holding a letter and reading it over and over again, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Young master, how many times have you read that letter back and forth, the outside world is about to turn upside down, don't you want to think of a way?"

If the people who married the Turks were allowed to leave, wouldn't they have lost so much labor in Dayuan?

Most of the people at the border have left. Who will support the production at the border?
Fighting a war requires not only soldiers, but also a strong backing of the people. Otherwise, how can the country be rich and strong?

Compared to Xiao Yunlan's anxiety, Mo Jingzhan didn't seem to take it seriously at all.

At first glance, it was clear that someone was behind the scenes and the purpose was to blackmail him.

"Why are you in a hurry? We can't keep those who want to leave, and don't rush those who want to stay."

He slowly folded up the letter paper, carefully put it back into the envelope, pulled the flap on the side, and locked it.

Xiao Yunlan didn't even look at it, isn't it just a letter?
Who cares about stealing.

Mo Jingzhan raised his eyes and glared at him: "You're scolding me again?"

Xiao Yunlan was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly: "No."

Young master, does this have mind reading skills?This can all be known.

"You let people post a list and tell those people that if you want to leave, this prince will not force you to stay, lest this prince will attack the Turks in the future, and these people will hold him back behind his back."

Xiao Yunlan's eyes widened: "Young master, do you want to fight Turks?"

Mo Jingzhan lay back lazily: "If you don't fight, can you keep it for the New Year?"

Turkic has probably had enough good times these years, if he dares to bring his crooked thoughts to him and not let them repay them, he really thinks that Mo Jingzhan is made of mud.

"But... the two countries have been repaired for so many years, and suddenly we want to fight, it doesn't make sense."

If the teacher comes out of no name, he will bear the infamy.

Mo Jingzhan glanced at him: "It's not easy, wait until midnight, you have someone go and kill Di Yun, and then send people to chase him to the Turkic border with great fanfare..."

Xiao Yunlan: "..."

The young master of his family is indeed a person who doesn't talk much harshly, so beating you is really out of the question.

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