Di Yun has done so many things, it is indeed not worth staying any longer.

What's more, he hasn't found out about Di Lon's whereabouts so far.

So, in the dead of night, he sneaked into the prison in disguise and killed Di Yun immediately.

Moreover, he specially used a hidden weapon engraved with a Turkic totem, and ran out after killing it.

The jailer guarding the prison soon found out, and then led a large group of people to chase all the way to the downstairs of the Turkic City.

When the Turks were caught off guard, Mo Jingzhan led his troops to quickly capture Yicheng, and shot and killed the Turkic city defender Utuba.

Utuba's son could only lead the remnants of the defeated generals to retreat in embarrassment until they retreated to the next city. Then he roared in surprise and anger: "The Mo is too deceitful!"

In the early morning of the next day, the Fengcheng army shouted at the city gate again: "Fito, don't you want your father's body? You bastard, you have the ability to come out and compete!"

"You Turks have the ability to go to my Fengcheng dungeon to kill people and silence them, but you don't have the ability to go out of the city to fight. It's really embarrassing to Turks!"

"What qualifications do you have to call yourself descendants of wolves? I think you are descendants of wolf dogs!"

The sound of ridicule was loud, and the blood of the Turkic soldiers in Yicheng was spurted.

Fito was so angry that his eyes were tearing apart, and his fists were clenched.

However, his lieutenant firmly pressed him: "Major General, you must not be impulsive, they just want to provoke you on purpose, so that they can harvest your head as well."

Fito took a deep breath, and said with a serious face: "Why don't I understand this truth? But this group of people is really despicable, so what does Di Yun's death have to do with us? This is clearly setting the blame on!"

The lieutenant comforted: "Since we know that they are just looking for an excuse to raise troops, we must not be fooled by them. Only at this moment, the most important thing is to report the situation here to the monarch as soon as possible to get reinforcements."

Fito stared at the Fengcheng army below the tower, then turned angrily and went down the tower.

But Mo Jingzhan didn't give time to move reinforcements, if he dared to touch his territory, he had to be mentally prepared to be retaliated by him.

It was just getting dark, and Yicheng was about to bury the pot to make a meal, but the Fengcheng army, which was already full of wine and food, started to call out again.

This time, all the people who were pushed to the front were Turks sent to Fengcheng.

They were tied up and taken to the front of the battle to beg.

"Major General, save us, we are Turkic people!"

"That's right, when we were asked to go to Fengcheng to do business, we didn't say that our lives would be in danger."

Everyone shouted at me one sentence at a time, until the soldiers on the tower were upset.

Now, Fito's subordinates couldn't take it anymore: "Major General, let's go out of the city and fuck him."

The Fengcheng army did this to them, almost roasting them on the fire.

If they don't go out of the city to meet the station today, how will the Turkic people treat them?

But if he left the city, he would undoubtedly fall into the opponent's plan to lure the snake out of the hole.

Left and right are dead!

It's really worrying.

At this time, another group of people raised objections: "We are short of manpower now, and we will be defeated if we go out of the city. Losing the city at that time will be a serious crime. Major General, think twice."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted dissatisfaction from the hot-blooded faction: "But why don't you just watch the people in the city ignore you?"

If so, how would the people in the city see them?

How can a general who can't even protect ordinary people protect the Turkic territory?
"Major General, there must be a trade-off in everything. If you lost this city today because of the lives of hundreds of people outside the city tower, the king will blame you. What do you think is more important?"

"Besides, he, Mo Jingzhan, may not really dare to kill those people who are powerless."

Compared with the people in the city, the lives of those hundreds of people are insignificant.

At the same time, they were also betting that Mo Jingzhan would not dare.

But they underestimated Mo Jingzhan's methods.

For Mo Jingzhan, since those people dared to step into the Three Continents, their fate was already doomed.

An hour later.

Those hundreds of people screamed under the city tower until their saliva dried up, but the city gate showed no intention of opening.

So, Mo Jingzhan sighed leisurely, and said: "It seems that your Turkic generals don't take you people very seriously."

The kidnapped Turkic people lowered their heads one by one, feeling extremely wronged in their hearts.

When I sent them to Fengcheng, I said it well. In the future, they will be the number one contributors to the Turkic expansion of the territory. After the Turkic army takes the three continents in the future, they will always be recorded in the credit book.

But now, after things fail, they will be abandoned.

If I had known earlier, they might as well stay in Fengcheng honestly, enter the household registration of the people of Dayuan, and be the people of Dayuan!
At this moment, they are extremely regretful.

When Mo Jingzhan put up a list to let them choose, they chose to return to Turkic.

Unexpectedly, their loyalty did not bring them the glory they wanted.

For a while, it was really sad.

"Mo Shizi, if we are still willing to stay in Dayuan and be the people of Dayuan, is it okay?"

I don't know who asked, but the others all looked at Mo Jingzhan as if they saw hope in an instant.

Mo Jingzhan raised his eyebrows: "Are you willing to enter my abyss? But what about your relatives who stayed in Turkic? In the future, the Turks will threaten their lives and ask you to be their internal support. If they come to occupy my territory in the abyss, you will be killed again." How about it?"

Everyone was confused by his series of questions.

They haven't really considered this issue.

Mo Jingzhan looked at them mockingly: "When you came to my Dayuan with the intention of encroaching on my Dayuan territory, you should have been mentally prepared. Today you died here not because of my cruelty, but because of your Turkic generals. Cold and heartless."

As soon as the words fell, he waved his big hand, and immediately, soldiers surrounded him.

Then, after a while, the hundreds of people fell to the ground.

The Turkic soldiers on the city tower saw this scene clearly, and the more violent ones were already angry and wanted to rush down to fight to the death.

Mo Jingzhan rode his horse in front of the formation, and with enough internal strength, he said, "Turkic people, you can see clearly, this is your general, and this is the order your king gave them."

"They said it well when I sent them to Dayuan, but what happens now? Such a general, such a king, do you still need to follow?"

"If this matter is changed to my son, even if I die, I will not allow others to touch a single hair of the people of Dayuan!"

"Anyone who dares to invade the territory of my great abyss will be punished by this son!"

The people in the city suddenly became restless.

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