Turkic was originally a small country, and it was taken care of by Dayuan a few years ago, and it has only been a few years of stability, and these high-ranking people can't help but want to challenge the other party's bottom line.

But the result?

Aren't they ordinary people who suffer?
Besides, the opponent is the real Lord of Three Continents!

Although he has not yet been crowned king because of his young age, the power in his hands has not been weakened at all. These people dare to provoke him, aren't they looking for death?
The people in Yicheng cursed and cursed, but the generals who defended the city refused to open the city to meet the enemy. For a while, the hearts of the people were lax.

Mo Jingzhan was not in a hurry, so he asked the people under his command to call out in turn. He wanted to see how long the people in the city could last.

Finally, the food in the city ran out.

As a last resort, Fito could only lead the crowd out of the city to fight.

However, the morale of the Turkic army at this time was not as good as Dayuan's. After a few rounds, they wanted to lose and go back to the city.

However, since the city gate has been opened, how can Mo Jingzhan let them retreat so easily?

So, in less than an hour, Da Yuan's army was as powerful as a bamboo, and directly captured Yicheng.

As for Fito's head, before Mo Jingzhan could harvest it, he was chopped off in the middle of the night by the Turkic people who hated him to death.

The battle report Pegasus was sent to the capital.

The old emperor was so happy that he almost slipped off the dragon chair, half of his illness was cured.

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I could become a generation of famous kings who opened up territories, hahaha~"

He asked people to take down the battle report and show it to all civil and military officials. The loud laughter almost knocked off the roof of the hall.

All the ministers knelt together and said congratulations: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The old emperor was very happy, and immediately ordered people to reward many gold, silver and jade articles to Prince An's mansion.

"Go, send someone to Sanzhou to pass on my word of mouth, and say that you don't have to wait until you are old, and when Mo Shizi returns from the land of Sanzhou, you will be able to become a nobleman."

As soon as this remark came out, all the ministers in the court were blown up.

A few old stubborn people immediately stood up and objected: "Your Majesty, think twice."

"King An's charges have not been cleared, so it's probably inappropriate for Prince Mo to inherit the title rashly."

"Mo Shizi is now attached to a horse, and it is really against the rules to inherit the title."

Since ancient times, Fuma has not had much real power in his hands, and there has never been anyone who can inherit the throne.

All of a sudden, there were voices of opposition.

The old emperor frowned, feeling that these courtiers were really disappointing.

Can't you see that he is on his head?
If you object, can't you talk to him in the Royal Study Room in private?
Besides, he is marrying a daughter, not recruiting a horse.

Therefore, Mo Jingzhan's position as the eldest son has not been touched.

"Okay, there is no need to say these words, I have made up my mind, so there is no need to say more, let's retreat."

After finishing speaking, he supported the eunuch's hand, left the dragon chair first, and walked from behind, leaving a group of courtiers standing on the hall and looking at each other.

Several princelings quickly chased after Li Yuze when he was about to step out of the hall.

"His Royal Highness, please stay."

Li Yuze paused, and turned to look at them: "If the adults want to talk about Mo Shizi, then you can skip it. Once the father opens his mouth, he will never change the order overnight. You should leave the palace as soon as possible."

Several people, you look at me, I look at you, how can you just let it go like this?
However, Li Yuze didn't give them a chance to speak, and quickly walked out of the palace gate.

When several of them wanted to chase after him, Li Yuze had already gone far.

And the other side.

Wei Rong's death caused a lot of uproar, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice has already stepped in to investigate. The servants who accompanied Wei Rong to Beijing were also called to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for questioning, but they all insisted that Wei Rong never left their sight.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice also has a headache.

He has been an official in the same dynasty as Wei Li for twenty years, so he believes that Wei Li is not that kind of person.

However, it's been almost half a month since the trial, and nothing has come out of the trial.

Miss Wei's body was rotten to the point of disgrace, but those people protested at the gate of the yamen every day, but they refused to be encoffined.

At this moment, Wei Li suddenly came to confess his crime: "I killed the man, Mr. Liao, please take me into custody."

Lord Liao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice: "!!!"

He stared at Wei Li: "You...what did you say?"

He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

However, Wei Li clearly repeated what he said just now, and at the same time raised his hands, signaling him to handcuff himself.

Lord Liao was completely dumbfounded.

Who is Wei Li? He still doesn't know who he has worked with for many years?
What's more, the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple have always had a lot of intersections, and he doesn't believe that Wyatt would do such a thing.

After calming down, he asked, "Why did you kill her? What good does killing her do to you? If you don't make it clear, I won't be able to take you into custody."

At this time, the people outside the government office have long been blocked.

Those who squeezed in front naturally heard the conversation inside clearly, and immediately became agitated.

"I really didn't expect that the murderer was Master Wei."

They always thought it was Mrs. Wei who did it. After all, rumors that Mrs. Wei wanted to do something to Wei Rong had been circulating in Beijing for more than a day or two. They all regarded it as a conflict of interests between women's families.

But never thought that the murderer was Master Wei?
The majestic Dali Siqing, why did he do this?

Everyone pricked up their ears.

At this time, Wei Li's voice came out clearly: "Because, she is not my niece Wei Rong, but a counterfeit who was transferred halfway!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people outside the door immediately exploded.

How can this person be fake?

Besides, don't the maids around Miss Wei say that people are real?
It's impossible, so many people unite to tell a lie, right?


Someone gestured vigorously to signal for everyone to be quiet.

So, everyone pricked up their ears again.

Master Liao was obviously surprised by Wei Li's answer: "But the confessions of those maids and servants are not problematic, how do you prove that person is a fake?"

Wei Li said calmly, "My lord, the biggest problem is no problem, isn't it?"

"Since I came to surrender today, you only need to single them out for another trial, and repeat what I just said to know the truth."

Lord Liao felt that what he said was reasonable, and ordered the servants to bring Wei Li to the back hall first, and then send someone to pass over Wei Rong's servants.

Prince An's Mansion.

Ling Yuan entered the door excitedly, her eyes sparkling and said: "Your Highness, Master Wei has really surrendered himself."

"But is this method feasible? Then Miss Wei is not a fake."

Li Huang pursed her lips, and said firmly: "It's okay, between treason and loss of master, they know which one to choose."

Besides, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment has rich experience in handling cases, Master Wei went to remind him, so he naturally knows how to make those people speak up.

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