However, now that he has been brought to light, he still has to be more cautious about many things.

"Now that the facts are clear, when will the case be closed?"

As long as the case is not closed within one day, Wei Fu will be charged with killing his own niece.

Then, such an important position as Dali Siqing will inevitably fall into the hands of those who are interested.

This is definitely not what Li Huang wants to see.

"It's just these two days. The Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs still needs to sort out the closing documents, and then report to the father, and finally make an announcement."

It will not exceed two days, so the Wei family must be able to wait.

However, those servants of the Wei family, because they concealed and did not report, this matter is no longer an internal matter of the Wei family. They need to be convicted by the government, and most of them will be sentenced to several years in prison.

It just so happened that Shangguan Ling needed manpower to dig canals and repair river channels, so he could just send the men there when he turned around.

There was another silence in the carriage.

After a long while, Li Huang asked again: "I heard that the father sent Li Mohan an errand? What kind of errand?"

Li Yuze said indifferently: "This year's scientific examination is about to start, and the emperor asked him to cooperate with the Ministry of Rites to organize this spring."

Li Huang was taken aback for a moment, but then figured it out.

The imperial examination is a major event for the court, if Li Mohan wants to make small moves in the process, once he is found out, it will be a serious crime.

Just to win and establish a good image in the hearts of the people, he has to do his best to do this job.

Otherwise, why would he want to compete for the position in the future?

The carriage soon arrived at the Royal Garden.

The guard stepped forward to greet him: "See Your Highness the Crown Prince, see the Eldest Princess."

Li Yuze raised his hand: "Stay flat."

When Li Mohan got the news, he greeted him fairly quickly.

After some greetings, he led people into the other garden.

"I heard that Concubine Xu lived in this villa before."

Li Huang only felt that this person must have ulterior motives when he suddenly mentioned Concubine Xu.

She flicked her wide sleeves: "Cousin, you can speak directly if you have something to say, you don't have to go around in circles with us here."

Li Mohan led him into the living room, and after ordering him to serve tea, he said with a smile: "This king just suddenly remembered, and mentioned this sentence by the way, why is my cousin so vigilant?"

Li Huang sneered: "Bewitching the Luo family to sway Princess Anyang and stir up her hatred of the royal family, you did this, right?"

It hasn't been long, he doesn't think they can forget about these things, right?

Li Mohan spread his hands, with an innocent face: "It's none of my business, I just told them a story, they thought too much, I didn't order them to do those things."

Li Huang resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Li Yuze took a sip of his tea and asked suddenly: "The spring is about to begin. Presumably, there will be many students from other places coming to Beijing from next month. By that time, there may not be enough inns in the city. I don't know how my cousin thinks about this , is there any good strategy?"

Li Mohan glanced at him indifferently: "His Royal Highness is testing me?"

Li Yuze: "My father entrusted such an important matter to my cousin. As the crown prince, I just want to know what my cousin thinks in advance."

In addition, he also wanted to test how much food the other party had in his stomach.

After all, that is the person who has been coveting their family's throne.

Li Mohan chuckled lightly and said: "This is also simple. Apart from inns and post houses, there are many vacant houses in the city? When the envoys from various countries came to visit and couldn't live there, it's possible that His Royal Highness didn't think about it. These?"

Of course Li Yuze thought about it.

The idle houses of some ministers in the court were requisitioned.

It's just that it may be difficult to move those houses out for those students to live in.

After all, even if the courtiers' idle houses were rented, students from poor families couldn't afford to live there.

However, Li Mohan obviously went further than they thought.

"His Royal Highness, there is no need to worry. The inns and post houses in the city will be uniformly dispatched by the imperial court. This king will count the number of inns in the city in advance, divide them according to specifications, and arrange them according to grades from the service of tea and meals. Prices are unified. .”

"If you have a lot of money in your pocket, it's okay if you want to eat better and live better. As for the prices of those idle mansions, they are naturally higher than those of inns."

"When the time comes, all these available places to live will be posted uniformly, and those rich young masters will naturally be willing to squeeze in those crowded inns."

"This king will release the news in advance. At that time, those who have money in their hands, in order to occupy a good residence earlier, will rush to the capital in advance and fill up those houses first."

When the time comes, rich people will run out of expensive places to live. Are you afraid that those poor students will have no place to live?

Li Yuze couldn't help but look at him more, he really didn't expect that this man who was full of intrigues actually had some real skills.

Li Mohan accepted his scrutiny generously, and secretly laughed in his heart.

Is this paying homage to him?
This is where to go!
He, Li Yuze, could never see enough of his abilities in his life.

Li Huang applauded, and praised without hesitation: "It seems that my cousin has not lost in his studies after being homeless all these years."

She had to admit that Li Mohan was indeed smarter than Li Yuze.

It's a pity that Dayuan's country must not fall into his hands, otherwise, I don't know if there is anyone in their lineage who can survive.

"Cousin don't need to praise me." Li Mohan said indifferently, "Although I am much smarter than His Highness the Crown Prince, but...the Emperor Uncle can't change me to be the Crown Prince."

Li Huang: "..."

To boast is to boast, and it is wrong to push and step.

Li Yuze's face darkened.

Saying such outrageous words in front of him, does it really mean that he dare not touch him?

"Li Mohan, I admit that you are a smart person, and your talent for governing the country is not weaker than others." Li Huang picked up the teacup and lightly scraped the foam on the tea soup, "However, if you want to rely on Those crooked ways to win the hearts of the people are ultimately not the right way."

"If you want to prove that you are the best heir to the throne, then you have to actually make some achievements that benefit the country and the people, instead of relying on those conspiracies and tricks to disturb the entire capital."

Li Mohan looked at her with raised eyebrows: "Are you provoking me?"

This woman is really difficult to deal with.

Li Huang took a sip of tea and said lightly: "I am just stating a fact."

"If you want to force the emperor to give way to you, you have to prove to the world that you are more suitable to sit in that chair than the emperor."

Li Mohan narrowed his eyes, and sneered: "Could it be that, after I proved it, Uncle Huang can give way to me?"

Immediately, he looked at Li Yuze again.

Even if the old emperor is willing, as the prince, he will not be happy, right?

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