However, Li Yuze said generously: "If you really do better than the father, even if you win the throne one day, the common people will not have much reaction."

After all, ordinary people usually don't care who sits on that dragon chair as long as it can benefit them.

However, his words moved Li Mohan's heart greatly.

He almost stood up from the chair, and asked in shock: "Are you really so generous?"

Can the country be handed over to them?

This is not a fool!

However, Li Yuze's expression was as usual, and his voice was steady: "You are also surnamed Li, so this is not considered to be a country, who is not sitting?"

What he said was so slippery that he almost believed it himself.

However, whether Li Mohan believes it or not, there is one thing he said is correct.

That is, if he wants to win that position, it is justifiable.

Li Mohan's eyes flickered, and he took a sip from the teacup.

Thinking of Mr. Fang in the old house of the Zuo family, Li Huang said lightly: "Cousin also don't have to think about doing something on the school to restrain the people's thoughts. The Legalist school has advantages and disadvantages. It may be necessary, but it is not appropriate to govern the stable people, this point, my cousin must be clearer than anyone else."

The legalist school emphasizes that the emperor commits the same crime as the common people when he breaks the law, but if it is firmly carried out, will Li Mohan really be able to do it?
Not to mention the people under his command, but the things he did were found out one day, so is he worth his life?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

Therefore, this school of thought has been able to spread, but it cannot become the mainstream school of thought in a country.

Moreover, those of Fang Shi Taoism are just to deepen class conflicts and hatred, which is tantamount to shooting a rock in one's own foot.

Because, he, Li Mohan, also belongs to the privileged class.

"If my cousin doesn't want to be difficult to clean up in the future, it's best to put away those thoughts before. If Dayuan is in chaos, even if you get Jiangshan, what can you do?"

There is a saying that it is easy to seize the country, but it is not easy to govern the country.

"Cousin should know that the borders are not peaceful now. You messed up the inside of the abyss, and foreign enemies took advantage of it. By then, the abyss will be gone. What are you fighting for?"

Li Mohan frowned, subconsciously retorted: "It's impossible for such a thing to happen."

He knows better than anyone what is going on at the border now, and he will never allow things to go beyond his control.

Thinking of the letter sent back by Mo Jingzhan, the corner of Li Huang's mouth curled into a mocking smile: "Does my cousin think that everything is under control? However, according to the news from Fengcheng, the Turkic King has already Beheaded the general who had previously intended to annex my Great Abyss border."

Li Mohan: "!!!"

He stood up from the chair with a jerk, and looked at her with rounded eyes: "What did you say?"

Li Huang pursed her lips, and didn't mind repeating it to him. At the end, she added: "Good news has also come from all the departments in the northwest and southwest, saying that the enemy army has been driven back hundreds of miles away by them, and, for the sake of To protect the peace of the country, they are all willing to hand over the provocative generals to us."

Therefore, no matter how good Li Mohan's talks with these countries were before, when facing the threat of national ruin and family destruction, their wind direction will fall faster than anyone else.

Li Mohan's complexion changed drastically, and he almost couldn't help shouting "nonsense", but reason pulled him back.

He adjusted the expression on his face, sat back down again, took a sip of tea, and said indifferently: "What is my cousin talking about? I am not familiar with the border countries."

This dead girl is really not simple.

He was almost cheated by her.

"Cousin, if you don't know me well, I don't know you well. I just hope you can know your identity."

Li Huang's visit today was just to knock him down, and the rest had no intention of entangled with him.

After a few people sat in the living room and drank a cup of tea, they heard someone report that another official from the imperial court had come to visit.

Seeing this, Li Yuze got up and prepared to leave: "Since my cousin is busy, then we brothers and sisters will stop bothering you and leave."

Li Huang added with a smile: "The scientific examination is the first job that the father entrusts to the cousin. I hope that the cousin will not let the students and officials in the world down."

Li Mohan maintained a smirk. If the situation did not allow it, he would have wished to kill the siblings one by one.

After leaving the gate of the Bieyuan, I happened to meet several officials who came to visit. Li Yuze took a slight glance and took note of these people.

Some people didn't know why, but felt that their scalps were numb from Li Yuze's look.

Shouldn't they be here?

However, it's all here, so I can only bite the bullet and go in.

The siblings got into the carriage, and Li Yuze asked, "Did what you said just now be intended to scare Li Mohan, or is it true?"

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, with a puzzled look on her face: "Which one is His Royal Highness asking about?"

Li Yuze frowned, dissatisfied with her address.

But he also knew that it was impossible for her to change her name in a short time.

So, he could only ignore this discomfort, and asked: "I haven't received any news about the border issues you mentioned. Where did you get the news from?"

Li Huang said "oh", and said lightly: "It's not all deceiving him, at least, the news from the second brother and the son is true, and other places, I just said it casually."

Li Yuze: "..."

Why did Li Yuheng deserve her to be called Second Brother.

Li Yuze's heart was bubbling with sourness, but he couldn't show it on the surface.

He coughed twice, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that he will go back and investigate on his own, and find that the facts are not as you said, and then..."

Li Huang interjected: "Then what can he do? Does he really think that the person behind him is really planning for him and wants to help him seize the country?"

Li Yuze's eyes widened: "You said, is there someone behind him?"

Li Huang sighed, and said: "His Royal Highness, do you think Li Mohan is someone who can disturb the whole situation in the abyss?"

Li Yuze thought about it for a while, if this person had been hiding in the dark, he really didn't think so.

But after meeting in person for a while today, I suddenly felt that this person might not be as powerful as they thought.

This turned out to be, is there an expert behind him?
"How do you know there is someone behind him?"

Li Huang was startled, what did she say?
Could she say that in the dream about the previous life, the man who ascended the throne was not Li Mohan?
That man hasn't shown his face until now, she really has to think, how long is that man going to hide?
"This is a kind of intuition, which cannot be expressed in words." Li Huang waved his hand, "As for whether it is accurate, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will know by looking back patiently."

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