Since he is not afraid of death, then he can easily become an eternal emperor who has unified all countries.

"Father, these spies are really everywhere. However, they stole the topographic map. My son thinks that this may be a good thing."

Ye Yuan froze for a moment, then looked at her suspiciously.

The old emperor was also aroused by her a little bit of interest: "Oh? Huang'er said it and listened."

Li Huang glanced at Ye Yuan, the emperor immediately understood, and said: "Ye Aiqing, get up first, don't move around and just give this great gift."

Ye Yuan said gratefully: "Thank you Your Majesty and the eldest princess for your compassion."

He struggled to get up, and looked at Li Huang again expectantly: "Your Highness said that just now, could it be to comfort the minister."

After helping the old emperor to sit down, Li Huang said slowly: "Father and the general think about it, what if the other party stole our topographical map of the border? How to make use of these terrain advantages is not our responsibility." ?"

"As long as we do the opposite and set up defenses in unexpected places, no matter whether it is Liang Guo or Baili, won't we all have to go back to their territory in despair?"

"Also, if they are allowed to steal our topographic map, can't we send people in to take the opportunity to secretly survey the opponent's topography?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Ye Yuan's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said: "That's right, I was confused for a while, and I didn't expect to be able to reverse the opponent's army."

The emperor laughed loudly: "My Huang'er is smart."

It's a pity that she's not a man, otherwise, he would have left her in this great abyss without even thinking about it.

No wonder those courtiers are so afraid of her.

It would be fine if she married an ordinary person, but she also married Mo Jingzhan who can be like a tiger with wings added.

Li Huang knew what he was thinking at a glance, and even reminded him: "Father, after all, this matter is related to the entourage of His Royal Highness, do you need to order him to enter the palace to explain?"

She was a little speechless now, and these courtiers came to her for help every now and then, as if they had completely forgotten that there was a serious Crown Prince in Dayuan.

If Li Yuze thought about it a little more, then she would really be feared to death.

The old emperor thought about it and thought it was necessary, so he sent someone to invite Li Yuze.

After Li Yuze entered the palace, he was in a daze. He didn't understand how things could always be blamed on him. How much did the person behind the scenes want to pull him off the throne of the prince?

"Since father has made a decision, I will definitely obey it, but this person always stabs me in the back, if I can't let him go, I really can't swallow this breath."

When the old emperor heard it, he took a rare look at him: "Oh? Do you have an idea?"

Li Yuze: "At present, I only have a preliminary idea. I will report to the emperor after the arrangement is made by the ministers."

The old emperor glared at him angrily: "I still keep it a secret from your father."

Li Yuze cupped his hands: "I don't dare, it's just that the plan is not thorough enough, and I might make my father laugh if I say it."

The old emperor didn't intend to force him, so he waved his hand immediately: "Okay, go back and think about your plan, don't be an eyesore in front of me."

Li Yuze rolled away in a hurry.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Li Huang was ready to leave immediately.

Ye Yuan was thinking about the safety of Yuanguan's daughter and tens of thousands of people, so he didn't dare to stay longer.

He was still rushing out of the palace to write a letter to his daughter.

After leaving the palace gate, Ye Yuan thanked Li Huang repeatedly, but was stopped by Li Huang.

"The safety of the border is the most important thing. After this catastrophe is over, General Ye will come to thank the palace again."

When Ye Yuan heard this, he stopped being polite, got on his horse and rushed to the mansion.

It wasn't until one person and one rider disappeared at the end of the palace wall that Ling Yuan asked, "Your Highness, do you think this matter has anything to do with King Anbei?"

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "Does it matter if you try it and you'll know?"

As soon as Ling Yuan heard this, she knew that she had another idea, so she hurriedly helped her into the carriage, and quickly returned to the mansion.

As soon as she entered the gate of the mansion, Ling Yuan couldn't help but ask, "Your Highness, are you trying to startle the snake again?"

She always felt that when she looked at her with bright eyes, she was a bit eager to fight.

Li Huang knocked on her forehead angrily: "I didn't ask you to fight, what are you so excited about?"

Ling Yuan chuckled: "His Royal Highness is right, we have been tricked for so long, if we don't fight back, will we die of grievance?"

The master and servant laughed and went back to the main courtyard all the way.

After ordering the guards to keep a close watch on the courtyard gate, Li Huang said: "You spread the news about the loss of the military defense map in General Zhen Guo's mansion, and let everyone know that the father is very angry. Lose your head."

Ling Yuan scratched her head, not quite understanding: "But Your Highness, didn't we lose the topographic map? Why did you call it a military defense map?"

Ah Yuan just came in with fresh fruit, and said angrily: "Your Highness tells you to go, so why do you ask so many questions? Anyway, it's useless for you to think so much."

Ling Yuan rolled her eyes: "I know you have a good brain, why don't I go?"

She didn't believe it, and His Highness wouldn't tell her the details after finishing it.

Ling Yuan went out humming and chirping, Ah Yuan looked at her back and shook her head helplessly.

Li Huang called Mu Feng: "Go and inform the governor of the capital and the people in the Xuncheng camp, and let them search the entire capital with great fanfare. The bigger the action, the better."

Mu Feng took the order and went.

Soon, news about the loss of the military defense map of General Zhen Guo's mansion spread throughout the capital.

Then, people from the government went around to catch spies, and the whole capital could only be turned upside down.

For a time, the entire capital was in a panic, and the people were afraid to go to the streets.

It's hard for Li Mohan, who lives in the Royal Garden not far away, to know about such a big movement.

The confidant was full of suspicion: "Your Highness, didn't they say that it would be good to just steal a topographic map? Why did they steal all the military defense maps of the entire Dayuan?"

It would be fine if only one place was stolen, but all the military defenses in the entire Dayuan were stolen.

Isn't this a proper way to open the gate next to the switch and let those firewood wolves rush in?

At that time, even if His Royal Highness gets that seat, how long can he sit there?

"Your Highness, we were counted together. The man's ambition has obviously exceeded our expectations."

Li Mohan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes darkened.

He gritted his teeth and said: "This king knows that he is uneasy and kind. Since he is not kind, then don't blame us for being unrighteous."

"Pass down the order to pull out all the hidden stakes that are still buried in the capital!"

It's a good idea to play black and white with him!

The confidant didn't dare to delay when he got the order, so he hurried to do it.

The next day, Li Huang received the news that many people in Beijing were killed together.

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