Ling Yuan came back excitedly to report.

"Your Highness, do you think it's strange? If there were one or two of them, it could be called an accident, but there has never been a case where hundreds of people died in just three or two days."

Of course, there is nothing to say about natural and man-made disasters.

Li Huang was not very interested at first, but when she heard that there were hundreds of people, she immediately raised her head from the mountain of books.

"So many? How did they all die?"

Ling Yuan went to the table and poured herself a glass of water, and then slowly said: "Some were hit by a carriage to death, some got drunk and drowned in the latrine, and some slipped and fell into the water and drowned. It’s all accidents, but when added up, there’s something weird about it.”

Hearing what she said, Li Huang immediately became serious.

"Go and find out who these people are and what they have in common."

Ling Yuan got the order and immediately withdrew.

In less than half a day, she came back.

"Your Highness, those who died, some were the stewards of various mansions, some were celebrities from brothels and Chu houses in the capital, and some were aunts or concubines from high-ranking families. In short, they were all seemingly inconspicuous characters. , but they all have a certain connection.”

Li Huang's expression froze slightly, and then she thought of Li Mohan again, and asked, "What's the difference between Li Mohan these two days?"

Ling Yuan didn't know why she suddenly changed the topic to Li Mohan, but she still replied truthfully: "I heard that he is in a good mood, and he discussed the scientific examination with several adults from the Ministry of Rites yesterday, and also invited them to drink .”

Li Huang: "..."

What else does she not understand?
Thinking about the deaths of those people, Li Mohan couldn't get away from it.

"It seems that this cousin of this palace has bitten the bait put by me to death."

That's good, she was afraid that he would not bite.

"Your Highness, this servant still doesn't understand." Ling Yuan scratched her head with a dazed expression.

Li Huang directly pointed it out to her: "Those people are all behind-the-scenes people who planted eyeliners in various places in Beijing. Because the Ye family lost the military deployment plan, Li Mohan felt that he was being played by others, and became angry, so he pulled it out. The opponent's nail."

Ling Yuan's eyes widened, and she suddenly realized: "It turns out that His Highness asked the servants to spread the news that the Ye family lost the defense map, just to make them fight in the nest."


It's really high!

They pulled out all the nails that the black hands behind the scenes had planted in Beijing without a single soldier.

"Your Highness, you are so smart, it would be nice if you could divide your slaves a little bit."

Ling Yuan looked at her with a full face of admiration.

Li Huang poked her on the forehead angrily: "You are like this, I can't find you someone who is too calculating in the future, lest you be sold and count the money."

Being molested by her suddenly, Ling Yuan's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Your Highness, if this servant is serious with you, you will know how to bully this servant."

After finishing speaking, she rarely showed the posture of a little girl, stomped her feet, turned around and went out.

A Yuan, who was holding a box of old books that had been collected with great difficulty, almost bumped into her.

"Your Highness, this Ling Yuan is getting more and more unruly, so you don't care."

She entered the room, put the box on the ground, Li Huang stepped forward to pick it up, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Rules are not the most important thing here in this palace. What I want is your loyalty, you know."

He stood up, patted the ashes on his hands, and pointed to the pile he picked out on the table.

"Send a few people later to send all these books to Madam Yu."

Ah Yuan nodded. She looked at the books on the table and asked in surprise, "Your Highness, these are all your favorite books on weekdays. Do you want to give them away?"

Moreover, many of them are orphans. Isn't it a bit too hasty to just give them out for free reading?
But Li Huang waved his hand very casually: "It's okay, the greatest significance of books is to be read and studied by others. Instead of piling them up in this study in this palace and reading less than twice a year, it's better to take them out and let more people read them." chance to see them."

Presumably, those who publish books and biographies are also very happy.

Hearing what she said, Ah Yuan suddenly felt that his thoughts just now were a bit narrow.

"Yes, this servant will let people move all the books to Mrs. Yu."

Madam Yu's detailed regulations for opening the library have been made, and His Highness is very satisfied. It seems that the library will be opened soon.

However, before the opening, it is still necessary to create a good life.

But this is what Madam Yu is best at, and they have nothing to worry about.

Not long after, a few servants from the mansion came in and helped move all the books out.

In order to raise funds for the library these days, Mrs. Yu is also searching for good books. At the same time, she also put up a sign in the teahouse, soliciting all kinds of books from book lovers.

At first some people were reluctant to give up, but after listening to Mrs. Yu's thoughts, those who had a collection of books at home reluctantly took out some to donate.

The business of Madam Yu's teahouse has been particularly good these days.

All those who donate books can enjoy all services such as snacks and tea in the teahouse for free, which attracts an endless stream of literati and poets in Beijing.

This operation has stimulated the other teahouses.

Opposite Yuzhen Building.

The shopkeeper looked at Yu's Teahouse with a sullen face, and the number of customers here could be counted with a single slap.

The waiter complained: "Shopkeeper, if things go on like this, won't our teahouses have a way out?"

That Yu's teahouse can become so popular only for women's business, if she opens the store door, men and women are not limited, wouldn't Jing be breaking the threshold?
Why doesn't the shopkeeper understand this principle?

But he is also very annoying, after all, he can't cut the price or give it away for free like others.

Although the things in her house are usually very expensive, but because the environment and service are very good, those ladies in Beijing like to go there.

In addition, they are very good at creating, and they hold festivals and rebate activities every now and then, which binds a large number of old customers.

Those who have been to Yu's Teahouse will basically never go to other teahouses.

Even if they can’t afford to go, they are sticking to Yu’s Teahouse to cut prices, and they will squeeze in to eat once they get the chance.

Just mad at others.

"The Yu family wants to open a library for poor students in this capital. Isn't this destroying the jobs of other bookstores?"

The shopkeeper's face was gloomy, and then he sneered again.

"Go, you publicize the threat that Yu's posed to the major bookstores after opening the library. I want to see it. It has aroused public anger. How can she open this library!"

So what if there is a long princess behind her?
In this capital city, there are a lot of dignitaries, and those who break the rules, even the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, have to get out.

The buddy got the order and ran out in a hurry.

However, as soon as the news was released, several major bookstores in Beijing rushed to talk about cooperation with Yu's.

When the shopkeeper of Yuzhen Building got the news, he was shocked.

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