"What did you say? Are those people's brains trapped by the door? It's fine if they don't join forces to deal with Yushi, but they still go to cooperate with her?"

He felt that these people were bewitched by that woman?

The clerk said with a troubled face: "The shopkeeper Yu said that she just opened a place where people can read books. They provide tea and snacks, and they can't compete with those bookstores for business."

After all, people who like to buy books and collect them at home still have to go to the bookstore.

Furthermore, in addition to selling books, the bookstore also provides some pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and these Yushi will not compete with them.

The shopkeepers of those bookstores received the news early in the morning, and the quick-witted ones naturally rushed to talk about business.

After all, it takes a lot of books to open such a library. They have opened the bookstore for many years and they have plenty of resources on hand.

If they are willing to make a profit, then in the future, if some students find a book they want to buy in the library, the library can also recommend them to the bookstore to buy it.

Why not do such a mutually beneficial thing?
The shopkeeper almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. How did the woman surnamed Yu grow her brain?

How come there are ways to make money coming out one after another?

"Shopkeeper, why don't we go and see what Yu's can do that they can't do, but we are very good at it, so let's discuss cooperation with them."

The little guy's mind turned quickly and he thought very openly.

If you can't do it, then join.

No problem.

However, how could the shopkeeper be willing to lose to a woman?
With a gloomy face, he reprimanded: "If you say such things again, you can go to the opposite side and become a buddy."

The clerk opened his mouth, wanting to say that Yu's Teahouse doesn't want male clerks, but he immediately shut his mouth after glancing at the gloomy face of the shopkeeper.

Forget it, he's just a boy, he doesn't care what to do.

If the owner blames it, it is naturally the shopkeeper's responsibility, and it has nothing to do with him as a young man.

However, he never expected that his opportunity would come soon.

A few days later, Yushi rented a two-story old tea house, and after half a month of careful decoration, it was ready to open.

The first batch of students who came to Beijing to rush for the exam have also arrived in the capital.

As Li Mo expected, those who have money are willing to rent a separate house, and quietly study in the courtyard behind closed doors.

The imperial court also issued a notice in advance that during the period when students are going to Beijing to rush for the exam, the inns in Beijing are not allowed to raise prices arbitrarily, and they are not allowed to make any troubles in order to grab customers.

In short, everything is based on the premise of the students' scientific examinations, and strives to create a good atmosphere for scientific examinations.

Li Mohan arranged everything, the old emperor couldn't help giving him a high look.

If his nephew can be united with the royal family, he will be a good talent.

"Father, just wait and see, he finally found out that if he wants to be prosperous and rich, he can only live in peace with us."

Li Huang specially went to the palace to report some outside matters to the emperor, just to discuss with him how to draw Li Mohan into the same camp as them.

After all, Li Mohan's attack half a month ago directly cut off a hundred nails in the opponent, which is tantamount to turning his face.

Now that you've turned your face, it's better to turn it over to the end.

The old emperor nodded again and again: "It's still Huang'er who thinks carefully."

He enjoyed the joy of his daughter pinching his shoulders, and the arc of the corner of his mouth never suppressed.

"By the way, what happened to the prince?" The old emperor suddenly remembered that Li Yuze had said that he would fight back, but he hadn't seen any movement until now, and he couldn't help being curious, "You have helped him like this, so why can't he move quickly? point?"

After doing this for a long time, no splash was heard, and the old emperor expressed his dissatisfaction.

This son of his did not inherit his swiftness at all.

At this time, Li Yuze from the East Palace suddenly sneezed.

Steward Cao thoughtfully brought him a cup of hot tea: "Did your Highness catch a cold?"

Li Yuze shook his head and touched his nose. He always felt that someone was scolding him behind his back.

The old emperor, who was scolding him, was disliking and complaining about him for the thousand and first time in the palace.

"I don't know who his temperament is like. I and the queen are not like this."

The old emperor took a sip of the tea that Li Huang handed over, and complained endlessly.

Li Huang was speechless.

"Father, the crown prince is still very similar to you. He is already making arrangements, but it just takes some time to achieve the effect."

If others heard this, they would think that Li Yuze was born to someone else by the empress.

"You keep saying that, the prince should be angry."

The emperor glared: "He dares!"

Li Huang casually flipped through the two notebooks on the dragon case, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Father, there is nothing serious to do all day like this, so I just ask for the notebook, so I won't waste it? I won't waste your energy. "

It's no wonder that the emperors of all dynasties rarely lived a long life. Judging from the amount of books, it's no wonder that they didn't die from exhaustion.

"Also, if you talk nonsense and don't get to the point for a long time, you should give them some punishment, lest they always feel how comfortable you are sitting on this dragon chair."

There are also some who show off their literary talents and write a lot of eloquently, but in the end they have nothing serious to report, it is purely a matter of errands.

"Father, for the sake of your health, I feel that there should be a charter. Those who have nothing to do and write notes randomly should give them a board."

The old emperor was amused by her playful and pretentious way.

"Look at what you said, these are all talents who have been selected after ten years of hard study. How can they be played at will?"

Li Huang rolled her eyes, hugged the emperor's arm, and looked at him with bright eyes.

"Father, it's fine if you don't write the board. You can fine them their salaries. If you make a mistake in a word, you will be fined one tael of silver.

"It doesn't sound like much, but if there are more punishments, few people can bear it, right?"

"You can donate the money from the fines to your son's library. Presumably those poor students will also be grateful to you."

When the old emperor heard this, he laughed loudly: "You, you are the only one with more ideas."

She dared to steal the salaries of hundreds of officials to support poor students, and she was the only one in the capital.

This let those courtiers know, wouldn't they be pissed off?
Li Huang shook his arm and said coquettishly: "Father, can you please?"

"My son believes that as long as this set of regulations comes out, you will spend less time reading the brochures in half. In the future, if you want to go out of the palace to go shopping or play boxing, it's fine."

Who said that the emperor can't be like the old man of ordinary people, just walk around the street and tease the birds when he has nothing to do?
The old emperor was very itchy by her proposal, so he readily agreed.

"Okay, I will announce it tomorrow morning, and it will be implemented tomorrow."

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