Because the exact murderer came forward to surrender, Dali Temple had no choice but to release Li Mohan no matter how unhappy it was.

At this time, the mansion given to him by the emperor was almost repaired, so people moved his things from the other garden to the new mansion.

On the day he officially moved in, he held a housewarming party and sent messages to all the officials in Beijing.

East Palace.

The confidant handed over a note: "Your Highness, the secret report just came back from the Ye Family Army, saying that the Ye Family Army has re-armed according to the terrain. As long as the enemy dares to invade, they will be able to kill each other without leaving a single piece of armor."

When he said this, there was excitement in his voice that could not be concealed.

The trick that His Highness gave them is finally about to see results.

Once the Ye family army wins a complete victory, the rift between the mastermind behind the scenes and Li Mohan will never be repaired.

After Li Yuze read the note, he burned it.

"Li Mohan has already been released from prison, you should keep an eye on him, but don't let him have the opportunity to attack these students in Beijing."

The confidant responded, and went out with fists clasped.

Li Yuze stood in front of the window, looking in the direction of Li Mohan's new residence, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I heard that Marquis Pingyang has told him all the things that the first prince committed back then. Now, Li Mohan knows that he has committed a crime, so he doesn't know what choice he will make.

He was looking forward to it.

At this time, Li Mohan, who was missed by him, was sitting alone in the study drinking wine.

The confidant came in with a list: "Your Highness, a letter has been sent over there."

Hearing this, Li Mohan's expression darkened instantly, and he threw the flagon in his hand backhandedly.

The wine bottle shattered to the ground, and the aroma of the wine wafted away in an instant.

The confidant was taken aback. He rarely saw his master being so angry. Could it be that he was wronged when he was in prison?
"Your Highness..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Li Mohan's cold eyes swept over: "What's the matter?"

Only then did the confidant want the list in his hand, and hurriedly handed it up with both hands: "Your Highness, the exam is about to start, and there are selected people over there. When you are asked to mark the papers, be careful to put them on the list."

Li Mohan snatched the paper with his hands, unfolded it and read it.

With just one glance, he was furious: "There are at least [-] people up here, he is crazy, so many people come in from the fortress?"

Is this wishing to control the entire abyss in his own hands?

What about him?
What is he?
Tell him that his father was framed, and the result?

All the elders in the capital knew what was going on back then, only he didn't!
Only he foolishly thought that all this was a deliberately fabricated story by Konami in order to clear himself of the crime.

In the end, he asked someone to investigate. When the case happened, Jinshang was really in fiefdom.

If the first emperor hadn't ordered him to return to Beijing, he wouldn't have known that his elder brothers were all dead.

Feeling that he had been deceived, Li Mohan was filled with resentment.

However, that person just got him out of the prison just to allow him to draw his chess pieces in when recruiting students.

Jizhong is possible, he wished that all the officials in the court were his own people, right?

Thinking of this, he raised his hand to tear up the list in his hand, but was stopped by his cronies in time.

"Think twice, Your Highness, once you tear it up, don't you want to announce to that person that you are going to betray?"

Li Mohan's eyes were dark and fierce: "This king is a serious royal blood, why do you want to help him, an outsider, to eat away at your own country?"

At this moment, his mind was suddenly extremely clear.

That man was ambitious, nothing more than wanting to take away their Li family's country and replace them.

He reused him now, and he didn't hesitate to exchange his life with a pawn he had buried for a long time, so what happened to him after it was done?
Will he still keep such an unfaithful and unjust person who is willing to hand over his own country to others?

"Your Highness, is this going to betray you?" The confidant looked at him in shock, "Your Highness, think carefully, if that person dares to let you walk alone in the capital, there must be someone behind him, once he finds out that you are disobedient , maybe it will..."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Li Mohan tightly clenched the paper in his hand, and after a long time, he got up abruptly: "Change clothes for this king, this king is going to visit Prince An's Mansion."

Although the confidant was very surprised, he didn't ask any further questions, and changed his clothes in a hurry.

Li Huang never expected that Li Mohan would come to her.

When the person came to report, she thought she had heard wrong.

"Isn't King Anbei going to hold a housewarming banquet tomorrow? Could it be that he wants to come to deliver posts in person when he comes to visit today?"

The servant of the concierge said: "King Anbei looks very anxious, as if there is something urgent."

When Li Huang heard that there was something urgent, she immediately raised her eyebrows: "Forget it, please invite the person to the main hall."

The porter responded and withdrew.

Ling Yuan murmured, "My servant feels that if there is nothing wrong with going to the Three Treasures Hall, King Anbei will not feel at ease when he sees it."

However, regardless of whether An'an has good intentions or not, if Li Huang wants to win him over from the black hand behind the scenes, he has to do his best to win him over.

Li Mohan was invited to the main hall, and after the servants served him tea, he withdrew.

The confidant stretched his neck to look out, and asked worriedly: "Your Highness, Your Highness the Eldest Princess will not intentionally make things difficult for us, will she?"

In this case, if you want to show them off and plunder them here for an hour or two, it is not impossible.

After all, they were confronted with each other before, so there was nothing to show any embarrassment.

However, in the time it took for their master and servant to speak, Li Huang arrived.

"Why is my cousin looking for me?" Li Huang sat down on the main seat, and asked straight to the point, "Isn't it because my cousin has figured out something in the prison of Dali Temple and wants to come to discuss with me?"

What she said was purely guesswork.

However, Li Mohan did not deny it: "If I say yes, is my cousin willing to help me?"

When he said this, let alone Li Huang, even his cronies were a little surprised.

Li Huang: "It depends on what my cousin will bring to negotiate terms with me. After all, your hands are covered with blood. If the things you bring out are not enough, then it may not be easy to balance the merits and demerits. .”

Li Mohan took a sip of tea, and her answer was also within his expectation.

If it was him, he wouldn't let go so easily.

After a long time, he seemed to think about it, and then said: "If my prediction is correct, Gu Shizi may have arrived in Sanzhou at this moment, and in his hand, he holds the Tiger Talisman that Prince An's Mansion has never found."

Li Huang's hand holding the teacup suddenly trembled, and a few drops of tea spilled out.

She squinted at Li Mohan: "He wants to send troops to attack the capital?"

Unexpectedly, after several accidents, things finally went to the road leading to the ending.

"That's right." Li Mohan said indifferently, "What you've seen is that the surrounding countries are ready to take a bite of Dayuan's fat. In fact, all of this is just a gimmick arranged by him."

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