In his plan, Dayuan, with its strong soldiers and horses, would not lose to those small neighboring countries.

And those small countries without self-knowledge keep pulling their beards on their heads, and their final fate is likely to be wiped out.

At that time, he will seize the land of the Li family, and the territory will be expanded to several times the original size.

He didn't make any effort, but by relying on those shady means, he became the last one to benefit from the fisherman.

Li Huang couldn't help being startled.

Although in the dream about the previous life, that man was indeed very scheming, but until she died, that man only took away their Li family's country.

She didn't know that that person wanted to be the overlord of this continent!

"My cousin must know better than me what's going on right now?" Li Mohan blew on the froth on the tea, "Da Yuan can be described as internal and external troubles, if my cousin wants to get through this crisis safely, she has to cooperate with me , because, only I know that person best."

Li Huang's eyes turned cold, and there was a murderous look in his gaze.

Could it be that he lured wolves into the house, why did Dayuan suffer such a catastrophe?
How many people will be displaced and their wives will be separated in this slaughter!
Li Mohan is simply not worthy of being a member of the royal family of Li!
Li Mohan didn't expect that he came to surrender this time, not only did he not get what he wanted, but it also accelerated his death.

"Cousin, tell me, how do you plan to break the situation?"

Li Huang lowered her head to fiddle with the froth on the tea soup, but she didn't intend to drink it.

Li Mohan handed him the crumpled list: "That person specially sent someone to send it to me. He wanted me to select the people on it after the scientific examination."

Li Huang took the list, her pupils shrank involuntarily.

She knew that there were quite a few people on it, and they were all well-known talents from all over the world. Because they often visited Yu's library these days, some even saved money to enjoy the set price of special customers.

Unexpectedly, these people were all minions trained by that person?

Li Mohan admired the constantly changing colors on her face, and the corners of his lips curled up: "With this list, my cousin can do her best and take the opportunity to wipe out all the forces behind that person."

He felt that he should have successfully recovered a major talent loss for Da Yuan, right?

This should offset some of the mistakes he made before, right?

Li Mohan was full of confidence, but there was no expression on Li Huang's face.

She quietly folded up the list and put it in her sleeve: "This matter is no small matter, I have to think about it carefully, my cousin should go back first, lest that person see you coming to my house, and turn around and tell you what to do." cover."

Her words seemed to be for Li Mohan's sake, but she was actually guarding against him playing tricks here.

Who knew that the person behind the scenes gave this list, was it part of his calculation?

Li Mohan knew that he had said enough today, and he really should give others some time to think about it and check it out.

So, he didn't linger too long, got up and left.

The butler personally sent the man outside the gate of the mansion, and did not turn back until the carriage disappeared.

"Your Highness, the person has already been sent away, and King Anbei did not take the prince's special car."

That person really didn't want to attract attention, so he came here with a light car.

Li Huang nodded, indicating that he understood, and signaled him to back down.

Ling Yuan looked at the list in her hand, and finally she was wise for a while: "Your Highness suspects that the other party is setting us up?"

Li Huang gave her an appreciative look: "Your head has finally turned around."

Ling Yuan, who was praised, did not feel the joy of being praised at all.

She scratched her face and asked worriedly: "Then what should we do? These students are all real talents. If they are not the nails planted by the person behind the scenes, if we rashly remove them, wouldn't it be Let Da Yuan miss a pillar of talent?"

Li Huang pursed her lips, how could she not understand this logic?
That's why she didn't talk nonsense with Li Mohan, and just drove him away.

That man's hands and eyes are open to the sky, she doesn't believe that he has never heard that Li Mohan was locked up with Pingyang Hou, and his lies will be exposed sooner or later.

The moment Li Mohan's mood changes, it means that this pawn is no longer in control.

So, how can we get rid of him and let him play his last role?

So this list is very useful.

After a short thought, Li Huang decided to go out and have a look.

After half an hour.

Li Huang brought Ling Yuan, who was dressed as a servant, to Yuzhen Building, and met Li Yuze who also came to observe the people's feelings out of curiosity.

And Yin Boqiao, the son of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was sitting beside him.

On that long table sat a few familiar foreign students.

Li Huang, who was recognized at a glance: "..."

How can I meet this guy anywhere?

Since there were no other vacant tables in the store, and the little brother-sister relationship they had left, Li Huang still sat there.

The two of them just stared at each other, and they didn't know what to call the other.

Yin Boqiao's scalp was numb. He just came to inspect his shop. How could he expect to meet these two giant Buddhas?
After a while, he could only bite the bullet and break the deadlock: "What do you two want to eat? Shall I get it for you?"

Li Huang glanced at him: "Didn't you say you can take your own meals?"

What's the point if you need a guy to serve it to you?Just order directly.

Yin Boqiao choked for a moment, then smiled and made a "please" gesture to her, indicating that the meals were at the long table over there.

Li Huang got up and went to get food.

Meals are served in exquisite sugar porcelain basins, with hot water underneath. To prevent the hot water from cooling down, the hot water is placed on the stove, and there is a slight flame in the stove.

On the long table, there are more than a dozen dishes, not only meat and vegetables, but also dim sum and soup.

Those dishes are sold separately on weekdays, and they are not cheap.

Now you only need to spend one tael of silver to eat so much.

This made those who eat a lot and try something new, all squeezed in, and when the meal came, the entire Yuzhen Building was full.

Many people don't mind sharing a table with others in order to eat this meal.

At this time, it would be nice to find a position, who would pick three or four?
Li Huang picked out a few dishes at random with a plate in his hand, and returned to his seat.

At this time, a voice from the side rang out rudely: "I also gave money, what? When your store opened for business, did you deliberately use the one tael of silver as a gimmick to trick us into the store to give you money?"

His voice was so loud that the guests who were engrossed in eating and discussing all around looked over.

When the man saw someone looking over here, his voice became louder: "Everyone, take a look, it's clearly a black shop, and it's clearly agreed that you can eat as you please, if you have to leave, let's not do it!"

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