As he said that, he deliberately looked around and found that everyone's eyes were full of condemnation or anger when they looked at the guy.

He immediately hooked his lips proudly.

The store clerk was also very helpless, pointing to the sign on the table and said: "Guests, our store clearly stipulates that waste is not allowed. If you can't finish eating, you shouldn't take so much, otherwise you will have to pay ten times the price." of."

Every guest who enters the door has been reminded in advance, and a small reminder card is also thoughtfully made on each table.

He didn't believe that the guest in front of him would not be aware of this when he picked up the meal.

But if you can't finish eating, you still take so much on purpose. Isn't it clear that you are spending one or two taels of silver, and you want to waste their three taels of silver?
This kind of person with evil intentions, the boy is also very helpless.

"Ten times the compensation?" The man raised his voice, "If you want to steal money, just say it out loud, you don't need to engage in such fancy things, I really think I can get enough for a tael of silver! So it's all a scam, bah~ !"

He scolded vigorously, but a companion dressed as a scholar sitting next to him desperately tugged at the hem of his clothes, signaling him to forget it.

However, how can a man who feels that he has taken advantage of it easily forget it?

He brushed away his companion's hand, and stood there with his back straightened, as if waiting for the other party to apologize to him.

"Isn't the reason why I left these few pieces of dim sum because your dim sum is not to my taste? Is it possible that if it's not tasty, I will force it?"

The little guy was very speechless, he had never seen such a brazen person.

"My lord, do you just have these snacks left?"

"Since you entered the door, the little one has been paying attention to you. You have picked up a lot of every food, and in the end you eat half and eat half."

"Just these few snacks, if it wasn't for the little one staring at you, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to help but sneak them away in your sleeves, right?"

He also said that the dim sum in their store was not good, but it was limited to the dim sum of Yu's Tea House, and he couldn't eat it even if he came late!

Being punctured, the man's face flashed with embarrassment, but he quickly returned to normal.

He poked his neck and shouted: "You little fellow, don't slander me here, who has seen it?"

His eyes flicked across the crowd one by one, and seeing that no one responded, he immediately felt complacent again.

"No one saw it, so, you said that this young master is down, is this young master down?"

"Don't think that I don't know. I didn't dirty the remaining snacks. After you take them back, why don't you put them on another plate and sell them?"

This is what his relatives' restaurants used to do. Not to mention unsoiled steamed stuffed bun dim sum, even rice that hasn't been touched by chopsticks, they can still be sold on a different plate.

Otherwise, how can a small business make a profit?

He couldn't believe that this Yuzhen building had such a big battle and spent so much food every day, and they were willing to throw away all the leftover dishes when they turned around.

I have to say that this is really what I am, and I can look at others with what kind of eyes.

This scene made Yin Boqiao, the owner of the shop, feel the veins on his forehead twitching.

Where did this come from?He didn't even ask who the owner behind the Yuzhen Building was, and he dared to smash his place!

The movement here quickly attracted the shopkeeper's attention.

After finishing, he ran over: "Guest officer, the store is open for business, it's not kind of you to do this."

He also heard the whole story of the cause and effect, so he would not judge such a person with a bad mind.

"What happened when you took the food before, I think some of the guests here must have seen it. The reason why you deliberately left these pieces of snacks is nothing more than to take them away, but the rule of eating and not taking is specially for a group of people. It depends on the two silver coins to pick up the meal, if you want to take it away, you need to pay extra for this dim sum."

The man's eyes widened immediately when he heard the words: "You want me to pay ten times more, and you have to pay extra for this snack?"

Just go grab it.

Shopkeeper Erbao was also very speechless: "Guest officer, we will remind you repeatedly before entering the store. Presumably other customers in the store are also aware that everyone is willing to abide by this rule before starting to eat. It seems that you are deliberately wasting food." If you don’t get punished for wanting to spend a tael of money to cover your expenses, won’t other guests have to follow suit in the future?”

The owner can watch it here today!
He can't show his timidity and let the boss think that it's not worth hiring him to be the big shopkeeper.

" are a black shop, a black shop!" Seeing that the man couldn't say it, he started to play a rogue, "I only have a tael of silver, let's see what you can do with me?"

Seeing this, the shopkeeper of Erbao could only say forcefully: "Since that's the case, the small shop can only report to the officials. If the government says what to do, then do so."

It's not uncommon for customers to come to their Yuzhenlou for a meal of tens of taels of silver on weekdays. It's just that they wanted to do something new at noon recently, so they made such a self-service meal.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of opening, someone came to make trouble.

Moreover, it looks like he came to Beijing from another place to rush for the exam.

Er Bao couldn't help thinking, if such a person is really allowed to become an official, will there be a way for them to survive as ordinary people in the future?
"You..." When the man heard that he was going to report to the police, panic flashed across his face for a moment, but he still held his own, "You know, if you offend me today, if I go to high school in the future, your shop may be a mess." It’s going to fail.”

"Young master, let's wait until you win."

Er Bao felt contempt for a while, who is not a backer?

Is it amazing to be on the list?Even if he won the number one scholar, wouldn't he still have to go to the Imperial Academy?
Besides, behind their boss is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, so the annual assessment in the future should not be firmly in the hands of their Master Yin?
It's a mere exam, and the exam hasn't started yet!Treat yourself as a dish.

The man seemed to understand the expression on Erbao's face, and he was immediately angry.

But before he could get angry, the companion behind him pulled him again and persuaded him: "Brother Deren, it's because you don't take care of this matter. I will ask you to take less when picking up the meal. You don't want to eat it." Listen, now it's like this..."

The companion sighed, if they weren't from the same township, he would have wished to stay away, so as not to be ashamed to follow along.

However, he could also tell that the shopkeeper of this store had confidence, and he might really report to the government.

This has provoked a lawsuit, how can I take the test?
Besides, they are from the same town, and if he caused trouble alone, it would inevitably bring his reputation down.

Thinking of this, he bowed deeply to the shopkeeper and the clerk: "My fellow countryman has encountered some unpleasant things recently, and I didn't mean to find fault. I also ask the two adults to have a lot of money, and don't worry about him. , I paid for him."

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