What's the matter, the big exam is held every three years, and whoever fails at this time will undoubtedly touch the emperor's mold.

As the governor of the capital, how can he not be held accountable!

This is God will kill him!

Fu Yin resolutely stepped into the house, and the burning smell made him cough violently.

Seeing that the government came, those common people who had lost their children cried and cried out for injustice: "My lord, you must make the decision for the grass people!"

They cried and shouted to break through the human wall, but they were firmly stopped by the people patrolling the city camp.

Ye Beichen raised his voice to comfort him: "Don't worry, everyone, the government will definitely investigate such a big incident, otherwise, His Majesty will not agree!"

Ling Yuan hooked her fingers at Ye Beichen and called softly, "Deputy Commander Ye."

Ye Beichen looked at her, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

Ling Yuan only asked, "Is that teacher, Mr. Xi, dead?"

Ye Beichen shook his head: "Only [-] or [-] children's bodies were brought out from inside, and the one surnamed Fang didn't see it."

Ling Yuan was surprised: "He's not here, so who do these kids have lessons with?"

Hearing her question, Ye Beichen walked up to the children who escaped death and asked, "Where's your Mr. Fang?"

Those children raised their dark faces and their eyes were full of bewilderment.

Mr. Fang, how do they know?

A child who seemed to be quite calm said: "We were taking a nap in the house, only to find out that there was a fire outside."

When they found out that the fire was on fire, they were scared to death, and they didn't care who didn't run out.

When they were asked at this time, they remembered that Mr. Fang seemed to have been absent from the beginning.

At this time, someone couldn't help asking: "Could it be burned to death? You go in and look for it, what if you get knocked unconscious in a corner?"

It has to be said that most of the children were innocent by nature. When they realized that Fang Shidao might not have escaped, they urged the people from the city patrol to go in and help them save people.

However, the whole house is only so big, they searched through it long ago, let alone a person, even a single object that fell from the person's body, they didn't see it.

Two quarters of an hour later, Ling Yuan returned to the carriage.

"Your Highness, Fang Shidao has escaped."

She reported in detail the news she had found so far.

"But those children didn't seem to think that Fang Shidao set the fire on purpose. They thought he was burned to ashes, so they cried very sadly."

Li Huang: "..."

How could this person be burned to ashes so easily?

Besides, the fire didn't last long.

"Go back to the palace first."

Li Huang ordered Mu Feng to drive the carriage, Mu Feng responded, and drove the carriage back to Prince An's Mansion slowly.

As Li Huang expected, during the scientific research, such a big incident happened, and soon spread throughout the capital.

Originally, some people had rumored that the current emperor was not in the right position, but now that such a mistake was made during the selection of talents, the rumors revived in an instant.

Li Huang had just returned to Prince An's Mansion, and the rumors had already spread wildly, and A Yuan came in as soon as he was in the courtyard.

"Your Highness, there are rumors all over the street that God doesn't want people who are not in the right position to get real talents, so natural disasters and man-made disasters happen at this time."

Li Huang's face was very gloomy, it's been spread all over the capital, does anyone in the palace know about it?
As she expected, when the news spread to the palace, the old emperor's expression was almost cannibalistic.

The governor of the capital knelt in front of the dragon case, trembling.

"Gao Jin, as the parental officer of the capital, I have entrusted you with a heavy responsibility, and you will repay me like this?"

Fortunately, he once transferred him to this position from another place, and in the end, he gave him such a big leak?

Gao Jin was about to cry, the parent officer in this capital city was no better than the parent officer in other places, his grade was not high, but he had a lot of things to do.

He was transferred to another position before, and he was happy for a long time, thinking that he could finally get rid of this hot ass position.

As a result, within a year, the newly appointed governor of the capital was transferred away because of his outstanding ability.

Therefore, no one could take over this position, and the emperor thought of him again.

He is really bad luck.

"Your Majesty is guilty of dereliction of duty!"

At this time, what else can he do besides admitting the crime?
With so many people dying, someone has to stand up and take responsibility.

Moreover, if this matter is not handled properly, it will affect the ongoing scientific research at the Tribute Court.

"At the moment, it is true that we should find a way to appease those common people first." Dali Temple Minister Wei Li stood aside and said, "Your Majesty, it is clear that the courtyard was set on fire maliciously, and the arsonists are most likely That is Professor Fang."

"However, this person taught those children many things with only a small amount of money. If he didn't get the proof, he would rashly suspect him, and the common people would not agree."

However, we must first stop the rumors outside.

At this time, Zuo Yushi who heard the news also rushed over.

As soon as he entered the imperial study, he knelt down and pleaded guilty: "Your Majesty, the house belongs to my Zuo family. If something like this happens, my Zuo family will not escape the responsibility. I am willing to come forward to appease the dead and injured people. I should pay the money." Pay for the money, pay for the one who deserves the compensation."

In short, he was willing to stand up for the emperor to settle this matter.

The old emperor looked at him with satisfaction: "The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, Zuo Aiqing has hit the point."

Immediately, he glared at Gao Jin viciously again, as soon as this guy came in, he knew to plead guilty.

What's the use of pleading guilty?

Can the rumors outside be stopped if I apologize?
Can the people who blamed the dead children have no grievances?

Really pissed him off.

Gao Jin only felt that the back of his neck was cold, and he didn't dare to catch his breath after being stared at by the emperor.

He only hated that his mind was a step slower than Zuo Yushi, so he hurriedly followed and said: "Your Majesty, as the official of the parents of the capital, I am free to do things to appease the people. How can I let Zuo Yushi do it?" ?”

"Zuo Yushi provided those children with a place to read and write for free. There is no reason for them to be held accountable for being set ablaze by the villains. This is all the fault of my negligence, and I should be responsible for the aftermath."

Zuo Yushi wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Wei Li.

"My lords, the most urgent thing is to get out of the palace and settle down those people. If you both want to contribute, you can go together. I will definitely catch the murderer as soon as possible, so as to reassure the people."

Gao Jin and Zuo Yushi hurriedly cupped their hands at him, and said in unison: "That's it, thank you, Mr. Wei."

After speaking, the two left in a hurry.

The old emperor stared at the booklet Li Yuze gave him in the morning, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

After a long time, he gave orders to his servant: "Let the Marquis of Shun An enter the palace."

The servant hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, do you really want to appoint Marquis Shun'an?"

The emperor frowned: "Go as soon as I tell you to go, I know it well."

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