The servant sighed, and went out of the palace to deliver the order.

Soon, Marquis Shun'an entered the palace.

When the news was sent back to Prince An's Mansion, Li Huang was surprised and said: "I thought that Emperor Father would appoint General Ye."

After all, if Gu Chenzhou really led his troops all the way north, General Ye was very reliable.

But Marquis Shun'an, she didn't know much about it.

On the contrary, she knew his prodigal son very well.

For a man who can teach such a son, she has to have doubts about his ability to handle soldiers.

Half an hour later, Marquis Shun'an left the palace, ordered [-] soldiers and horses, and left the city in a hurry.

Two days later.

The people whose children died were already appeased, but for some unknown reason, they went straight to the gate of the palace.

When Mu Feng came in to report, Li Huang was so surprised that the flower pots were almost thrown on the ground.

"Haven't Mr. Zuo and Mr. Gao calmed him down? How come this is still going on?"

As far as she knew, the imperial court had allocated money to compensate those casualties, and they were satisfied with the amount of compensation from the beginning.

Mu Feng couldn't put it into words: "Speaking of which, it has something to do with the son of Marquis Shun'an."

Li Huang frowned: "What happened to the Second Patriarch?"

His father just led the troops out of the city, so what kind of monster is he going to do?

Mu Feng said with a serious face: "Today, the imperial court uniformly distributed the compensation money to them at the gate of the Yin Yamen in the capital. The parents and relatives of the children who were injured or injured, as well as the people who watched the excitement, directly blocked the gate of the Yamen. Anhou Shizi passed by with his horse, and the horse kicked and injured several people at once."

"There are so many people watching at the gate of the government office. When someone stopped him, Prince Shun'an became furious and said a lot of ugly things."

Ling Yuan recalled the haughty countenance of Prince Shun'an that day, and she knew almost without thinking that what came out of that man's mouth would definitely arouse public outrage.


Mu Feng continued: "He said that those people are untouchables, and they can pay for their lives by paying a few taels of silver. His horse kicked a few, and at worst, he will pay according to the price..."

Li Huang: "..."

Ling Yuan rounded her eyes.

Rao had already seen Shun'an Hou Shizi's meanness on the street that day, but after listening to Mu Feng's retelling, he still felt that that person was really wicked to the extreme.

"Your Highness, how can such a person inherit the title of Marquis of Shun'an? He is too immoral."

Li Huang frowned: "Even if he said that, with Mr. Gao and Mr. Zuo around, he shouldn't let the matter go to the gate of the palace."

Mu Feng: "He also said that he thought it was worthless to think that one day the enemy army would invade and he would have to fight bloodily to protect those who stood in his way."

"He said that as soon as a child dies in the family, they will fall out with the guards. So many soldiers died on the front line, and it is not seen that these people can shed a few tears for them."

"If it weren't for their Marquis of Shun'an's mansion standing in front of them, how could they be happy in this bustling capital city! According to him, whoever makes trouble should be killed with a knife, so as not to bring the whole capital into trouble .”

Li Huang: "..."

His father had just led troops out of the city, and he was holding back in the capital!

Is there any enmity between the father and son?

Ling Yuan's face was numb: "Your Highness, is it possible that this son of the Marquis of Shun'an is out of his mind? Who can stand him talking like that?"

Mu Feng: "So, those common people went to the gate of the palace to ask His Majesty to uphold justice."

Li Huang rubbed his forehead, this Prince Shun'an really didn't know what to say, he didn't look like he had a serious illness in his head, how could he do things like this and bring disaster to his family?

In the palace, when the emperor heard the news, his lungs were about to explode.

He sent Marquis Shun'an to lead the army to quell the chaos, but his son aroused public resentment.

He wanted to deal with him, so he didn't win the heart of Marquis Shun'an who was fighting ahead.

If he doesn't deal with it, his son's behavior is too crazy.

Does he really think he is a crab?The whole capital can let him walk sideways!
After walking around the imperial study for a few times, the old emperor ordered: "Go, let the prince go to the gate of the palace to deal with it."

After he sat back on the dragon table, he covered his forehead.

If he had known that the Marquis of Shun'an was so troublesome, he would have sent General Ye out.

Zuo Zuo is also in charge of commanding the army, so he doesn't need to go into battle and charge in person.

When Li Yuze was ordered to come to the gate of the palace, the people had already gathered in a large crowd.

Obviously, during the few days when Prince Shun'an returned to Beijing, he had already annoyed all the people in Beijing, and everyone had a lot of opinions on him.

"His Royal Highness, are there no other young masters in the Marquis of Shun'an Mansion? A person like this inherits the Marquis of Shun'an Mansion, and if he goes to the front line in the future, can he really fight the enemy bravely?"

"That's right, riding horses and hurting people in the street, running rampant, and unreasonable, is it great to have a few stinky money?"

Although they are just ordinary people, they also have dignity.

These days, their children were sent to the Zuo family's old house to study for a few days, and they came back and told them a lot of truths. Even if they are the most ordinary people, they cannot be manipulated by others.

At this moment, an inconspicuously dressed man with a goatee mingled with the crowd, shouting loudly.

"That is, we are said to be untouchables, but which of the dignitaries in Beijing is not supported by us untouchables?"

"Soldiers and soldiers go to battle to kill the enemy, don't they only protect us untouchables? Don't they want to protect their parents, brothers and sisters? Don't they want to protect you dignitaries?"

"Obviously it's for yourself, but it's not for us. But without us ordinary people, would you rich and powerful people farm the land?"

With a few words, the people's anger was raised to the highest point. If there were no guards guarding the gate of the palace, they would have rushed into the palace and asked the emperor to give them an explanation.

Their children told them that water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. If the emperor wants to sit on the boat comfortably, he must not overturn the water under the boat.

Li Yuze's face was very ugly, obviously someone was deliberately stirring up public grievances.

But unfortunately, after the incident, Shun'an Hou Shizi rode out of the city arrogantly, and he didn't know where he was going right now.

Not far away, in a low-key carriage, Li Huang raised the curtain and looked at it for a while, then gestured to Mu Feng who was standing high on the wall, and Mu Feng dodged towards Renjun.

He looked at it for a long while just now, and he expected that someone was hiding in the crowd to make a fuss, but now he spotted someone, and Dang even grabbed that person.

Goatee is obviously not an ordinary person. After realizing that someone was attacking him, he ran out.

However, Li Yuze's hidden guard was not stupid, he had been squatting in the dark for a long time, so how could he let him go so easily?

No matter how powerful Fang Shidao's kung fu was, he couldn't resist the joint siege of the two secret guards around the prince of the East Palace and the eldest princess.

After a few rounds, he was caught.

Mu Feng tore off his fake beard: "It really is you."

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