Chapter 150 Birthday
"There are not many dishes in the field, do you want to go to the field to have a look before choosing?" Dad Lin asked.

How could Xing Delu care about this? He came to find Lin Xian.

"I won't go, please help me pick out two bags. Hey, is your daughter at home?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Xian's head poking out from the door.

"Oh, girl, you are at home!" Xing Delu immediately walked forward enthusiastically, "I happen to have something to ask you."

Papa Lin wondered, "What are you doing to my A-Xian?"

"You don't care!" Lin Ma answered next to her, "Let's go, let's go to the field to pick vegetables for Boss Xing."

"Sit down." Lin Xian sat down on the small chair under the porch, and pushed a small bench for Xing Delu.

Xing Zixin also recognized Lin Xian, "Grandpa's partner."

"Call my sister."

Lin Xian stopped immediately, "Don't call me sister, a partner is fine."

If you don’t bark, don’t bark, Xing Delu can’t hold back, “Girl, didn’t you help to calculate before, saying that my daughter-in-law will come back in a few days? She hasn’t come back yet.”

Lin Xian looked at the flower dog circling outside the yard, "Have you inquired about it?"

Xing Delu nodded, "I've inquired about it, and they say it's in the urban area, but they won't say where it is."

"Now that you have inquired, do you know why you arrested her?"

Xing Delu still nodded, "Understood."

"Then you still want to help her?" Lin Xian's eyes fell on Xing Delu.

"Hey, I'm not helping her, I'm helping my son and granddaughter." Xing Zixin, who was held in his arms, looked up at him. She was still young, trying to understand these words.

"You don't care."

Xing Delu deserved his big heart, "Forget it, what's the use of worrying about it, my son is like this, it really makes them divorce, he is not completely crazy. In the worst case, I will stay away from them.

I also believe that if I help Xiao Zhou this time, she won't think of harming me again in the future. "

"Girl, stop asking these questions and help me figure out how she can get out." Xing Delu took out a handful of coins from his pocket, "Here, pick one and throw it away."

"I'm not a fortune teller." Lin Xian didn't take his coin, "Tell your son to calm down and stop messing around, it's not helping you."

Xing Delu didn't know how many times he told him to calm down, but it was useless, "Hey, I can't control him."

"If you can't control him, your daughter-in-law won't be able to come out." Lin Xian touched a few pieces of chocolate from her trouser pocket, "Children, do you want to eat?"

Xing Zixin looked at Xing Delu and asked for his opinion.

"Eat what you want."

That sentence made two turns in Xing Delu's mind before he could understand it.

"That is to say, my son is trying to harm her by looking for someone to protect her everywhere?"

Lin Xian asked back, "What do you think?"

"Yes, not everything can be done with money."

But Lin Xian said, "That's hard to say. In short, don't dawdle here, I can't help you get her out. When the time comes, no matter what way, she will come out."

Xing Delu came with two bags of vegetables, and gave money for the vegetables when he left.

Lin Xian asked Papa Lin, "How much did he give?"

"Five thousand and eight, Boss Xing always buys so much."

They are all businessmen, but she still prefers Mu Henian.

In the blink of an eye, it was Grandma Lin Xian's birthday.

The family of three set off on two electric bikes. As soon as they arrived in town, Dad Lin said, "Xiang, turn left, let's take your car."

Lin's mother thought he had too many things to do, "What's the trouble? It's so troublesome to go around and drive."

"What's the trouble?" Lin's father insisted, "Driving the car over here will make your mother happy too, she hasn't seen the car we bought.

When the time comes, let her take Ah Yuan's car to the hotel! "

This said to Lin Ma's heart, it was because she didn't have any great skills in her life, she didn't make any money, and she couldn't even afford a car, but at last, her daughter had skills.

How long can her mother enjoy it? Let her have a look and sit around on a good day to make her happy.

Lin Xian didn't know what her father was thinking. On the one hand, it was for her grandma to see, but mainly for other relatives to see.

So, no matter who you are, there is such a thing as scheming.

Her father wanted to make a fuss, but Lin Xian was willing to take care of it.

Not to mention driving a car, even if Dad Lin wanted to ask her for 100 million to smash someone, she would be willing to give it.

After all, she makes money fast.

I drove to the supermarket, bought some nice boxes of gifts, and then went to grandma's house.

Her grandmother's house is in a village very close to the town.

The conditions in this village are generally better than those in Xialing Village.

Among other things, the cement road leads directly to the door.

When Lin Xian arrived, there were already three cars parked at the door.

She found an open space and stopped. As soon as she got out of the car, she heard her aunt's voice, "Ah Xian! Yongmei! I'm still looking to see who parked the car in front of the house. It turned out to be you!"

She greeted her with a smile, "This is amazing, this is Ah Xian's new car, right?"

Father Lin carried gifts in the trunk, as soon as the car arrived, there was no need to say anything else.

"Go home and sit down." My aunt led them in.

This is a row of three houses, which are the homes of Lin Xian's uncle, second uncle, and third uncle.

The uncle's family is in the middle, and Lin Xian's grandmother lives with the uncle's family.

These three houses have been refurbished inside and out a few years ago, and the interior decoration is much more fashionable than Lin Yuan's house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a big TV. There was a row of sofas opposite the TV, and there were many people sitting on the sofa.

"Yongmei is back!"

As soon as the elders on both sides greeted each other, the children started calling people like a roll call: "Uncle, Uncle, Aunt, Aunt, Uncle."

Although Lin Xian is not young, but her seniority is here, she has to be called.

After the elders finished shouting, they started shouting along with their elder brothers and sisters.

In short, you have to call the name first.

The most important person has not been seen yet, and his mouth has already screamed.

"Where's grandma?" Lin Yuan asked.

"I went to the bathroom, I'll be out later."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the toilet flushing, and then the bathroom door was opened.

Lin Xian's grandmother came out with her trousers lifted, with a happy smile on her round face. "Hey, my A-Xiang is here!"


Grandma lifted her pants as she walked, and walked up to Lin Xian and held her hand, "I haven't been back for a long time, don't you miss me?"

Lin Xian hugged her, "That must be thought about every day."

"Go to the restaurant for dinner today, or I will cook two dishes for you. You like my dishes the most."

Mama Lin's cooking is a handicraft, but she really didn't get her grandmother's inheritance, and the dishes she cooks are not half as delicious as Lin Xian's grandma.

Grabbing Lin Xian, grandma went to grab Lin's mother again, "You too, you didn't even know to come and see me."

When grandma said this, the second aunt continued: "That's right, if your daughter doesn't come back, she will sit at the door and wait every day."

Mother Lin felt uncomfortable when she said this, "Mom, I will pick you up and stay with me for two days in two days."

(End of this chapter)

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