Chapter 151
"Ah-Xian is here!" It was the uncle's son who came over to talk, "My mother said you bought a car?"

Lin Xian nodded.

"Come on, show me."

Lin Xian saw her father, "Let my father take you to see, I will sit with grandma for a while."

"That's fine." The eldest cousin turned his head, "Uncle, let me have a look at your car."

Dad Lin almost wrote on his face: I'm going to start showing off!
"Go! I'll lead you to sit in the car for a while."

The relatives sitting next to him were surprised, "Ah Yuan's family also bought a car?"

"Go, have a look."

Those who love to be lively have gone out.Lin Xian didn't move, she took grandma's hand and sat on the sofa, expelling spiritual power to treat her physical discomfort.

The second uncle circled around the car, "This car is not bad, did you buy it with a loan?"

"Now who buys a car without a loan?"

"Let me tell you, girls don't necessarily have to have a car. Anyway, after marriage, the man's side also has one." The second aunt changed the subject and looked at the eldest cousin who was about to sit in the car, "Xiao Gang should buy one. .”

"Isn't it because I don't have it on hand?" The aunt replied with a smile, "Why don't you ask your family to borrow some?"

After hearing this, the second aunt shut up.

Probably because she felt that it would be useless in one round, and she would lose face, she said after a while, "Yongmei's family is rich, and the new cars are here, so you can ask Lin Jianguo for some money."

Aunt: "His family just bought a car, and the loan has not been changed. Where can I lend it to me?"

"Oh, tell me, Yongmei's family can afford a car, why can't your family afford a car?"

The two came back and forth, seeing that the atmosphere was going to be wrong, the uncle hurriedly said: "It's getting late, everyone is here, right?"

"Oh, the Yongxing family is not here yet." The second aunt urged Zhao Xiaojiu, "Why haven't your wife and children come yet? It's getting late."

Zhao Yongxing leaned against the door, "She is watching the child's homework at home, you go over first, I will call him when I get home."

"Okay! It's not far anyway, so let's go there first." The uncle greeted everyone, "If you drive first, go directly to room 201 on the second floor."

Lin Xian's family brought their grandmother, and if there was one more person in the car, they brought their uncle.

The uncle sat in the middle of the back row, between Lin's father and Lin's mother.

He touched the seat under his buttocks, "Your family is doing a good business, you need a lot of money to buy this car?"

"It's not expensive." Lin's father said, "It's about two hundred thousand yuan. Ah-Xian bought it by herself and didn't spend our money."

The uncle's eyes were pleasantly surprised, and he leaned his head forward, "Our A-Xian is really capable! Only a few years out of school, you can buy such an expensive car by yourself, how much is the down payment?"

"She bought it with the full price." Lin's mother started to make up, "She had a bonus from her previous job, a total of [-] yuan, so she just bought this car."

"That's great. I didn't expect A-Xian to be so good at making money at such a young age."

Lin Xian was the first to leave and the last to arrive at the hotel.

Just because she doesn't know the way.

As soon as he got out of the car, his second cousin Zhao Yun came over, "What's the matter? We're almost there just now, why are you still driving forward?" He opened the passenger door and helped grandma out.

Lin Xian: "Take grandma for a ride."

"It's really yours. Buying a car makes you feel like this. I don't know that grandma is motion sick. She has to suffer for a long time when she rides a car. She has always only been able to ride an electric car."

"Who told you that grandma got carsick?"

"Who would tell, she was originally..." Zhao Yun suddenly froze in the middle of speaking, looking at the grandma who was being supported by him, her face was normal and full of energy, she didn't look like motion sickness at all, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"It's not uncomfortable, don't grab me, I can walk by myself."

The uncle looked funny in the back row, and now he is filial, but as an elder, he can't say anything about other people's children.

He got out of the car and saw that the people who arrived first were still standing at the entrance of the hotel, "Go up, stand outside and bask in the sun."

Today, this car can be regarded as earning enough face for Father Lin.

Although he didn't say anything in the past, he didn't like to run to Zhao's house.

When the relatives get together, it is natural that his family is not doing well, and there is always some teasing in the words.

Two or three sarcastic remarks are nothing, Father Lin knows that the people who said these words didn't treat him too badly.

But words are also a sharp knife to hurt people. It is often said that he must have a bad heart.

But now he's turned over.

Forget about the money in his daughter's hands, he sold vegetables for a month and earned over [-] yuan. With the harvest from the field, he could afford a car.

He is rich and happy in his heart.

Being richer than relatives makes me happier.

The most intuitive expression is that he is willing to get into the crowd and likes to participate in topics raised by others, but no matter what others say, he can always get involved in that car.

He couldn't be more happy, but Lin Xian was not used to it.

It was really uncomfortable for her to be squeezed into a box with so many people at once.

So she simply took two bites and ran outside.

She opened another box downstairs and ordered a table for herself.

I was eating happily when I suddenly received a call from Mama Lin, "Where are you? Come back quickly."

As soon as Lin Xian heard her mother's tone, she knew something must have happened.

Immediately put down the chopsticks and went upstairs. As soon as the door opened, I saw the little uncle and the little aunt running out with the child in their arms.

Looking at the people in the box, they all stood with worried expressions on their faces.

"What's the matter? What's the child's condition?"

"Where have you been? Hurry up, we're going to the hospital too."

After catching up with the car of the second cousin in front, Lin Xian asked again, "What happened?"

Father Lin's expression was very bad, and he leaned back and didn't want to talk.

"It's true that people don't look for troubles, but things look for people." Lin Ma said speechlessly, "I don't know how lucky your father is to mess with that ancestor."

"That kid was playing with people in the private box. When he bumped into your dad, your dad hid aside for some reason, and the kid bumped into a chair."

Lin Xian asked, "What does that have to do with my dad?"

"Oh." Lin's mother was also very annoyed. If she asked her to tell her, she thought it was okay, but the look in the eyes of the younger sister-in-law when she picked up the child was as if Lin Jianguo had pushed her child.

Mama Lin was terrified to death, but it was a child, and it was such a hard-to-get child. If something really happened, it would ruin the younger brother's family.

"Is the collision serious?"

Mama Lin: "I just don't know. I saw that my face hit the corner of the chair. The sound was quite loud at that time. The child covered his face and kept crying."

Lin Xian thought in her heart: Yes!

Lin Xian followed her second cousin's car and parked at the entrance of the hospital. Mama Lin hurried off without waiting for the car to stop.

He quickly ran to his uncle and asked how the child was doing.

The uncle hugged the child, didn't say a word, and ran forward, bypassing Mama Lin.

Lin Xian saw Father Lin's frown through the rearview mirror.

Originally, her father was very happy today, but this kind of thing suddenly happened.

"Don't take it to heart." Lin Yuan persuaded him, "This kid is just asking for trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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