Since it is exclusively for the Stability Maintenance Association, it is exclusively for him.

Sun Yi'an was very satisfied, "It's such a precious place, let's study it together someday."

Director He and others nodded, "That's right, Mr. Sun thinks comprehensively, it's best to keep this land in hand..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Sun Yi'an looked at the three people opposite, the meaning was obvious, who else was called?

Those three people were also very puzzled. They were entertaining their superiors, so no one was called.

He Daoxing called his assistant, "Go out and have a look, and let him leave if it doesn't matter."

The assistant nodded and prepared to go out, but before he reached the door, he heard a bang, and the door exploded.

The flying hardware almost hit the assistant in the face, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged to the side in time.

The hinge that had been flying towards his face flew past him and smashed towards the dining table.

With a bang, the smashed dinner plate was shattered.

"Who is it!" Director He immediately stood up and yelled at the door.

Liu Baihua walked in wearing pajamas.

"Who is Sun Yi'an?"

Sun Yi'an, who was still maintaining his superficial composure, was so nervous that he stood up twice when he saw Liu Baihua.

"Mr. Liu?" He didn't really believe it. How could a person who was supposed to sleep until death suddenly appear in front of him when his spiritual power was exhausted?
"It seems that you are." Liu Baihua walked in front of Sun Yian, grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up, "Boy, you are quite capable."

"What?" Sun Yian felt guilty when he saw Liu Dajing behind him, "Mr. Liu may have misunderstood something."

Liu Baihua slapped him on the forehead, "It's a misunderstanding to bully my apprentice and forcibly take my property? Then is it a misunderstanding if I beat you up?"

Liu Baihua slapped him on the forehead.

The strength of ordinary people's slaps is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Sun Yi'an wanted to break free, but he was no match for Liu Baihua in terms of strength.

The three people on the opposite side of the dinner table looked dumbfounded, what's going on?Vegetative people alive?
He Daoxing was the first to react, "Mr. Liu! If you have something to say, please let go of Mr. Sun."

"What are you?" Liu Baihua's gaze turned to him, "You have a treacherous face, and you actually practiced in Taoism? Which shit-eating master accepts an apprentice like you?"

He Daoxing followed his father into Taoism, and his father was his master.

What Liu Baihua said made his face turn pale.

He has been in the top position for a long time, how can he bear this kind of insult, he squeezed his fist, and barely resisted not to make a move.

Sun Yi'an was already dizzy from being slapped. Although the big slap didn't hurt much, he could resist the continuous damage.

He had no choice but to use his spiritual power to resist the force on his forehead.

Only then can he speak, "Stop!" Maybe he felt that his tone was too harsh, so he said again: "Please stop!"

Liu Baihua really stopped, stopped for ten seconds, and then continued to beat her with spiritual power.

Liu Dajing was watching from behind, leaning against the wall with his chest folded.

Dreams come true.

"Mr. Liu, don't bully people too much. You know where this is, and who are you carrying?" He Daoxing gritted his back molars, "If you don't show respect, don't blame me for not respecting the elderly."

Liu Baihua just took their words as fart.

The three looked at each other.

Instead of letting such a person ride on their heads and do their best, it is better to get rid of them completely before the other party recovers.

The three of them secretly took out their killer moves, and when Sun Yian gave him a look, they rushed forward immediately.

A dagger, a talisman, and the other seemed to be empty-handed, but actually contained a packet of medicinal powder.

The three of them cooperated with Sun Yi'an from all directions, trying to take him down with one blow.

Liu Dajing was watching from the side, this kind of method might be useful against him, but against his master, he really didn't know how to live or die.

Liu Baihua dodged left and right at an extremely fast speed, and when the three of them couldn't react, they let them kill each other.

The afterimage flashed by, Liu Baihua pinched Sun Yian and moved out of the three people's encirclement.

Looking back at the three of them, the dagger was stabbed in He Daoxing's chest, and the poison in He Daoxing's hand was sprinkled on the other person's face.

The person who made the talisman, the talisman paper failed to stick out, covered his eyes and fell to the ground screaming.

"Such a vicious trick, which mountain do you all come from?" Liu Baihua originally only wanted to beat up Sun Yi'an, to vent her anger, and take back her own things.

After all, cultivation is not easy.

No matter how villainous he is, as long as his spiritual power is obtained through serious cultivation, he can be tolerated.

In the end, the opponent made a killer move on him.

Liu Baihua punched Sun Yian's dantian.

He picked up the other three people and still punched each of them.

Useless, useless, useless.

In a rented room in the city center, Lin Xian suddenly appeared.

This is the house she rented before.

The place is small, the decoration is simple, and the monthly rent is not expensive.

Lin Xian came back from another world a month ago, and never thought about disposing of this room. Later, Liu Ge came to Qingning City, and couldn't find a suitable house for a while, so he stayed here temporarily.

A few days ago, she received a message from Liu Ge, saying that the location of the house was good, so she asked the landlord to re-sign the rental contract.

Come in now, the layout of the room is quite different from before, much warmer.

Standing where the passage had been, she watched carefully.

Didn't see anything but hair on the tiles.

At the same time, Lin Yuan's home in Xialing Village.

Lin Xian squatted next to the small stove to watch the pot.

Beef is stewed in the pot, and the aroma has already filled the whole kitchen.

She waited beside her with chopsticks, tasting a piece every few minutes.

It's not greedy, the main thing is to try to see if it is stewed.

Tianlei is also squatting next to it, in case any juice drips down, it will help to lick it up.

It's not about being greedy, the main thing is to do good deeds.

"I always thought that there was an independent world over there, and it was just a very accidental event that I traveled to the past." Lin Xian waited for 5 minutes, opened the lid of the pot and tasted another piece.

Tianlei stretched out his cat's head and stared longingly.

"I didn't expect that." Lin Xian nodded, "That's right, let's stew for a while."

"What didn't you think of?"

"I didn't expect it to be a garbage dump. The garbage that is not needed in other worlds is thrown there."

Tianlei said, "Then you are also garbage?" Or the garbage that was repatriated.

Lin Xian squeezed the cat's head, "I'll crush it for you!"

Tianlei: "Be careful of electric leakage."

Lin's mother came in and saw Lin Xian bullying the cat, so she immediately gave Lin Xian a slap, "How can you catch it like this?"

"It's okay, it's head is hard."

"What nonsense." Mother Lin hugged Tianlei, "Mimia, you are also stupid, won't you run away when she pinches you?"

Tianlei meowed pretentiously, and put his head in Mama Lin's arms as a confession, as if he had been wronged so much.

Mama Lin couldn't see it like this, so she opened a can for it on the spot.

"Is the beef ready?" Mama Lin said as she opened the casserole. Good guy, there is only half of the pot of stewed meat left. "Tell you to watch the pot, and you will be left with a pot at the end, right? Hurry up and watch your cartoons!"

Lin Yuan was thinking about something while eating hawthorn slices.

What are the rules for the passage to appear?Why was she, an ordinary person, sucked in by the channel?

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