"Dalin! Why are you here?"

Singer Liu was still holding the key to open the door, "How did you get in?" The door was locked from the outside.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you are not human anymore."

Lin Xian: "...Why come back at this time? Don't you go to work in the afternoon?"

"No, Dalin, what you mean, you came here when I was not at home, what are you doing? You want to steal my ten-jin gold bar?"

Liu Ge lifted the pillow pretentiously, "Ah! My ten-jin gold bar! Sure enough, you took it."

She grabbed Lin Xian and shook her violently, "Give it back to me!"

Lin Xian stretched out her thumb, "The acting is awesome!"

Liu Ge patted her hand off and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to come. Have you eaten yet? I invite you."

"Are you really not going to work in the afternoon?"

"Come on." Liu Ge said, "Our department adjusted its schedule for the sake of the boss. We took a two-hour break at noon, so I came back and wanted to sort out some reports."

Lin Yuan wondered, "Why don't you organize the report directly in the company?"

"Hey, I just arrived here, so I can't be too curly."

"So you're just stealing it?" Lin Xian said, "Then I won't waste your time. You're busy, so I'll bring you something to eat."

"Order takeaway?"

"What takeaway, do you still let me eat takeaway when I'm here? Do you want to eat beef?"

Liu Ge was pleasantly surprised, "Eat, did you bring food from home?"

Lin Xian pointed to the desk. On the clean desk, three bowls appeared out of nowhere, a bowl of rice, a bowl of chicken and beef, and a bowl of vegetarian dishes.

"Good guy, cow." Liu Ge smelled the smell of the food, "It looks exactly the same as the real thing, will it really fill your stomach after eating?"

"Guess what? It's true." Lin Xian pulled the stool away for her, "My mother made lunch, I've given you some, eat it quickly."

"Just for me? Have you eaten?"

Lin Xian: "I'm eating."

Liu Ge didn't quite understand her words, "Then I'll eat first."

The beef tastes crispy and delicious, and the meat is rich in aroma, which refreshes her understanding of beef stew.

Lin Yuan pulled a stool and sat down beside her, "Is it delicious?"

"It's so delicious, your mother's cooking skills are amazing."

"The main reason is that the ingredients are good. The water used for stewing beef is Lingquan water."

"What spiritual spring? Is it the kind of water that is alive and dead?"

Lin Xian thought about the scene, "Thinking about what you said carefully, I'm afraid. What's the use of a dead person? Wouldn't he still be dead if he grows more flesh? He's still alive with bones, and he's almost alive."

"It's the other way around, it's the other way around, human flesh and bones." Liu Ge didn't forget to show off while speaking.

"It doesn't have such a big effect, it can cure some minor problems."

"Then I can eat more!" Liu Ge asked, "Are you here to deliver food to me?"

Lin Xian stuffed a cushion behind her back, "Hey, I mainly came to see the cave."

Liu Ge was puzzled, "Hole? What kind of hole is there in this room?"

"It's the hole where I fell into the other world." Lin Xian said, "It seems to be more appropriate to describe it as a space-time passage."

"What the hell?" Liu Ge stood up with his job bowl in hand, "Is that hole in there?"

"It's long gone, you can eat at ease."

Liu Ge was already full, but there was still food in the bowl, and he was reluctant to waste it, thinking he could still last.

"I think you seem to have something on your mind? Does it have something to do with that channel?" Liu Ge said, "If you have any troubles, just say it, although I may not be able to solve it for you."

"It's not that I'm worried, I'm just thinking about something." At Lin Xian's age, what else is there to worry about?

"what is the problem?"

"I originally thought that it was a very accidental thing that I fell into another world, but I just found out today that in this world, a space-time channel was opened ten years ago, and the one who fell through that time was a monster."

Liu Ge gnawed on the chicken, "So?"

"Combined with my experience in another world, I found that many monsters from other worlds will fall over, but they are only monsters."

"Ah! I understand." Liu Ge slapped the table, "You suspect that you were not human from the beginning!"

Lin Xian smiled wryly, "I don't know if I'm human or not?"

"Then what are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking, why would I fall through as an ordinary person? What rules are there when those passages are opened? Which world dominates?"

Liu Ge thought about it seriously, and then said: "Just now my brain called me and said it couldn't think about this."

Lin Xian stood up and put away the bowl, "You can make a report."

"Hey, slow down, I'll take it after I wash it." Liu Ge picked up the bowl and went to the bathroom to wash it.

Lin Xian stayed with Liu Ge in the rental house for a while, watched her finishing the report, and then got up to leave, "You rest, I'm going back."

Liu Ge got up to see her off, and when she left at the door, she asked again: "Did you figure out the answer to that question just now?"

Lin Xian shook her head, "No."

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it." Liu Ge said, "Anyway, you came back, and the result is good, that's all."

"It makes sense, I'll see you another day."

Lin Xian put the bowl in the kitchen, then lay down on the rocking chair, ready to take a nap.

It's a pity that this afternoon nap was not perfect. At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xian was woken up by rhubarb.

Someone came, and Rhubarb blocked the gate of the courtyard, constantly asking: "Who are you! What are you doing at my house! Back off! Back off! Back off!"

Lin Xian went out to take a look, and there were two people standing outside, one old and one young looked similar, most likely they were father and son.

Lin Xian, who is very old, has seen it before, the one who bought spinach before.

25 yuan, a bag of spinach.

Lin Xian was very impressed, after all, he was the only one who went to her house to buy so few vegetables.

"Rhubarb, stop barking." Lin Xian stuffed a piece of black dragon meat into its mouth.

There is no time for Rhubarb to scream, so I hurried to find a corner to nibble on the baby.

"Dad, talk!" The younger one poked the older one.

"What did I say?" The older man was very rude, "If you don't believe what I said, ask yourself!"

Lin Xian didn't open the door, "Is there something wrong?"

"It's like this." The young man stepped forward, "My dad said he bought vegetables from you last time, didn't he?"


"I want to ask you, do you have any publicity about the special effects of vegetables?"

Lin Xian thought to himself, it's really a father and son, "No. If you don't believe it, I can adjust the surveillance for you. There are cameras here."

Lin Xian's indifferent behavior made the young man let go of his doubts.

"It's like this. There are some elderly people in our community. After eating your food, they don't take medicine, and they can eat well if they insist on eating food for their own problems.

I don't know where this statement came from.

But you also know that the elderly have some basic diseases, and there is really no delay. If they do not take medicine, the consequences will be very serious. "

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