Father Lin sat on the stool and snapped his fingernails, "This is an unexpected problem, but what does it have to do with us if they don't take their own medicine?"

Lin Xian: "That's right."

Mama Lin didn't expect such a thing to happen just by selling a vegetable.

Besides, what's the matter with those old people, what are they going to do if they are sick and don't take medicine?

This is because the price is not high enough and the customer structure is too complicated, which is why this problem occurs.

"Raise the price." Lin Yuan said, "From now on, we will only be regular customers."

This approach can indeed avoid many problems.

Father Lin never imagined that he would become a very rich person, that he could afford to buy groceries and live a little better than before, that's all.

In this case, there is really no need to attract too many new customers.

"But it's not appropriate to raise the price. We've been selling it for a while, and everyone is used to this price." Father Lin said.

Lin Xian: "I think it is necessary to increase, but the price is not high enough, so they are willing to give it away everywhere."

Father Lin looked at Mother Lin.

Mama Lin: "What Ah Yuan said makes sense. Starting tomorrow, the price will be reset."

"What about today's order? I still have an order in my hand that hasn't been delivered yet. Yesterday, Boss Shang said he would come over today."

"Tell them today. Lin Jianguo, I know what you're thinking. You're just afraid that some people will think it's too expensive, so why don't you continue to buy it."

Father Lin: "Then I'm sure I'm worried. There are fewer people buying, will I still be making money? What will old customers think of us?"

Lin Xian only came up with an idea and would not comment later.

Whether they followed this suggestion, Lin Xian didn't really care.

Annoying is annoying, but with her around, there won't be any real big problems.

"Less is less, let me tell you Lin Jianguo, we don't need to make money, but don't cause trouble."

"We didn't get into trouble."

The two were discussing vigorously, and the sound of an electric car sounded outside, and Dad Lin immediately stood up and went to open the door.

Yesterday's appointment came.

"Boss Shang, are you alone today?"

"The road is not good, the car can't come in, and it's not convenient for the family to come." Boss Shang drove the electric car into the yard, and saw the dishes arranged under the porch at a glance, "Your business is good."

"Hey, we sell vegetables, what kind of business is it compared to you big bosses?"

"Don't say that, the business doesn't matter how big or small." Boss Shang came several times and was considered a regular customer, so he pulled a stool and sat down.

Mama Lin enthusiastically went to make tea, and boiled it with mineral water bought from the supermarket.

"I came here this time to introduce a big business to you." Boss Shang said, "I asked a senior person to do some work before, but I couldn't think of any good gift for him. After much deliberation, I finally sent you The food at home was given to him.

Unexpectedly, he liked it very much, and asked me if I had any more on the day after eating.

Didn't I bring someone to buy vegetables two days ago? In fact, the person I brought was the other person.

They are quite satisfied with your food and want to cooperate with your family for a long time.

This matter is basically confirmed, I just told you.

I knew about it a few days ago, but I still haven't confirmed it. I didn't say anything because I was afraid that you would be happy in vain. "

Seeing Shangshang boss' enthusiastic eyes, Father Lin always felt a little embarrassed, "That's really great, thank you for helping to make the connection, that's it..."

"What is it?"

"It's our dish, the price is going to increase."

"Hey, what do you think? Your food tastes so good, and the output is not too high. Isn't it normal for the price to increase? Don't worry, the order I introduced to you is not short of money, and the quantity required Big."

Father Lin was a little relieved when he heard what he said, and then asked tentatively, "Maybe the price has increased a bit."

Boss Shang: "How much?"

Father Lin looked at Lin Xian who was next to him, the discussion hadn't reached this point yet.

Noticing Father Lin's gaze, Lin Xian said directly, "Ten times higher."

In other words, spinach that used to cost five yuan a handful now costs fifty.

"Ten times!" Boss Shang really didn't expect the increase to be so ruthless.

Don't say he didn't think of it, and Dad Lin didn't think of it either.

Father Lin thought that the increase would be two or three times higher, and it had to be his daughter, how cruel.

A handful of spinach can only be fried to a shallow dish.

For people like Boss Shang, what is 50 yuan for a small dish?His family often eats crabs that cost thousands of dollars.

However, he couldn't accept that a five-yuan item suddenly increased to fifty.

"Why did it rise so much?"

Father Lin also wanted to ask, isn't this tenfold increase forcing people not to buy it?

That's what Lin Xian meant, "in order to make some people unable to eat it."

Boss Shang couldn't understand such an answer, but in just a few words, he could see that the real master of the family was the daughter of the family.

"Why?" He asked Lin Xian, "Isn't it good to have more guests?"

The people who eat are not only the customers who come to their house to buy vegetables.

Anyone who has tried the Lin family's dishes and whose family's economic conditions are good will definitely continue to buy them.

It just made them reluctant to send out the food casually.

To achieve this, it is useless to increase the price of vegetables, and purchase restrictions must be imposed.

So Lin Xian said: "There aren't many dishes left, so I won't be able to let you buy whatever you want in the future."

This news is even more unacceptable than telling Boss Shang to increase the price, "Then the big order I introduced to you is useless?"

Lin Xian suggested, "Why don't you call that high-spirited man who is not short of money and ask, can he accept a ten-fold price increase?"

Boss Shang emphasized, "They are not short of money." But he still picked up his mobile phone and wanted to inform the other party of the situation.

Strangely, the phone was called many times, but no one answered.

"what's up?"

Mama Lin brought freshly brewed tea and put it on the small stool in front of Boss Shang.

While Boss Shang was puzzled, he called and said thank you.

For the sake of this thank you, Lin Xian asked, "What's the name of that expert?"

"It's called He Daoxing. He next to the single person, the Tao of the road, the star of the starlight."

In front of Lin's mother and Lin's father, she didn't toss a coin, but directly said to Tianlei through her consciousness, "Go and see what's going on with this person." '

Tianlei was speechless, "You can't use me as a mobile probe, I only monitor you." '

Lin Xian: "I'll give you three packs of spicy strips." '

Tianlei: "Let me declare first, I am not greedy for spicy strips, but I am afraid that you will do something inappropriate." '

Tianlei's speed was extremely fast, and in the next second, with fresh excitement, gossiping in Lin Xian's mind, "The person you woke up has knocked him out." '

'what's the situation? 'If she had known that there would be such excitement, she would have followed them.

From what I saw, Liu Baihua vented her anger on her disciples, and He Daoxing and the others made a shady trick, and Liu Baihua punched her dantian. '

Lin Xian: "Oh, it's a pity, I didn't even know Liu Baihua was so interesting." '

Boss Shang looked at Lin Xian expectantly, "You also know how to do divination and word reading?"

Lin Xian: "I won't."

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