"Then ask me what his name is."

"I'm just curious." Lin Xian said, "But hearing this name, I don't look like a serious person. You'd better stay away from such feudal superstitious people."

What he said left Boss Shang speechless.

Father Lin: "Ah Yuan, don't talk nonsense, you don't even know anyone, so don't say such things."

Lin Xian smiled and said, "I'll just say that, and you'll just listen to it."

Boss Shang is not happy that he has finally made friends with an expert, and is said by the vegetable seller, "It is wrong to blindly superstition, but you can't just call it a feudal superstition when it comes to Feng Shui divination. These things still have certain meanings." Makes sense."

Father Lin echoed: "Yes, yes, yes, young people, you don't have much experience, don't take offense."

Boss Shang doesn't have the same knowledge as young people, but he can't get through to an expert. The business is still uncertain, "Then I'll go back and ask him again. I have to talk to him about the situation on your side."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Father Lin not only thanked him, but even asked him to take some food away, because the price of vegetables will not increase today.

Boss Shang is carrying a big bag, and there is no purchase restriction yet, so he will buy more.

No matter what the situation is with the expert, his own family can't stop this dish.

Father Lin sent the man to the entrance of the village, and when he came back, he saw his daughter lying asleep on the rocking chair, so he walked lightly.

After entering the house, Father Lin went to talk to Mother Lin, "Tell me, should I talk to those people on the phone."

Mama Lin: "Of course I do. If people come over you just say, if they can't afford the price, they will definitely blame you."

"Then let me talk about it." Father Lin took out his phone and wanted to make a voice call, but he didn't know how to say it properly, so he simply clicked on handwriting and considered every word.

Halfway through the writing, Dad Lin asked again: "You said how many people are willing to buy the price that Ah Yuan offered?"

"Since A-Xian said the price, there must be a reason for her."

Dad Lin: "You trust A-Xian so much? It's not like you at all."

"My own daughter, why don't you believe it?" Lin's mother said, "If I had done this earlier, I wouldn't have met such a person today. I don't know if something will happen if I don't test it."

Lin Ma sighed, "I mean, if that person really makes something, I would rather not sell this dish, and don't cause that kind of trouble."

"What are you afraid of?" In this regard, Lin's father is much more courageous than Lin's mother.

"Our family has no background, and we can't fight people who plan and plan. If it's just the two of us, there's no need to be afraid, but A-Xian and Xiao Xiao are young. If there is any bad influence, especially Xiao Xiao, we will look for them in the future. Work is hard."

Father Lin understood, "Let's see then."

Lin Xian didn't sleep, she listened to her parents' conversation with her ears open.

When they had finished their conversation, Lin Xian's cell phone rang, and when she opened it, she saw a screenshot sent by Lin Xiao.

The content of the screenshot is the background data of his video. There are many more fans than before, and the completion rate is also very high.

Another smiley face was sent under the screenshot, 'One step closer to getting rich. '

Just as Lin Xian was about to text him back, Mu Henian's call came in.

After this person left, he made more phone calls than anyone else.

Lin Yuan was bored, so she picked it up again, "Is Boss Mu busy with work?"

"Busy is busy, but there are still some things I need to tell you." Mu Henian said, "Just now Liu Dajing came to me and said that his master woke up and he was going to resign. Do you think I agree or disagree."

"You have to ask me about this?" Lin Xian felt funny, "Do you think my consulting fee is too low?"

"No, no, I just want to ask you, will there be any problems with economic convenience after he leaves?"

"You're just idle, so you insist on showing your presence in front of me." Lin Xian said, "Since you insist on calling me, find something interesting to say in the future."

Speaking of Liu Dajing's financial problems, it's time for Liu Baihua to bother him.

After all, Liu Dajing has raised Liu Baihua for ten years, and it's time to enjoy the blessings.

Liu Baihua is a person who has never been short of money. It is very simple for him to solve the current plight of lack of money. He just needs to get back his previous family business.

After all, he is a top cultivator in the current world, and his connections ten years ago can still come in handy now.

He called the head of the Stability Maintenance Committee back then, but he couldn't get through.

I had to change another person, the person in charge of the Qingning City Division ten years ago.

This time the call got through.

"Old Fang! I'm Liu Baihua, I want to ask you..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Fang Jinhua looked at the phone and sighed, "Oh, the scammers are so professional now, they still know a lot about cultivation."

"Why is he hanging up on me?" Liu Baihua reconfirmed the number on the notebook, "You dialed it right."

He called again, "Hello, is this Fang Jinhua?"

Fang Jinhua saw that it was the same number as before, and thought that this liar was quite persistent, "Are you going to say that you are Liu Baihua, and then ask me for money?"

He wanted money, but what Liu Baihua wanted was his own money.

"I'm really Liu Baihua. If you don't believe me, come out and see me, or tell me your current address, and I'll go find you."

"You are Liu Baihua? Do you know who Liu Baihua is?"

Liu Baihua: ...I really have nothing to say.

"How do you believe that I have something to tell you and return my house and the mountain?"

Fang Jinhua: "You understand it in detail. If you are really Liu Baihua, then I will give you two words. You can figure out where I am, and come to me when you do."

Liu Baihua pursed her lips, holding back dozens of obscenities.

"I'll give you four words. If you get lost, you can figure it out." After saying this, he hung up the phone again.

"Dad, who are you calling?" Fang Jinhua's son-in-law asked.

"Liar." Fang Jinhua thought it was very funny, "Called himself Liu Baihua, and asked me to return the house and the mountain to him. Now the tricks of the liar make people laugh and cry. Call him outrageous. He also knows Liu Baihua. If you say he really understands Well, he chose Liu Baihua again."

The son-in-law is also a cultivator, and it sounds interesting, "There is actually a trick specifically aimed at us cultivators."


"Is there anything wrong with the association recently?" Fang Jinhua asked as usual.

"No big deal."

"I heard that you destroyed an evil sect."

The son-in-law nodded, "There is such a thing, it is a small sect, and the disciples in the sect are not very good. This time Mr. Sun came here to deal with these people."

"Mr. Sun is here?" Fang Jinhua looked at his son-in-law, "Why didn't you tell me?"

The son-in-law looked surprised, "I didn't say it, hey, my brain is not as good as before after staying up all night."

Thinking of why he stayed up late, Fang Jinhua immediately relaxed his expression, "I can't help it, the child just likes to make trouble at night, if you are too busy, you should hire a confinement wife."

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