Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 10 Sister Yan, can you call me Ajun?

Chapter 10 Sister Yan, can you call me Ajun?

During the meal, Ji Yun, who was sitting next to Yan Zhixing, suddenly asked, "How is Xiaojun at school today? Is he still not used to it?"

Hearing this, the surrounding air fell into dead silence for a moment.

No one spoke.

It was extremely quiet for a while, as if the sound of dripping water from the faucet in the bathroom could be heard.

Yan Yan's expression was a little unimaginable, and he slowly turned his head to look at Shen Shujun, who was beside him with a cold face, quietly picking up vegetables for dinner.

Didn't he talk a lot when he was in school?

Why did mother ask him something now, and then, didn't say a word?

After about a second or two, Yan Yan was the first to react, and instead of Shen Shujun, she replied indifferently to her mother: "He is doing well in school, maybe that's why he came to the new class, and he will gradually get used to it, mom, don't worry .”

"Really, that's pretty good, come and eat more food."

As he spoke, Ji Yun picked up a chopstick and put the dishes in Yan Yan's and Shen Shujun's respective bowls.

After dinner, Yan Yan and Shen Shujun went back to their rooms.

Yan Yan in this room is finishing the homework assigned by the teacher today, while Shen Shujun in the other room is sitting at the desk staring at something in his hand in a daze.

Taking a closer look, he could clearly see what the boy was holding in his hand.

It turned out to be a photo!
The photo held by Shen Shujun at this moment was found in the storage drawer of the room he lived in. The photo is a group photo of a family of three. A man and a woman are smiling happily like that. There is a little The cute meatball is between them, but it's not hard to see that it's a girl.

A veritable family of three.

All three were smiling.

However, Shen Shujun directly ignored the other two adults. He only looked at the girl in the photo. At this time, the child in the photo was probably only six or seven years old, immature and cute.

A small face is chubby, making people unable to control their own hands wanting to go up and squeeze it hard.

Xu Shi had been looking at the girl in the photo for a long time, but the pure black eyes of the boy holding the photo suddenly sank, and a thought flashed through his mind.

In the next few seconds, Shen Shujun also did what he had just thought in his mind.

He tore up the photo in his hand.

But it is not tearing blindly and without ground, but tearing with purpose.

He tore apart the two adults and the girl in the photo, and divided them into two, leaving only the girl's part, while the two adults' part was thrown by him with one blow. Into the side trash can.

After finishing all this, Shen Shujun put some of the photos left in his hands on the table, turned his little hand to the edge of the desk, took out a few paper towels, crumpled them into balls and threw them into the trash can again, so as to cover the photos that had been thrown into the trash before. Torn photo of trash can.

That way no one will find out what he did.

Shen Shu at this moment is not like Ji Yun and Yan who met him for the first time before, and his whole face is full of indifference.

In the following time, Shen Shujun stared at the incomplete photo again for about half an hour before turning to read.

The quiet night just passed away without a trace.

And someone's morbid psychology has gradually undergone strange changes...

The Yan family spent the next two days in peace, nothing special happened.

On Monday morning, when Yan Yan got up, he washed up and went downstairs. When he approached the dining table, he was surprised to find that Shen Shujun had arrived early again.

She found that Shen Shujun got up very early no matter what time of day it was.

Even if there is no class, he gets up very early.

After glancing at it for a while, she sat down next to him. While eating, she casually asked, "By the way, Xiaojun, how did you write the Chinese homework that the teacher left for you that day?"

Yan Yan wanted to see if there was a big difference between what she wrote and what a genius like him wrote.

"It's about nature." Shen Shujun, who had already finished his breakfast, rolled his dark pupils slightly before slowly replying to Yan Yan's question about himself.

Hearing this, the movement of putting food into his mouth couldn't help but pause for a while.

"What you wrote is naturally related?"

The title of the Chinese homework he wrote is natural?

Why didn't she think of this!Isn't nature the most suitable?

"Well, what's the matter?" The surprising Shen Shujun actually asked what was wrong with Yan Yan, and his action surprised Ji Yun who was busy at the side.

Ji Yun was packing Yan Zhixing's used tableware with one hand, and when Shen Shujun asked her daughter's words, she froze her whole body, and the plate that was pinched in her hand was just Suddenly in mid-air.

This kid actually started talking!

Not bad not bad, this is a good start sign.

He has only come here for a few days and he has said a lot of things, but as long as Yanyan is around, he will be much better than when Yanyan is not there, no matter whether it is his expression or expression.

And after getting along with each other these days, Ji Yun also discovered that this child is just not good at communicating with others, not really not communicating with others. In the past few days, he has also slowly said a word or two to Yanyan's father.

Although it is just a few words such as um, ok, oh, etc., it is always a good start.

After thinking about it, Ji Yun stopped the stiffness all over his body and continued with the unfinished movement just now.

"It's okay, I was just a little surprised when you said that you wrote about nature." After drinking several sips of milk in a row, Yan Yan's heart was relieved.

If he compares her homework with hers, she will definitely be ashamed!
What a grown-up who lived two lifetimes wrote is not as good as that written by a child!
"Then, sister Yan, what did you write?"

As soon as Shen Shujun said this, the tone of the entire dinner table seemed to be frozen by something.

Yan Yan mechanically turned her head, which seemed to be fixed, to the side slowly, and the voice from her lips seemed to be stuck by something for a moment: "What did you call me?"

elder sister?

Did she hear it right? !

This autistic little brother actually called her sister! ! !
"Sister Yan." Glancing at one side of the girl's white and tender face, Shen Shujun looked at her cautiously, and said in a soft voice: "Can I not call you that?" "

"No, I can." She was just too surprised.

It's only been a long time since we got along, and he, who is suffering from autism, actually started calling her sister.

At this rate, it shouldn't be long before he returns to normal.

After finishing the last bite of food in front of him, Yan Yan stood up and said to him, "Let's go, it's almost time, it's not good to be late later."

After changing their shoes, the two left home one after the other.

The whole journey was peaceful and quiet, Yan Yan enjoyed this kind of life very much, he lived a peaceful life, and his parents were safe and healthy by his side.

Just when Yan Yan was enjoying the warm sunshine bathing her body, a childish male voice gradually sounded in her ear: "Sister Yan."

Yan Yan heard the reputation, and the speaker was the voice of Shen Shujun who was walking side by side with her.

"What's wrong?" She looked at the boy who was shorter than herself in doubt.

"I will call you Sister Yan from now on, can you call me Ajun?" Seeing the girl's hesitant expression, Shen Shujun quickly explained: "Everyone close to the family will call me Ajun, auntie and you both call me Xiaojun, I... ...not quite used to it."

"Okay, yes."

Yan Yan readily agreed.

Ah Jun, although this name is the same as Shen Shujun in her previous life, but Yan Yan knows that they are two people.

Not the same person.

(End of this chapter)

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