Chapter 11
The school's morning classes also ended quietly.

While going to the cafeteria at noon, Yan Yan asked Lu Man and Shen Shujun to have dinner together.

But in the process of cooking, Lu Man took the lead to give up her seat to the young Shen Shujun, and she bypassed her position: "You come first, Shen Shujun?"

She should have called her by the wrong name, right?
But why didn't the kid respond at all?
Ms. Lu Manman kindly gave up her seat to someone, but who knows that someone didn't even think about accepting it with any reaction or friendship.

Faced with Lu Man's friendship, Shen Shujun remained unmoved, with a cold face, and ignored it. Yan Yan, who was on the side, was afraid that his friend Lu Man would have other thoughts because of this, so he immediately stepped forward and explained to him: "Man Man, He has autism and doesn't like to talk to people, so don't think too much about it."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Shujun's arm, pulling him to the position Lu Man had just vacated.

"This sister will let you go first. After all, you are growing up, so you can't be hungry."

Careful Yan Yan also saw the reason why Lu Man gave way to others.

"Yeah, you are a young genius who can't be hungry. You go first, and Yanyan and I will catch up." Glancing at the face of Shen Shujun, who is shorter than himself and Yan Yan in height, without a trace of smile, Lu Man tried his best to let Bring a radian at the corner of your mouth.

This little kid is very smart.

The only fly in the ointment is that he doesn't like to talk.

Also... don't like to talk to people!

"Yes, Ah Jun, you go first, I'll be with Manman later." Seeing that Shen Shujun still had a cold and indifferent expression on his face, Yan Yan stepped forward and whispered into his ear, "Manman, she is very happy." You're stingy, you didn't reply to her just now, she's getting a little angry, hurry up, I'll follow you, goodbye."

The last sentence of the girl's words, don't be afraid, her tone is extremely soft, and it goes directly to someone's heart,

"Okay, Yan Yan and Ah Jun listen to you."

In fact, it wasn't just the sentence "Don't be afraid, there are prerequisites" "Ah Jun", these two sentences entered Shen Shujun's heart at this time.

Shen Shujun stepped forward and stood in front of Yan Yan Luman's ears, while Yan Yan was sandwiched between the young Shen Shujun and his friends, and the atmosphere between the three gradually returned to calm.

Looking at the boy's thin back, Lu Man leaned close to the ear of Yan Yan who stood in front of him, and lightly parted his pink lips: "It's too cold for you to be so close? I talk to him and he doesn't talk to me." Well, anyway, we still walk together every day, he has no eyesight, and he doesn't know how to love a house."

Both ears and neck are blowing with the fragrance and warm and quiet heat that belonged to his friend Lu Man.

As soon as Yan Yan on the side felt it, she immediately shrank to the side, and she turned her head slightly to look at the person behind her: "He has autism, and he is very recognizable, just understand me, my good sister .”

"OK, for the sake of calling you sister, I'll forgive you this time." Lu Man playfully raised his hand and nodded to the girl in front of him who was looking slightly sideways at him.

Lu Man is two or three months older than Yan Yan, and the two have known each other since elementary school, but Yan Yan rarely calls her sister, but deep down in his heart, he has long regarded her as her sister.

It's just rarely called.

Lu Man never knew that in the days to come, some words he said to Yan Yan would cause him a lifetime of sorrow.

Of course, this is something.

Neither Lu Man, Yan Yan, nor Shen Shu can predict it now.

The queue had already arrived at their place when Yan Yan and Lu Man were talking. After Shen Shujun ordered his favorite food, and then moved it to the side, there was no movement. Yan Yan concentrated on pointing to the auntie When it comes to the dishes she likes, she has never reflected that Shen Shujun is blocking the way of others at this moment.

In the end, Lu Man, who was at the back of the three, tugged on Yan Yan's sleeve, and she suddenly realized.

"What's the matter, Manman, if you have something to say, don't pull my sleeve."

After Yan Yan pointed to Auntie Dacai who put the last dish on the plate, she turned to face Lu Man who was pulling her sleeve behind her: "What if I don't hold the plate later and it falls off? "

Fortunately, she had a steady hand, otherwise the plate in her hand would have been on the vast and clean ground long ago!

"Pull him away, he seems to be blocking the way of his classmates." Seeing that Yan Yan hadn't fully come to his senses, Lu Man hurriedly pushed his face to Shen Shujun who was blocking his way. Her eyes Not good, people are also blurred and can’t see clearly.


The last dead word in her mouth hadn't been completely uttered from the girl's mouth, and within the next second, Yan Yan was dumbfounded.

As soon as he turned his head, the little Shen Shujun was standing in the way of the dining room, and at the moment, there were four or five bigger boys standing behind him. They knew how to eat and drink all day long. Playing, learning and so on are simply not related to these people.

And among this group of people, Wen Jin's behavior style is no worse than that of Shen Shujun in his previous life!

If you offend Shen Shujun, he will slowly torture you, torture your psychology, and let him know what life is better than death.

And Wen Jin is not good at what Shen Shujun does.

Wen Jin will let you experience what it means that the flesh and blood on your body is not your own!

It's not good who you get in the way.

Why did they block the way of these evil stars!
Yan Yan screamed in his heart that it was not good.

Just when Wen Jin's face was about to change color in the C position in the group, Yan Yan quickly stepped forward and pulled him away, with a curved smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at them with an apologetic smile: "Is that right? I'm sorry, my brother didn't notice that it was blocking the road, so I'm sorry, let's get out of the way."

Wen Jin glanced lightly at Yan Yan's pulling in action and left without saying anything.

After Wen Jinren left, Yan Yan's hanging heart was slowly put back into his chest.

"Sister Yan, what's wrong with you? You're sweating profusely all of a sudden." Shen Shujun here didn't realize what happened to his sister Yan just now.

Lu Man, who had prepared the meals, also rushed to them at this time.

Looking exploratoryly at the girl's cold sweat and the calm boy, Lu Man's eyes still fell on his friend Yan Yan.

"Yanyan, are you all right?" Lu Man asked.

She is a bit short-sighted, and she can only see things in general when she is away from her eyes, but she can't see the specifics clearly.

When he walked over with the dinner plate, he heard the students around him say that it was a small boy, and Lu Man realized that the people Shen Shujun was blocking were Wen Jin and his group.

No, she hurried over as soon as those people left.

"It's all right, Manman."

After answering Lu Man's words, Yan Yan turned directly to Shen Shujun who was staring at him: "Ah Jun, why were you standing there just now?"

They all blocked the way of those gangsters, but fortunately Wen Jin didn't do anything in the end.

If not, we're going to be in trouble.

Before Shen Shujun, who had escaped from her previous life, she didn't want to make herself 'famous' at all.

(End of this chapter)

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