Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 12 1 follow is 1 lifetime

Chapter 12
"Sister Yan, I'm waiting for you." Facing the girl with a slightly questioning tone in her voice, the young Shen Shujun's black pupils had already produced a little bit of water.

Under the bright white light in the cafeteria, it looks more clear and bright.

It is like a bright gemstone.

"Wait until I can, don't stand here and wait next time, just wait in another place." When he finished speaking, Yan Yan specially freed up a hand and pointed to where they were standing just a few meters away .

"Where will it block other students."

That Wen Jin just now will be Shen Shujun's right-hand man in the future, in order to avoid unnecessary accidents, it's safer for her to avoid this man as much as possible.

After all, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years.

Only by making sure that nothing goes wrong can she feel at ease.

Otherwise, Yan Yan doesn't know if it will speed up his meeting with Shen Shujun in his previous life.

However, what caused Yan Yan to think this way was also because of Wen Jin's appearance just now, because she and Wen Jin met for the first time a full month earlier!

This was enough to make Yan Yan more vigilant.

"Okay." He replied.

Shen Shujun, whose expression can be said to have remained unchanged, held the plate in both hands and tightened his hands at an angle where no one could see.

If he read it right just now, sister Yan seemed to have stared at the boy who was the leader of the group he blocked earlier for a long time.

Is it because he is good-looking?
When recalling the face of the leading boy, the pupils of the young Shen Shujun dimmed as if they flashed by.

The boy's thin and white finger joints turned faintly white due to the owner's grip on the dinner plate. This change was only noticed by Lu Man who was standing beside Yan Yan, and she didn't notice Yan Yan himself at all. .

"Okay Yan Yan, let's eat first." Lu Man persuaded Yan Yan aloud, but at the moment she still thought that Shen Shujun was angry in her heart because she was taught by her sisters.

She hastily tugged on the girl's sleeve, and said, "Otherwise, the food will be cold."

He glanced at the meals in the hands of several people.

Today's meal looks delicious!
"Let's go." Looking at the aggrieved daughter-in-law who was a few knots shorter than herself and lowered her head, looking like she was going to be beaten and scolded, she didn't say anything more.

The three of them turned around and randomly found an empty seat to sit down and eat.

During the entire meal, except for the phrase "today's vegetables are so sweet today" that Lu Man said after sitting down for 1 minute, nothing happened.

None of the three of them said a word.


Shen Shujun is a quiet person.

And Lu Man also said something when he saw Yan Yan beside him eating absent-mindedly.

On the contrary, compared to the quietness of the three people's room, the students around them would come up with some gossip topics from time to time when they were eating.

After leaving the cafeteria, Yan Yan's eyes were still full of absent-mindedness, even the usually taciturn Shen Shujun noticed it.

But Shen Shujun and Lu Man were thinking differently. Seeing Yan Yan's wandering state, he couldn't help but conclude that the reason for her distraction at the moment must be because of the leader boy he met.

Thinking of this, the depths of the young boy's eyes sank deeply in a place that no one could see.

That boy is an eyesore!

It actually distracted sister Yan's attention.

Just as the two of them walked aimlessly with their own thoughts in their hearts, Lu Man at the side saw the expressions of the two of them.

So Luman rolled his eyes slightly, and said, "Yanyan, what are you thinking, so preoccupied."

Hearing the voice next to her ear, Yan Yan immediately stopped walking, turned her head to look to the side, and replied: "It's nothing."

The reply was also casual.

Of course, Lu Man must have seen this.

"It's nothing, you are about to hit a tree, and you plan to go forward?"

She was about to collide, but she still hadn't recovered.

If I didn't call out to her to stop, wouldn't she be going to bump straight into me?
Hearing this, Yan Yan quickly turned his head to look forward, only to realize that he had unknowingly walked up to a big tree in the green belt, and was only a few steps away from colliding with it!
Yan Yan backed away from the big tree in front of her again and again, she smiled awkwardly and said, "I was distracted, I almost ran into it, thanks to our sister Manman."

It's really thanks to Lu Man who stopped her by calling out, otherwise she would have bumped into her.

If they really bumped into each other, she would have to be the one to gossip among the students in school the next day between classes!
"Hurry up, there are still about ten minutes to go to class." Unknowingly, the time passed quickly, and the get out of class was gradually coming to an end.

Lu Man pulled Yan Yan's arm, responded with a smile, and followed the two of them silently. Shen Shujun raised his deep and dark eyelids, and then slammed into the depths of a pair of dark and clear eyes.

There was a warm smile on the man's good-looking features.

She smiled and said to him like a spring breeze in March: Ah Jun, hurry up and follow.

The girl's light smile fell deeply into someone's heart, until one day in the future, when he faced her, who was heartbroken and ashamed, he would also smile full of it.

Seeing this, Shen Shujun followed.

He kept up with him for a lifetime...


The author has something to say: Someone's heart is getting dark! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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