Chapter 41
Walking out of the bathroom, Yan Yan went straight to the door that was still being knocked on.

After opening the door, what came into the girl's eyes was a silent corridor with no one there.

Just when Yan Yan was thinking about the sound of knocking on the door just now, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed her bare calf!
Immediately, Yan Yan was so frightened that he screamed loudly.


Hell! ! !

"Sister Yan is me, Ah Jun." A guy holding her calf slowly lifted up that handsome face hidden under the warm light.

It turned out that it was Shen Shujun who was squatting on the ground who grabbed her calf.

The boy who looked like a teenager sat straight on the extremely cold tiled floor at the door of the room, staring at Yan Yan with a small face full of tears. Seeing this, she quickly pulled him up on the ground, and said in a slightly accusing tone. Said: "Ah Jun, how can you be on the ground, how cold the ground is."

Except for the wooden floors installed in the respective rooms of Yan's house, all other places installed are cold tiles.

Even if you walk on it barefoot in summer, you don’t feel bad, but it’s different in winter or when it’s thundering and raining.

The biting coldness is completely different from the feeling in summer!
And tonight happened to be a day of thunder and rain, so the ground must be very cold.

But at this moment, the windows of the room behind Yan Yan were still screaming with lightning and thunder, and the rain was also pouring down majesticly, and the two behind the girl flickered sparks visible to the naked eye from time to time.

Shen Shujun looked at the girl in front of him aggrievedly, and shouted with a choked voice: "Sister Yan"

"Are you afraid of thunder?"

Yan Yan thought it couldn't be such a coincidence, could it?

Why is he as afraid of thunder as the lunatic in his previous life.

But the only difference is that the lunatic in the previous life couldn't restrain his fear of thunder.

Because he overcame his fear of things.

"Yeah." This time Shen Shujun really didn't put on a deliberate pretense.

He is really afraid of thunder.

After coming to Yan's house for so long, I have never seen such heavy rain and thunder outside.

This can't help but make Shen Shujun, who was sitting quietly and distracted at the desk a second ago, pull back his mind instantly, listening to the non-stop thunder coming from outside the window, he was terrified, and hurriedly stuffed his whole body into the quilt !

He didn't dare to show half of his head.

The thunder was really loud. In the end, Shen Shujun couldn't bear it anymore. He missed Yan Yan, so he hugged a soft pillow in his arms and ran to Yan Yan's door next door. After knocking on the door for more than ten seconds When there was no sign that the door was about to open, he once wondered if Yan Yan didn't want to pay attention to him because of what happened today.

In the end, after more than ten minutes of unremitting persistence of a boy like a boy, he knocked on the door.

The door of the room that had been closed for a long time was finally opened.

As soon as the door was opened, Shen Shujun directly raised his hand to grab the girl's calf, but unexpectedly, this small movement made her scream out loud.

This frightened the boy, and he hastened to say who he was.

Shen Shujun stared at the girl with big watery eyes and asked, "Sister Yan, can I sleep with you tonight?"

Yan Yan: "."

She knew it would be like this!
Although she is soft-hearted, this
In the end, after a fight between the two villains in her head, the girl gave in.

"Okay, come in." As soon as the words fell, Yan Yan immediately moved his body standing in the middle of the door to let people in.

After getting the affirmation, Shen Shujun walked into the girl's room.

This is the second time he has come to her room.

Her room was as clean and tidy as her own, and the walls were painted sky blue. When she entered the door, she could see from a distance that the books and other school supplies on the desk opposite the door were all laid out. Put it neatly, without any confusion.

The color of the wall is the color Yan Yan changed after he was reborn.

"You sleep in bed tonight, and I'll sleep there."

While talking, Yan Yan raised his finger and pointed to a small beanbag sofa for two people diagonally opposite the bed.

Then, the girl was about to go to the closet in the room to take out the quilt at the bottom of the box, but her slender body was stopped the moment she approached the closet.

To be inaccurate, someone grabbed a hand that was about to reach into the closet.

Feeling the cool hand coming from the wrist, Yan Yan lowered his eyes puzzledly to the owner of the hand that felt the touch.

This person was Shen Shujun who entered the room with him.

"What's wrong?" she asked puzzled.

What did he stop himself from doing?
"Sister Yan, can we sleep in the bed together, otherwise Ah Jun is still afraid." Afraid that Yan Yan would get angry because of what he said, Shen Shujun immediately changed his hand to hold her by the corner of her clothes.

It looks extremely pitiful.

Anyone who sees it will feel distressed.

Of course, Yan Yan was included.


Anyway, he is still young now, and he is not considered an adult, so it's okay to sleep on the same bed with him.

Putting the half-cornered cup back into the closet, Yan Yan turned off the light and went to bed with Shen Shujun.

In the darkness, where the girl can't see, the boy's eyes shine brilliantly!

What a blessing in disguise for him this time!
After thinking about it, in the dark night, the corners of Shen Shujun's pretty lips outlined a sinister arc that didn't match his age. At this moment, he completely forgot that the frightening thunder was still playing outside the window at this moment.

Yan Yan felt that the breathing of the person lying next to him fluctuated greatly, "Ah Jun, can't you sleep?"

"A little."

Ignoring the raised corners of his mouth, he replied with a fearful voice.

"Are you still afraid?" Yan Yan really couldn't understand someone who was afraid of thunder, after all, she was already sleeping in the same bed with him, so what was there to be afraid of?Do you want her to sleep with him all night?

"Sister Yan, can you sleep with Ah Jun in your arms?"

Yan Yan: "..."


Without even thinking about it, she rejected him directly.

The boy asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"Men and women are different, you can't hug them." In the end, Yan Yan directly brought out the differences between men and women.

He is not young at this age, if he hadn't been thinking about the cause of his own illness, Yan Yan would have never let him sleep in her room, and for his pity's sake, she slept with him .

Now his request is really more and more, intensified.

Can Yan Yan continue to compromise?

Of course not!

He is eleven or twelve years old, and he will be an adult in a few years. He is such a young adult, and he even asked a girl to hug him to sleep.

How can this work?

In the darkness, the girl stared at the ceiling in front of her with starry eyes, which she had seen countless times before, and then leisurely explained to her what the difference between men and women means: "The difference between men and women is that men are not allowed to have physical contact with women. and so on."

(End of this chapter)

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