Chapter 42
"But sister Yan, I'm still young." Shen Shujun really didn't know anything about the relationship between men and women, he only knew that Yan Yan belonged to him alone.

It is what other people can't want to spy on!
Hearing what Shen Shujun said, Yan Yan, whose body had already merged with the extreme darkness around him, was taken aback.

She didn't expect this guy to know that he was young?
"Then tell me about your four or five-year-old kid? Are you a kid in a kindergarten class?" Seeing that Shen Shujun didn't make a sound, Yan Yan chased after the victory.

"I'm not a child, nor a kid in kindergarten." Shen Shujun knew that Yan Yan was refusing himself, so he no longer forced this request, "Sister Yan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this."

The sound of the rain outside the window is gradually diminishing and disappearing, and it is unknown when the thunder stopped.

Yan Yan closed his eyes: "Hurry up and sleep, there is still class tomorrow."

The next morning.

When Shen Shujun woke up, there was already nothing around him.

As he touched the bed that had lost any warmth, a look of disappointment flashed across the boy's eyes.

After getting up from the bed, Shen Shujun went back to his own room to wash and wash his clothes. When he went downstairs, he saw that the girl was eating breakfast comfortably at the dining table as he expected. After a few steps, he circled around her and greeted her in a clear voice: " Good morning sister Yan."

After sitting down and having breakfast for a while, Shen Shujun realized that he and Yan Yan seemed to be the only ones in the Yan family.

"Sister Yan, where are Auntie and Uncle? Are you not home so early?" The boy took a bite of the cold dish in front of him and inadvertently asked about Yan Zhixing and Ji Yunde's whereabouts.

"I'm going out, and I might not be home for the next day or two." Yan Yan read a book that specialized in collecting important knowledge points from the entire junior high school in one hand, and drank the half cup of thick milk left on the table with the other hand After talking, Xu Xu explained the reason why his parents were not at home.

"Where did the aunts go?"

It takes two or three days to go somewhere to come back.

She drank all the remaining milk in the glass in one gulp, and said casually, "I'm going to my hometown."

Seeing that Shen Shujun was also eating breakfast slowly, Yan Yan could not help but urge him with slightly moistened lips: "Eat quickly, time is running out."

This breakfast was reserved for them by Ji Yun before he left, saying that she and Yan Zhixing went to their hometown to learn about the school first, and after finishing everything there, even the house they live in is going to be sold. As soon as Yan Yan finished the exam, they left immediately.

Both Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun love Yan Yan and their daughter very much.

So when they all knew that she didn't want to go to Qingshang to study, but wanted to go to her hometown, they had already made a decision for her, and went to her hometown to find a relatively better school for her.

In the following days, before and after Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun returned, Yan Yan devoted himself even more to his studies.

No matter where you are at school or anywhere at home, as long as you see her, you can see at least one book in the girl's hand anytime, anywhere!
Shen Shujun couldn't help being surprised by the girl's hard work, and Lu Man and Fu Zhixing couldn't help feeling weird when they saw it. They all asked her, "Yanyan, what are you doing so hard?"Do you want to go to Qingshang to study in high school? 'I still remember that she didn't answer at that time, but Shen Yan chose to smile lightly on her face.

Shen Shujun was also there at that time, and after hearing Lu Man's question, he secretly planted a seed in his heart.

That is, he is going to Qingshang!
Go to Aoyama and stay with her throughout high school!
Finally, the results of the last monthly exam were announced, and she lived up to Yan Yan's hard work throughout the month, and she was admitted to the top five of the whole grade!
No.1 is Zhao Yi, who has been ranked first in the first grade all the year round.

No.2 is Xu Bai who was first in Yan Yan's class last time.

No.3 is Shen Shujun who skipped grades continuously.

No.4 is a good girl named Fu Xinran from Class [-].

And Yan Yan, like a dark horse, rushed to the top five in the grade without any warning.

The moment Yan Yan got the report card, she couldn't believe it. She really managed to rush forward in such a short time. Although she was not in the top three, she was already the best in her expectations. Good effect.

After class, Lu Man next to him pulled out Yan Yan who was staring at the report card in his hand in a daze, and those eye-catching numbers on the report card appeared in his eyes: "Yan Yan, you are a dark horse, you are working so hard. They're all in the top five."

This result is also worthy of her own.

Otherwise, her hard work in the past month will be in vain.

Sure enough, people with firm perseverance are different.

Yan Yan slowly approached Lu Man beside her, leaned close to her ear, and said 'very modestly': "So-so."

Luman: "..."

"Your words are really maddening." Lu Man pretended to be angry and punched his face.

"We are different." She said with a smile on her face.

Between them, she is indeed different.

"What's the difference between us, Yan Yan, tell me, I want to see what's the difference between me and you." As he spoke, Lu Man's gaze on Yan Yan gradually became hotter and more charming. .

At this moment, Lu Man looks like a hooligan.

Yan Yan's eyeballs rolled around, and he said flirtatiously, "Anyway, it's just different."

Before the voice from the girl's lips fell completely, she started to walk towards the person beside her.

Yan Yan knew that Lu Man was ticklish the most.

And now she tickled her!
One of the figures in another corner of the classroom was comforting the person beside her.

"It's okay Xu Bai, don't be sad, you are still the second in grade, the No. Looking unhappy?
"Wang Yan, you don't understand this." How could she understand Wang Yan, her grade ranks out of the hundreds.But the class is in the top [-], she doesn't understand her own fear.

This Yan Yan's progress is really rapid, it's only a short month, and she has squeezed into the top five in the grade.

This speed is really outrageously fast, having Shen Jun is enough for her to suffer, and now there is another Yan Yan who is making rapid progress.

For a while, Xu Bai, who had a strong self-esteem, couldn't accept such a fact at all.

"Yes, how can a scumbag like me understand the troubles of the top few of you." Wang Yan rolled her eyes at someone beside her as if speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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