Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 43 Really going to Qingshang?

Chapter 43 Really going to Qingshang?

Yan Yan and Lu Man on this side were playing small fights during the big break, while Xu Bai on the other side was immersed in the reality that he couldn't accept.

Shen Shujun took all of Yan Yan's situation into his eyes.

Not at all.

Lu Man, who had been fighting for a while, suddenly became extremely serious, and she asked with all eyes: "Stop making trouble, to be honest, Yan Yan, have you really decided to go to Qingshang to study in high school?"

Hearing the sound, the smile on the corner of Yan Yan's pretty lips suddenly stopped, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Afterwards, the smile on the girl's face did not diminish at all.

"We'll make a real decision based on the grades at that time." Although Yan Yan said this, the naked expression on her face was very certain, and one could not help but tell at a glance that she was wholeheartedly planning to go to the junior college entrance examination. .

"It's really decided?" Luman asked seriously again.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Don't hurry up and improve your grades to catch up with me, or you will have to stay where you are when I leave." She finally chose to avoid Lu Man. Before everything settled down, she Apart from her parents, she will definitely not tell anyone what she wants to do.

Among them are Lu Man and Fu Zhixing.

The topic was covered by Yan Yan, and now, Lu Man, who was fond of joking before, came back again.

Her tone was full of three-point teasing: "Then I will try to catch up with you?"

Yan Yan who came home from school in the evening was in a good mood, even Shen Shujun, who always liked to be taciturn, could tell.

In fact, he had already noticed it when he was in the classroom, but although the girl at that time was very happy, her emotions were not as high as they are now.

"Sister Yan looks very happy."

Shen Shujun, a boy like a boy, suddenly asked this question.

"My grades have soared so fast, I must be happy, my little brother, isn't your reaction too slow?" Lu Man, who was catching up with the two, suddenly moved closer to the person, speaking in a very tone of voice.

Someone pretended to be puzzled.

Staring at her innocent eyes, she pretended to ask, "Is sister Yan so happy just because her grades have improved?"

"It's not just for this reason." Lu Man saw that Shen Shujun was talking to her for the first time, so she explained to him with a bit of gossip: "The main reason is that the admissions teacher who will go to high school in half a month will come Our school recruits special recruits, I guess Yanyan worked so hard this month for the recruiting of Qingshang."

After all, there has been a rule in Qingshang for decades.

That is, as long as the students in school have excellent grades, they can break the rules and pass the exam, and directly send Qing to their school!
And judging from Yan Yan's abnormality this month and the joy he felt at the moment when he saw his report card, Lu Man roughly guessed that what he thought was right.

Shen Shujun muttered to himself, repeating these two words repeatedly.


With this name in his mouth, Shen Shujun's brain slowly played the memories of half a year ago. When he was at home, the principal of Qingshang came to Shen's house to visit Shen Ming and Shen Yi. Went upstairs to the room.At dinner in the evening, Shen Mingqi and Shen Yi told Shen Shujun that the principal of Qingshang High School came to their house and wanted to recruit him to their school.

Although Shen Shujun was still in the elementary school at that time.

But the principal of Qingshang immediately took a fancy to this unusual child.

Shen Shu in this room walked with his head down, thinking about this incident, and Lu Man beside him ran to Yan Yan in front at some point.

Looking at the slender and thin backs of the two girls, he fixed his gaze on one of them.

He must meet with him on the campus of Qingshang!

After bidding farewell to Lu Man, Yan Yan and Shen Shujun who followed behind him quickly returned home.

As soon as the entrance door was opened, the girl couldn't wait to go upstairs and return to her room to continue reviewing. Looking at Yan Yan who was going upstairs in the distance, Shen Shujun's eyes couldn't help being tinged with a gentle smile.

His sister Yan, in order to be able to go to Qingshang to study in high school, really put in a lot of effort——

In this way, the peaceful life of the Heike family lasted for more than half a month.

It happened to be Monday after half a month.

It was also the day when the flag was raised and the speech was raised in the school. On the flag stage there were a few middle-aged men who looked very old-fashioned, about three or five.Four of them were men and one was a woman.

There were three men who had bowel movements, and only one man was thinner. On the flag stage, one of them spoke with a microphone.

"Hello, teachers and students. I am the admissions teacher of Qingshang High School. My surname is Wang. Everyone can call me Teacher Wang, or Lao Wang. The purpose of coming to your school this time is also for the students who are racing against time in the third year of junior high school. , Of course, we will also select students with better grades to recommend to us, are you interested in learning about it?!"

Most of the students standing in an orderly row under the flag stage shouted with all their might.

"interested in!!!"

The deafening sound directly deafened Yan's ears for a short time. She couldn't control the powerful decibel sound coming into her ears, so her body involuntarily retreated two steps back subconsciously.

What are these people doing with such a big reaction?
She was almost deaf!

After the admissions teachers at Qingshang had finished speaking one by one, sixteen to seventy-eight minutes passed. The group of students and teachers disbanded. Some went to the toilet together, some went back to the classroom, and some went to the classroom. Go to the canteen on campus for ice water, or something else.

But Yan Yan just found an excuse to leave Lu Man, Fu Zhixing, and Shen Shujun behind, and went to the office building opposite the teaching building.

She didn't go to the teachers' office building to go to the side dedicated to recruiting students for Qingshang, but to the office of Lin, the head teacher of her own class.

Outside the office door, Yan Yan stepped in after knocking on the door a few times and getting approval from the people inside.

After entering, the girl found the office of teacher Lin, the head teacher, according to the memory in her mind. Seeing that the person was still there, she stepped forward to get closer.

"Hello, Teacher Lin." The girl's voice was sweet and clear, and in the noisy environment of the office, the words that Yan Yan slowly uttered from his lips seemed particularly unobtrusive.

Fortunately, Teacher Lin, who lowered her head and concentrated on correcting homework, has always had sharp ears and heard her voice.

The woman took a few seconds out of her busy schedule to look at the person who came by: "So it's Yan Yan, you, tell me, what's the matter with the teacher?"

Glancing at the restless movements of her hands, Yan Yan said, "Mr. Lin, I'm here to ask some questions."

"what is the problem?"

After the words fell, Teacher Lin glanced at the person again, then lowered his head and continued to correct the pile of students' homework on the table.

Yan Yan didn't hide anymore, and said directly: "I want to know, if the grades are always in the top three, should I directly apply to some smaller schools? For example, the ones in the townships." Although she knew that she was asking What is the result of this question.

But I don't know why Yan Yan still wants to confirm again.

No matter past life or present life,

Yan Yan likes to make sure everything is safe.

After all, she learned it from that paranoid lunatic.

(End of this chapter)

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