Chapter 45 Make up your mind
During dinner, Shen Shujun, who always ate quietly, suddenly asked casually, "Sister Yan, do you like Qingshang very much?"

She picked up a chopstick and stuffed it into her mouth before speaking.


Qing went to this high school, and Yan Yan really liked it in his previous life.

It's just that in this life, she also likes it, but she alone doesn't like Qingshang, where Shen Shujun, a lunatic, exists.

If Shen Shujun was not in Qingshang, she would like it no matter in the previous life or in this life.

After getting an affirmative answer from the girl, the boy who lowered his head to pick rice into his own bowl didn't ask any more questions, and Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun didn't participate in the conversation between the two.

Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun just looked at each other.

After eating, several people went back to their own rooms, and Yan Yan who returned to the room sat on the bed for a while, and then got up resolutely.

Coming to the door of Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun, Yan Yan waited quietly after knocking on their door.

The door was pulled open by the person inside, and the girl raised her agile eyes to look at the person who opened the door.

This time the door was opened by Ji Yun who had already changed into pajamas, while Yan Zhixing was washing in the bathroom of the master bedroom.

Seeing the visitor's own daughter, Ji Yun smiled and asked, "It's Yanyan, what's the matter?"

Ji Yun, who was dressed in white and magnolia-patterned pajamas, stepped aside to let his daughter who had a tendency to enter the room.

"Mom, I'm here to tell you and Dad, I..." After finding a seat near the bed in the room and sitting down, Yan Yan was just speaking, but just halfway through his words, he was thrown from the bathroom in the bedroom. Yan Zhixing who came out was directly interrupted.

"What's the matter, you two mother and daughter."

Before the person arrived, the voice came out one step ahead.

Yan Zhixing, who came out of the bathroom, was holding a dry towel in both hands to wipe his wet short hair. As soon as he came out, he saw two figures that he was more familiar with. The deep and confusing voice of an adult male: "Yanyan, what happy things do you want to tell me and your mother this time?"

His daughter couldn't hide anything on her face.

It's not just when eating, it starts from the moment you step into the house.

Anyone who comes close to her and looks at her can also feel the joyful atmosphere emanating from her.

"Mom, my grades have improved by leaps and bounds this month, so I decided to go to my hometown's high school one year in advance." Thinking that their family can leave Haicheng a whole year in advance, they will go directly to that lunatic for a full year in advance. Meet, Yan Yan is in his heart, don't mention how excited he is!
"You want to skip a grade?"

After Ji Yun heard her daughter say this, she was so surprised that she let out a low cry with a look of astonishment on her face.

Generally skipping a level is not a very simple matter.

But if you jump from a high place to a low place, there are many successful precedents.

"That's right, Yan Yan, this matter is quite difficult. Why not wait for the high school entrance examination a year later?" Yan Zhixing also fit Ji Yun.

Why are you in such a rush?
"No, Mom and Dad, I don't know why. I have been restless since I was woken up last time. I want to leave Haicheng as soon as possible. This place makes me feel a kind of fear that I can't express." This is not entirely Yan Yan's fabrication, one thing is true, this Haicheng really makes her feel uncomfortable.

Especially Qingshang High School with that lunatic!
The location of Qingshang High School is not too far from their home.

It's only ten kilometers away.

Compared with the average high school distance, Qingshang is very close.

Hearing the words, Ji Yun looked at the girl diagonally opposite with puzzled eyes, "Are you scared?"

Yan Zhixing also wanted to say something, but the sharp-eyed Yan Yan immediately stopped him: "Mom and Dad, don't ask so many questions, let's go to my hometown, I don't want to stay here." At this moment, the girl stood up deliberately, walked to Ji Yun's side, and squatted down next to Ji Yun as if afraid.

Slowly approaching the woman with his petite body, he buried his head in her warm embrace.

The last time Yan Zhixing asked for leave to go to his hometown to check the school with Tong Ji Yun, Yan Yan knew that the two of them must have found a school that was relatively suitable for him.

That's why during the day today, she did everything while the iron was hot.

Ji Yun and Yan Zhixing in the distance looked at each other in mid-air.

After a few seconds.

Ji Yun said with a serious expression on his face, "Okay, listen to your words, if you let me go, then let's go."

"thanks Mom."

The head buried in the woman's arms was raised, and the young girl looked up at Ji Yun who was holding her in her arms above her head with barking eyes.

She really appreciates Ji Yun's.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, she is the one who loves her the most.

Before her rebirth, Ji Yun knew her better than Yan Zhixing, probably because they were mother and daughter.

After all, she once shared the same heart as Ji Yun.

Have a heart.

Yan Zhixing asked: "Okay, how long will we leave then?"

"I'm leaving this semester during the summer vacation." Even the time has already been decided, she really deserves to be prepared.

"So fast?" He left as soon as the summer vacation of this semester was over.

Is it really necessary to go so fast?
Ji Yun immediately stopped Yan Zhixing: "Okay, talking is actually not fast."

When someone speaks out of conscience like this, the handsome man standing next to her is immediately dumbfounded!
Yan Zhixing, who had wiped his hair with a towel before, froze instantly.

The man's entire burly and tall body was motionless, as if he had been struck by an extremely strong lightning bolt.

Not moving, not moving a bit.

Yan Zhixing: "..."

Oh, my dear wife, do you know what you just said?

What do you mean it's not fast at all?
Now there are only a dozen days and a half months before the arrival of the summer vacation of this semester! !
Isn't that fast? ? ?

"Then Mom and Dad, I'll go back to bed first." After getting up from Ji Yun's arms and leaving, Yan Yan turned around and left their room.

Wait until the girl's figure completely disappears behind that door.

Yan Zhixing, who had been restrained by Ji Yun before, seemed to be released at this moment.

Yan Zhixing asked with an uneasy expression, "Why did you agree to her?"

He didn't understand, if they chose to leave, there was no need for them to leave so fast. Besides, their house hadn't been sold yet, so how could they get so much money to buy a house over there?

It's not like Ji Yun hadn't thought about the issues that Yan Zhixing had thought about at that moment.

She doesn't want that either.

But Yanyan said, she was afraid of this place, afraid of Haicheng.

As a mother, how can she choose to delay or regress when the child asks her for help?

Ji Yun couldn't do this.

Yan Zhixing couldn't do the same.

(End of this chapter)

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