Chapter 46

The last half month of this semester was also quietly spent by Yan Yan in a quiet and peaceful manner.

During this period, Yan Zhixing had contacted everything about the school house and residence in his hometown. As soon as his family moved there and the summer vacation was over, they would immediately go to school formally.

Yan Yan was very happy when he found out.

On the fifth day of the summer vacation, Shen Shujun was picked up by his parents, Shen Mingqi and Shen Yi. They said that it was rare to have such a long vacation like summer vacation, so they wanted to take him back to take the opportunity to recuperate his body and illness.

When Shen Shujun was leaving that day, he even dragged Yan Yan to the bathroom on the first floor of Yan's house to whisper his goodbyes during the summer vacation.


Inside the bathroom.

The boy is wearing a white summer sweater with a hood that shows off his arms, and his lower body is a pair of light gray loose cropped pants. He has black hair like ink, skin white like jade, and Shen Shujun, who is slender and tall like a teenager, has already begun to look slightly different. Slightly distinct outlines.According to his facial contours with clear water chestnuts, he will also be a rare handsome and handsome person in the future.

At that time, Shen Shujun stared closely at the girl who was a head taller than him with a pair of eyes that were as deep as black ink. He looked at her for a long time before retracting his gaze, and then promised him in a very clear voice: "Yeah!" Sister, I will come to you as soon as the summer vacation is over."

Yan Yan, who heard the words, froze slightly.

Yan Yan didn't immediately agree to him, but changed the subject: "Ah Jun needs to cooperate with the doctor, so that he can recover faster."

As soon as the words on the girl's lips fell, she raised her hand and gently rubbed his black hair, which was as bright as ink, in front of her.

The expression on the facial features is particularly gentle and gentle.

During Shen Shujun's time with the girl for so long, it was very rare to see such an expression on her face.

Very rare.

Seeing that the girl showed her concern for him before leaving, Shen Shujun agreed that she had agreed to the previous question between the two of them, so he walked out of the bathroom with a smile on his face.

There were tall and short men in dark blue uniforms who went back and forth from the entrance of the Yan family's first floor gate. Their skin was rough and dark, and their facial features were ordinary.

Anyway, Yan Yan couldn't recognize who they were.

These people are moving companies.

I came here today to move Yan Yan's family. Yan Zhixing followed the constant incoming and outgoing greetings. The moving company's employees carefully moved the large items that needed to be moved one by one into the compartment of the truck, and cleaned them up in the room on the second floor. Yan Yan of the clothes took out all the clothes he had taken away in front of the closet, piled them on the clean and tidy bed, and then slowly folded them one by one and put them into the opened suitcase beside him .

When the clothes were half packed, there was a knock on the door of Yan Yan's room.

Putting down the half-folded clothes in her hands, she walked over to open the door.

After seeing clearly that it was Ji Yun, Yan Yan turned around and went to the bed to continue tidying up the clothes and pants that were going to be put in the suitcase: "Mom, what's the matter?"

After glancing at his daughter's skillful folding of clothes, Ji Yun stepped up and leaned over, picked up the pile of messy clothes that had been reduced a lot, and after much hesitation, he asked slowly: "Yanyan, what are you doing?" Just leave like this, don't you go tell Fu Zhixing and Lu Man, say goodbye, huh?"

When the daughter told herself and her father that the family would leave quietly without talking to anyone, she had a slightly surprised expression on her face.

Later, after some ideological struggle, they agreed that it was what their daughter said.

But until today, there were constant noises about moving things, but Ji Yun still came to ask with one in his arms.

"No need, I'll just come back when I take the university entrance exam." After the university entrance examination, what Yan Yan said was obviously a lie to Ji Yun.

It is absolutely impossible for her to go to university in Jijiang and Haicheng, two cities where Shen Shujun appeared!

"Really think it over?" What if they all blame you in the future?
Ji Yun didn't tell Yan Yan all these words, and at the end he looked at the girl worriedly, and then walked out of the room.

Unconsciously, the day's time gradually dissipated into the afternoon.

Haicheng City is close to the sea, so the sunset glow of the whole Haicheng City in the afternoon is especially beautiful.

It seems that there is a layer of light yellow cloud gauze and red clouds in the sky, which are blown away by a cool breeze one after another.

Because almost everything in the house was packed and sent to the moving company's car during the day, Yan Yan's family of three had to have dinner outside.

The family went to an authentic Sichuan restaurant that was closer to home.

In the box, Yan Yan specially ordered several dishes.

There are so many dishes that their family can't eat.

When ordering food, Ji Yun and Yan Zhixing had already stopped the girl, but they couldn't stop them, and finally ordered the delicious dishes on the big table in front of them, and someone asked for a bottle, which was not too high. wine.

"Mom and Dad, eat quickly." Seeing that Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun didn't move their chopsticks, they just stared at him like that, Yan Yan also picked up a lot of food with the chopsticks and put them into the bowls in front of them. "The dishes in this restaurant are highly recommended by Fu Zhixing to me. They are delicious."

Especially the wine.

I heard Fu Zhixing tell her that the wine in this store is delicious.

How could she not come to have a few drinks on such a happy day today?
After all, thinking about it, it's impossible to meet that paranoid lunatic in the days to come, so Yan Yan couldn't be more excited and joyful.

Ji Yun snatched a bottle of white wine that was placed on the table in front of the girl by the waiter who came into the box, and persuaded him, "You are still young, don't drink."

Even underage, drink alcohol.

Those who didn't know thought that something happened to the child.

"Yeah, it's just a matter of moving, can this also make my good daughter drink?" Yan Zhixing was afraid that Yan Yan would be angry because of Ji Yun's behavior, so after the waiter in the box went out, he immediately stood up. Came out to smooth things over.

"No, Mom and Dad, you don't understand. I'm really happy today, so just make an exception and let me drink a little, okay?"

Just when Yan Zhixing was about to be moved by his daughter's coquettish tone, Ji Yun on the side still stood firm.

"No, it's not good for girls to drink alcohol." Ji Yun said firmly.

"Okay, then I won't drink, dad will take me to drink, mom?" Knowing that Ji Yun was thinking about her own health, she didn't insist on drinking in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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