Chapter 47

After Yan Yan's family had dinner, Yan Zhixing brought Ji Yun back home.

As for Yan Yan, when he was leaving the restaurant, he told the two of them that he would walk around after dinner, do some exercise after dinner, and he would be back in about ten to twenty minutes.

Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun specially explained to the girl before they parted, so they went back with peace of mind.

After telling his parents, Yan Yan took two taxis aimlessly.

After getting in the car, she leaned her head obliquely on the transparent glass window, looking at the pleasant scenery that kept rushing back from the other side.

A few ten minutes later, under the rough voice of the taxi driver, the girl realized that she was going to get off the car, paid the money, and the taxi drove away.

The night at 09:30 is especially cold.

And the breeze that blows at night carries a slight chill, and when it blows over a person's exposed skin, it will cause a layer of small particles to form on that person's skin in seconds.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over Yan Yan who was wearing a white shirt.

The breeze blows the corners of her clothes and the strands of black silk on both sides of her forehead, the corners of the clothes flutter wantonly in the dark mid-air like the threads, sliding out a beautiful arc, which makes the girl's body The breath attracts others.

After regaining his senses, Yan Yan didn't know why he arrived at the gate of Qingshang High School dozens of kilometers away by car.

Yan Yan raised his dark and agile eyes, staring at the words "Qingshang High School" in a daze.

After a few seconds, I couldn't help but sigh slightly.

In her previous life, she became a 'celebrity' in the entire youth because of that lunatic.

At that time, no matter where I went on the Qingshang High School campus, I avoided her. No one on the campus dared to say a word to her, and even the teachers didn't dare to look at her. For more than three seconds, when that lunatic was by her side, many people in the distance would immediately turn around as soon as they saw them.

dare not appear in front of her.

So under such 'protection', she didn't have a single student in high school who was willing to be friends with her.

What's more, the lunatic's hand has reached outside the school and at home!

Just as Yan Yan was staring at the words "Qingshang High School" in a daze, a clear and clear male voice sounded beside her ear.

"Hello, do you intend to apply for our Qingshang High School?"

But after the voice sounded, Yan Yan couldn't help but wondered: Why is this voice still familiar?
When the girl wanted to give up, she withdrew her gaze from those words on Qingshang, and turned to look at the source of the voice, and the figure that bumped into her dark eyes when she turned around was a boy.

She then looked up, and the person who met her was Fu Zhixing.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here too?"

The questioning voices of a man and a woman are almost at the same time.

Afterwards, both of them laughed at the same time.

Seeing the young man laughing non-stop, Yan Yan knew his intentions, so he asked, "What are you doing here?"

Fu Zhixing replied: "I should be asking you this question, right? You are not at home at night, what are you doing here?"

"Exercise after meals and walk around."

"Then you do a lot of exercise after meals. Qingshang is at least a dozen kilometers away from your home, right?" I've come here for walks, and I don't know how to make up a plausible reason if I plan to lie to him.

Yan Yan: "..."

"You don't believe it?" she said.

"Do you think I'll believe your reason?" Fu Zhixing looked at me, do you think I'm as easy to deceive as a fool?

"Really." She really didn't lie to Fu Zhixing this time.

However, my family doesn't believe it now.

"You think I'll believe it?" Fu Zhixing acted like you're not trying to lie to me, seeing the Yan Yan in front of him shaking helplessly, and finally had to go back to the original question.

"Then what are you doing here at night?"

Fu Zhixing's family is not from here, what is he doing at Qingshang at night?

"Send some materials to my dad." The girl raised a treatment book with more than ten pages in one hand.

After Fu Zhixing said this, Yan Yan saw something in his hand at this time.

"Then I'll go home first, you go and deliver the materials." After Yan Yan said that, he turned around and was about to leave, but the young man's clear voice stopped her from moving forward.

"Goodbye, kid."

The boy didn't say anything else, just four simple words.

And these four simple words were enough to make Yan Yan's slender and upright body startled.

Does he know?

Before even the slightest reaction in the brain, the girl's cherry-like lips slowly spit out a shallow and very faint syllable.


Goodbye, since he knows, she won't hide it from him.

Moreover, Yan Yan also believed that Fu Zhixing would help them hide it from everyone, except those who already knew.

The girl's leaving back stood upright like a pine, and so did the moving shadow. Gradually, the elongated figure of the girl blended leisurely with the surrounding darkness.

After Yan Yan left, Fu Zhixing was still staring at the direction she left.

I will help you with the little ones.

Fu Zhixing said this in the deepest part of his heart.

After leaving Qingshang, Yan Yan looked at the displayed time on his phone, and found that it was not too early, so he went to a nearby place with a lot of traffic and took a taxi home.

After arriving at home, Yan Yan took out the key from his pocket and opened the door, and found that the room on the first floor was pitch black.

She knew that Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun must have fallen asleep.

After all, their sudden decision for them exhausted them.

When he went upstairs to see the master bedroom of the two, Yan Yan also acted lightly, for fear of making any noise and waking them up accidentally.

The moment the girl closed the door of her room, the cell phone in her hand suddenly rang.


It's the phone's SMS ringtone.

While holding up the phone, she walked towards the bed, but when the girl's eyes read the text of the text message clearly, her pupils couldn't help being constricted.

The person who texted Yan Yan was the younger version of Shen Shujun.

The content of the text message he sent her:

Sister Yan, I will take good care of my illness, and I look forward to seeing you in an extremely complete Ah Jun when school starts.

After reading this text, Yan Yan quickly replied.

She briefly explained some of Shen Shujun's life problems, and she sent the edited text to him, and it came back in seconds.

After that, Yan Yan glanced directly at the short message he sent behind him, put down the phone, went to wash and change into pajamas.

Tonight is her last night in Haicheng.

In the future, her Yan Yan will never appear here in Haicheng again...

After thinking about it, the girl fell asleep with a lot of memories of the two lives. In the dream, she dreamed of Shen Shujun in the previous life and Shen Jun she met in this life, and the two figures kept overlapping.

Later, there was a time when Yan Yan was very grateful for his choice to leave Haicheng without telling everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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