Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 67 Wait for me obediently, don't move around

Chapter 67 Wait for me obediently, don't move around
Jiang Yiyi, who was only a few meters away from Jiang Ran, turned pale from being hurt by the young man's words.

As if she couldn't bear the boy's words, she staggered back two steps with her whole body.Seeing this, the two girls at the back immediately stepped forward to support her unstable body.

Wan Li saw the young man standing opposite with a calm expression, and a look of ferocity flashed in his eyes: "Sister Yiyi, this Jiang Ran just doesn't know what to do! Both of them need to be dealt with!"

Sister Yiyi, hurry up and get rid of the girl next to Jiang Ran!
Although Yan Yan has not uttered a single syllable until now, it still aroused the resentment in the hearts of the two girls!

This is sometimes.

Hate, hatred or something, came out of nowhere.

Just like now, the girl named Wan Li next to Jiang Yiyi is a living and realistic example.

Inexplicably, he hated her.

Behind the helper came a tall and burly seven-foot man.

In the meantime, he came to the side of Jiang Yiyi, who looked very petite in front of him, and comforted the girl in a strong tone: "Xiaoyi, don't waste so much time with them, let me take care of it, Zheng Erwanli, you two can just take Xiaoyi and wait."

"it is good."


Zheng Ergen looked at Wan Li who was quite happy, and the two almost spoke in unison.

Especially the look on Wan Lili's face.

Very excited!

It seems that there is a scene that she is extremely fond of watching next.

If Brother Biao hadn't asked her to accompany Jiang Yiyi with Zheng Er, she would have followed these brothers to watch!
After recovering, Jiang Yiyi looked at the man with a worried expression.

"Brother Biao, don't touch Jiang Ran," she said.

The man smiled evilly and replied: "Don't worry, you still don't know your brother Biao and me?"

Jiang Ran is Jiang Yiyi's heart and soul.

So he will not move unless it is absolutely necessary.

Brother Biao then turned his head, facing the pretty-looking girl standing beside Jiang Ran in front of him, and shouted: "This beautiful girl, move."

Brother Biao, who had the advantage of his height in the future, stared condescendingly at the girl in front of him whose height barely reached the position of his chest.

Afterwards, a smirk that looked terrifying appeared on his face: "Don't let me lift you in."

The man's voice is not only loud, but also rough!

When Yan Yan heard the sound, his face remained unchanged.

She looked at the man next to Jiang Yiyi, and the group of younger brothers behind him, a strange dark light reflected in the depths of her eyes.

These people are okay, not many.

I should be able to clean up in seven or eight minutes, and then go home and have dinner with my parents.

Here, Yan Yan thought so in his heart, but he didn't know that Jiang Ran, who was standing next to her, turned pale!

His complexion was as white as paper.

"Yan Yan, I'll rush forward to stop them later, don't worry about anything, just turn around and run quickly, don't look back." Jiang Ran approached the girl calmly, then lowered his voice.

He didn't get any response from the people around him. For a while, the boy thought that she didn't hear what he said, so he repeated it in a low voice.

It's just that at the end of the words, the words 'heard you' were added.

But the girl's reaction immediately shocked him!
I only caught a glimpse of Jiang Ran, who had spoken in a low voice, suddenly heard a clear and clear female voice.

"Just stay here obediently and don't move around." When Yan Yan said this to Jiang Ran, he used the tone of treating a child.

The girl's clear voice slowly echoed in her ears.

Then, the boy was stunned for a while.

The girl in Jiang Ran's eyes walked straight forward and leaned against the people in the distance. She stood up straight with her back straight.

Standing in front of the man, she raised her head, staring straight at him with a pair of deep and agile black eyes.

"Let's go."

The girl's voice sounded again.

This time, it was completely lingering in everyone's ears!

Brother Biao, who has been watching all the actions of the girl from the beginning to the end, can't help but be full of consternation and shock in his eyes!
This girl is so active?
Is it fear?

For a moment, the man couldn't bear to attack her any longer.

"It's a good thing to take the initiative, Brother Biao will tell them to be gentle later." The burly Brother Biao smiled wickedly.

A girl who dares to bully their big brother, this girl will definitely be finished today!

(End of this chapter)

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