Chapter 68 Polarity Reversal
"Go over there, little girl." Brother Biao lifted his chin lightly, and motioned to the other side of the alley more than three or forty meters away.

The construction of the entire Lishui County is the most alleys.

Probably because of the reasons in the south.

After all, the buildings in the south have a lot of alleys, which is also a general feature of the small places in the south.

Yan Yan followed behind the man. Seeing this, Jiang Ran in the distance immediately rushed forward. He shouted loudly, "Don't go with them! Come back, Yan Yan!"

But when the young man rushed to almost the same position as Jiang Yiyi, two boys who were neither too old nor too young rushed up and grabbed him from the left and right sides.

Don't let it take half a step forward.

"Let me go, let me go!" Regardless of being stopped by the two of them, Jiang Ran's blue veins on his forehead and neck swelled due to excessive force, and his complexion turned blue!

But even so.

Jiang Ran couldn't get rid of the two boys.

In the end, he had no choice but to vent his anger on Jiang Yiyi who was watching the show.

The boy glared at the girl with a gloomy face, and almost gritted his teeth and threatened: "Jiang Yiyi, I'll give you a chance to let the two of them let me go."

"You better not force me."

He had a grim face.

Hearing this, Jiang Yiyi was still a little guilty about facing the young man, but after Jiang Ran finished speaking, the guilt in her heart disappeared, and disappeared without a trace like a smoke disappearing.

The girl looked indifferent and said: "Stop Jiang Ran, don't let him pass, today I want Yan Yan to suffer a lot!"

I treat you so well, but you seem to be unable to see how I treat you!
It's all because of this newcomer, Yan Yan!

If she hadn't taken all your eyes away, I would never have done that.

All of this is what she deserves!

It's her own fault!

Jiang Yiyi thought viciously, and when her gaze was indirect, she secretly glanced at the dark alley in the distance.

Looking at Jiang Yiyi whose expression gradually became ferocious.

A chill flashed in the eyes of the young man, his lips were tightly pursed, and when the two people restraining his body did not respond, he raised his foot to step on one of them hard!
When the boy yelled "ah", he let go of his hands and hugged his feet in pain, and he raised his knees and punched the man's abdomen hard!
Immediately afterwards, everyone only heard a dull voice, humming lowly from the painful mouth, rolling on the ground in pain.

"Wow! It hurts!"

Didn't they say that this kid is not from the Lian family? !

Tmd the strength and moves he just had are what ordinary people know? ? ?

The other person who controlled Jiang Ran's arm was staring at the pain of his good brother rolling on the ground, still in a daze.

Before he could react, Jiang Ran's vacant hand firmly and quickly grabbed one of the person's shoulders, and he then exerted more force on the shoulder.

"Touch" sound!
A boy with the same height as Jiang Ran was thrown to the ground by the teenager.

This can't help but make Jiang Yiyi and the others stare dumbfounded!

In the past, they were gentle, gentle and energetic young men who could fight? ? ?
Just when Jiang Yiyi was shocked at the same time, in the alley at the other end.

Brother Biao followed up with three or five men and Yan Yan.

There was an evil smile on the man's face, and he pressed his tongue against his teeth before he opened his mouth to command the younger brothers at the side. "You guys went to explain to her, so hurry up and stop the ink."

Before the words from Brother Biao's mouth fell completely, he turned his back and said, "I'll wait for you at the entrance of the alley." ' and left.

Anyone who has been in their area basically knows what it means to confess someone.

The man confessed that it was done.

However, the woman's confession is the wheel.

Although Yan Yan didn't know what the man meant by that sentence, but seeing the obscene looks on the faces of the men who were approaching her step by step, she probably understood something in her heart.

The sky, which had become dark at some point, had already turned dark, and only a little light refracted into the alley. Although it was not clear, the road was gradually being able to be seen clearly.

The mouths of the men who were gradually approaching the girl let out low lewd smiles.

However, the obedient girl carrying a schoolbag in front of them was extremely calm and composed!

Yan Yan looked at them indifferently.

"Hey, brother Zhao, this chick is quite calm, she doesn't cry or shout or make a fuss?" Some of them spoke first.

"I'm afraid I'm saving my strength and waiting to call later?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Several boys burst into laughter at the brother's joke.

Now the few of them were laughing happily. After ten seconds, no one laughed in the alley anymore, and the sound came out was bursts of crying and screaming!

"Look, guys, she's too scared to move."

"Let my brothers bully and bully her!"

Several people stopped when they were only tens of centimeters away from Yan Yan.

As soon as the few of them leaned over, Yan Yan felt an extremely unpleasant smell in his nostrils.She really didn't like this smell on people, so she took a step back.

Disgusted and said coldly: "Stay away from me."

After a little distance, it was much better.

The air has also become much clearer.

"Hey, how dare you despise me? See if I don't kill you chick today!" Someone could see the loathing and disgust in Yan Yan's eyes towards them.

With that said, the man stretched out his hand!

Just as he was about to grab and pull the girl's chest, he was knocked off by a force from the front.

Knocking off the outstretched hand, Yan Yan's eyes were extremely cold and he repeated again: "You said don't touch me, didn't you hear clearly?"

Seeing this, several people felt bad, but before they could react, the girl made a move.


After a few minutes.

In the dimness, Yan Yan's eyes were very bright under the faltering yellow light.

And there were three or five people lying on the ground in front of her, and all of them showed pain and frowned!From time to time, there were bursts of wailing sounds from his mouth.

The others are fine, only one person was beaten the worst!
That person is the guy who is ready to make a frivolous Yanyan in a minute.

The girl plucked her messy hair a few times because of her excessive body movements, and squatted down next to someone with a pale complexion and her hands tightly covering her lower body.

The voice seemed to be somewhat casual: "I said don't touch me, you should have heard clearly this time, right?"

She seemed to be in a casual tone.

Slow talking is a silent threat to someone.

"Yeah! I heard it this time!" If he didn't hear clearly, he might break her hand tonight!
"Sister, we know we made a mistake, please stop hitting me, okay?"

Some of the people who were beaten lightly also stood up tremblingly at this time, and stepped back a few steps with fear on their faces, looking at the seemingly obedient girl in front of them.

Don't look at Yan Yan's usual indifference to world affairs, cold and gentle.

Once she starts.

It's not even half a point worse than Shen Shujun in his previous life!

It's just a few shots, and Shen Shujun can't wait for her to solve everything before she makes a move.

 In the past two days, my depression has relapsed greatly, and I owe two chapters of the recommended collection of monthly tickets, and I will sign up when I recover.In addition, those who plagiarize don't copy anymore, it's boring, stop it quickly, I'm not a waste who doesn't have the ability to create originality, it's unnecessary.

  ps: Thank you for the little fairy who gave me the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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