Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 85 Don't You Like It If You Don't Deny It?

Chapter 85 Don't You Like It If You Don't Deny It?

Yan Yan helped Ji Yun clean up the mess after the meal, and Yan Zhixing was kicked out of the room by Ji Yun after washing up.

Before leaving, Yan Zhixing, a tall man with a height of [-], stood at the door with a face full of reluctance, staring at his wife who had no expression on her face.

"Do you really want me to sleep in the guest room tonight?"

In addition to the rooms of Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun on the first floor, the house the Yan family lives in now has only two rooms upstairs and a utility room, and one of the rooms is where Yan Yan sleeps.

So if Yan Zhixing was kicked out, he could only go upstairs to sleep in the other vacant room.

Ji Yun silently stared at Yan Zhixing standing in front of him, and dismissed him word by word with a fake smile: "You think I'm joking?"

In the end, Yan Zhixing reluctantly dragged his tall and slender body up to the guest bedroom on the second floor.

After Yan Zhixing left, Ji Yun turned around and went to the bathroom to wash and change into pajamas. When Yan Yan was drinking water in the living room, he naturally saw Yan Zhixing's lonely back as he left and went upstairs.

The girl sighed helplessly.

Ji Yun loves her very much.

If Yan Zhixing stopped standing at the door and asked her again, he wouldn't have to sleep in the guest bedroom on the second floor tonight.

After drinking the water, Yan Yan walked into the master bedroom on the first floor.

"Yanyan, have you finished your homework?" Ji Yun, who just walked out of the bathroom, met a girl who just came in. She asked casually, although she knew that her daughter Yanyan was very self-disciplined in doing things, and she didn't need parents to urge.

This is quite different from other children.

It doesn't make Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun half-hearted in these aspects.

"Well, I finished it early in the morning when I was at school."

For Yan Yan, who had already attended high school once, the learning knowledge she was exposed to now was not too difficult.

After all, I have studied it once, and Yan Yan can basically analyze the homework assigned by the teacher in seven or eight minutes after the class is over.

After that, in the process of completing the homework, it was only a matter of ten minutes for her.

Hearing this, Ji Yun nodded slightly in response, and after getting into bed, she habitually picked up the books placed on the bedside table and read them.

Ji Yun's habit has lasted for more than ten years.

No matter where you are.

It hasn't changed at all.

Seeing this, Yan Yan had a panoramic view of Ji Yun who was half-sitting on the bed while reading a book. After getting on the bed, she lowered her eyelids slightly to hide the dim light in the bottom of her eyes.

If there is no accident, Ji Yun will ask her something later.

When Yan Yan was thinking like this in his heart, Ji Yun's voice, which was always gentle like water, slowly sounded in the silent room.

Ji Yun was not hypocritical, and asked directly: "Yanyan, which boy do you like traveling with you?"

"I don't like it." On this point, Yan Yan was telling the truth.

"Don't like it?" A trace of surprise flashed in Ji Yun's eyes because of the girl's words: "Mom can tell that you like and have a good impression of that boy, don't deny it."

"Mom, I don't deny that I have a crush on him."

Yan Yan didn't expect Ji Yun to guess everything in his mind in one go. "But having a good impression doesn't mean that you like it."

"If you don't deny it, don't you just like it?" Ji Yun, who was half leaning on the bed reading, put down the half-read book in his hand, sighed slightly, and said to her: "Yanyan, you don't have to hide it from your mother, you often fall in love with someone." It starts with good feelings.”

(End of this chapter)

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