Chapter 86

"I wouldn't like him."

Judging from Ji Yun's tone, Yan Yan doesn't seem like the kind of other parents who find out that their children are still in school and like someone, so they immediately interrupt and refuse to stop it.

Yan Yan is very lucky to have such transparent parents.

"Liking someone is not something people can control." Ji Yunyu stated the facts to the girl beside him in a long voice.

Indeed, liking someone and falling in love with someone is beyond anyone's control.

At least they have never seen anyone who has lived most of their lives.

"I can control it." The girl's eyes were extremely firm at the moment.

If Yan Yan hadn't been reborn like she was in her previous life, she wouldn't have dared to tell Ji Yun that she could control it.

However, she is already a person who has lived two lives.

He is a person with a lifetime of lessons.

With such a lesson like blood and tears, can she not control it?

"You can't control it, Yanyan." Ji Yun's eyes seemed to be filled with some unusual light, and after taking a deep look at her with some meaning, he stated the facts lightly: "This kind of thing, it's not you If you want to control it, you can control it.”

"Mom said these words to you today, not to break this emotion. Mom knows your temper. I just want you to know that no matter what you do, mom and dad will support you. You have been very happy since you were a child. Sensible, don't let us worry about it." Ji Yun turned her head and looked at the softer facial features of the girl in front of her under the light without moving, she thought:

Since you woke up that time, people have become more sensible, and they will carefully observe other people's faces and actions.

These things shouldn't happen at your age.

"Mom believes in you, you will not indulge in this."

Ji Yun trusted her daughter very confidently.

"However, if you have a good impression, you will like it. Yanyan, you don't have to resist."

This kind of emotion can be produced by individuals, what Ji Yun doesn't understand at the moment is why her daughter is extremely resistant to the emergence of this kind of emotion.

Mingming is only sixteen or seventeen years old, why did he have the idea of ​​​​resisting this kind of emotion.

Ji Yun couldn't understand it.

Don't want to entangle with Ji Yun about this matter, so Yan Yan changed the subject, she yawned, a little sleepy appeared in her facial features, and said softly to her: "Mom, go to sleep, I will Sleepy."

"Go to sleep."

Ji Yun, who was in a very clear state of mind, could not see that Yan Yan was changing the subject to himself.

Ji Yun didn't dwell on this matter too much.

In the darkness without a ray of light, Yan Yan waited for the sound of heavy breathing from the people around him, and then opened his eyes that were not sleepy.

Her bright and bright eyes stared straight ahead in the darkness.

On the surface, she looked peaceful and tranquil, but her heart became confused because of what Ji Yun said to her not long ago.

My mind is also very chaotic.

For a moment, Yan Yan's mind kept flooding with the picture of meeting Shen Shujun, that lunatic in the previous life, and then the figure of this life and Jiang Ran, the obviously silent young man. The two kept seeing each other in her mind. Guards staggered out of each other.

The image in Yan Yan's mind finally stayed at the things that Shen Shujun did to her in the previous life, and then stopped abruptly.

No, she will never allow herself to fall into the same pit again.

Absolutely not.

(End of this chapter)

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