Paranoid and sick, he said I was mentally ill

Chapter 92 She Won't Repeat the Same Mistake

Chapter 92 She Won't Repeat the Same Mistake
"I'm fine, Dad, don't worry all the time." Faced with Yan Zhixing's kindness and concern for him, Yan Yan tried his best to quickly adjust his complex emotions, and tried his best to restore his former ease and happiness.

Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun are good everywhere, not to mention loving their daughter, they are still very careful.

Pay attention to her emotions more carefully than their own!

No, Yan Zhixing took a good look at her as soon as she entered the door.

Yan Zhixing, who was about to say something again, flashed through Ling Ran's mind quickly, and his words suddenly changed in fright, and he swallowed the words that were about to spit out after strangling his throat, and immediately changed to: "Why don't you, Yanyan, go upstairs and go back to your room to rest?"

"it is good."

When the girl heard the words, there was a little bit of dazzling light in her eyes. After saying goodbye to the man, she went straight upstairs.

The entire behavior during the period was extremely full of despair, every inadvertent movement seemed to tell others how out of her mind she was at this time, and she was not distracted.

After returning to the room in a daze, Yan Yan didn't even go to the bathroom to change her clothes, she walked to the balcony of the room, sat down on a small chair on the balcony, and remained in a daze until halfway through, when the sky gradually faded The ground was dim, and it was only when she woke up that she had been in a daze for so long.

Sitting on the chair, looking at the clouds in the distant sky stained with pale golden sunset, at this moment Yan Yan sighed deeply both in his heart and mouth.

"I really like him." Cherry blossom-like lips whispered softly.

There is the soft sound of the breeze blowing by, and there is also the wind blowing the wind chimes hanging high on the balcony, making crisp and melodious bells.

Listening to the crisp and melodious sound of the wind chimes, the scattered light in Yan Yan's eyes before the ringtone touched the scattered light at the bottom of his pupils was suddenly condensed.

She stared at the distance in front of her with pure eyes, her firm eyes seemed to have made up her mind!
Heh, how do you like it, this kind of emotion must not be suppressed?

In the previous life, she fell on that fake and gentle lunatic once, and in this life, she definitely can't let herself fall into it again!
The girl's bright eyes refracted one after another embarrassingly certain dark lights.

Covering the light in his eyes, Yan Yan got up from the chair on the balcony, walked into the room, and then plunged into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Yan Yan stared at himself in the mirror with fair skin and distinct facial features.

In the mirror, her face is so beautiful, with picturesque willow eyebrows, white teeth and bright eyes, a straight nose, skin like creamy fat, and those red lips that are spotty and red are colorless at this moment, different from usual Ruddy and beautiful, but if you look away, you will find that the eyes of the girl in front of the mirror are full of indifference and tranquility.

There was a dead silence on that beautiful face, without the slightest smile.

If Yan Zhixing and Ji Yun were standing here at this moment, looking at Yan Yan like this, they would definitely be shocked.

Such a cold and indifferent daughter was something they had never seen before.

A gleam flashed in the bottom of his eyes, Yan Yan picked up the eyebrow trimming knife on the sink, and held it tightly with white fingertips, and then there was a more obvious stabbing sound in the air, and then, the bright red liquid ticked Ticks dripped onto the white and snow-like washstand, becoming an extremely eye-catching and terrifying existence.

Yan Yan drew a mark on his left wrist with an eyebrow trimmer.

The wound was neither deep nor shallow, but it was enough to make her feel a lot of pain, but compared to the spiritual pain in her previous life, Yan Yan felt that it was nothing.

She raised her eyes to see the light and dark light rising from the girl's eyes in the mirror, and the continuous burning pain on her wrist was like an infinite reminder.

Remind her herself, remind her that she must never fall into any relationship in this life!
(End of this chapter)

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